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66 Cards in this Set

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study of cells/tissue/organs
ratio of image size to object size
smallest distance a which 2 very close points can be distinguished from each other
interaction of an energy source with cells/tissues components permitting the visualization of the cells/tissue
light microscopy
energy: photons of light
lens: optical
electron microscopy
energy: electrons
lens: electromagnets
Transmission electron microscopy
look inside the cell
Scanning electron microscopy
look at surface of structure
basic stain, interacts with acidic cell components, turns them blue/purple
acidic stain, interacts with basic cell components, turns them pink/red/orange
RBC length
8 microns
carbohydrates attached to outer leaflet membrane proteins or lipids
Active, secretion, release of cellular products, secretory vesicles from golgi
Receptor-mediated endocytosis
active, absorption, ligand binds to receptors in plasma membrane which invaginates to form endocytotic vesicles (endosome) which fuse with lysosomes
active, large particles engulfed by cell, psuedopodia, vesicles are phagosomes which fuse with lysosomes, often performed by macrophages
active, generalized absorption, take in water/dissolved molecules and recycle membranes, pinocytotic vesicles, fuse with lysosomes
Nuclear Events
DNA transcription/processing (mRNA synthesis)
tRNA synthesized
rRNA synthesized in nucleolus
Cytoplasmic Events
ribosomal subunits assemble into ribosomes
mRNA translation into codons
tRNAs transfer amino acids
Ribosomes (general)
large and small subunits assemble around strand of mRNA, protein synthesis
Free ribosomes/polysomes
clusters of ribosomes translating single strand of mRNA (beads on a string), make soluble proteins that remain in and funtion in cell
ER-bound ribosomes
attached to outer surface of ER, proteins destined to be incorporated into cell membrane, packaged into lysosomes, or secreted from the cell
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
synthesizes proteins for incorporation into cell membrane, packaged into lysosomes, or secreted from the cell. proteins are transported to golgi for more processing via transport vesicles.
Golgi apparatus
chemical modification of proteins from RER. sorts and packages into secretory vesicles, transport vesicles, or lysosomes
contain acid hydrolyses that are synthesized in RER and modified in Golgi. bud off the Golgi. proton pumps in membrane transport H+ into lumen and reduce pH to 5.0 which activates acid hydrolyses which degrade/process the contents. fuse and digest endocytotic/pinocytotic vesicles, autophagosomes, phagosomes
site of ATP synthesis via oxidative phosphorylation. DNA containing and self replicating
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
lipid metabolism, cholesterol and triglyceride synthesis. abundant in cells for detoxification and steroid hormone secretion. called the sarcoplasmic reticulum in muscle cells.
remove free radicals and hydrogen peroxide from cell. abundant in cells of liver and kidney
condensed, inactive, dark staining. (condensed nucleus)
not visible, unwound, active form, lighter staining. (vesicular/open-faced nucleus)
Epithelial tissue functions (5)
Protection, transcellular transport, secretion, absorption, detection of sensation
Apical surface of epithelium
borders lumen/surface. microvilli and cilia
absorption of molecules from lumen/surface. very uniform. create more surface area. often associated with thick glycocalyx
move luminal material (mucus) along surface. long and messy looking, beat in coordinated fashion
Basal surface of epithelium
associated with basement membrane and connective tissue. hemidesmosomes
cellular junction. attach basal portion of plasma membrane to underlying basement membrane. spot weld.
Lateral surfaces of epithelial cell
plasma membranes of adjacent cells interlock with eachother using interdigitations called enfoldings. intercellular junctions.
Tight junctions
zonula occludens. top-most. belt that goes all the way around forming a selective barrier between adjacent cells.
Intermediate junctions
zonula adherens. 2nd from top. belt going all the way around forming cell to cell adhesion. spanning proteins.
macula adherens. 3rd from top. can be multiple. spot weld. cell to cell adhesion. spanning proteins. attachment plaque. intermediate filaments insert into attachment plaque and make hairpin turn-strong anchoring.
Junctional complex
tight junction, intermediate junction, desmosome
Gap junctions
nexus/communicating junctions. can occur anywhere below junctional complex. communication between cells. connexons and central pore. highly regulated.
Pseudostratified epithelium
simple, respiratory and male reproductive systems
Transitional epithelium
stratified, urinary system
Exocrine glands
secrete into ducts
Endocrine glands
secrete hormones which are taken up by blood vessels in underlying connective tissue. no ducts
Connective tissue functions (6)
structural support/framework; conduct and translate muscle contractions into movement; medium for metabolic exchange; aid in immunity; fat and mineral storage; stroma of glands and organs
Ground substance
amorphous and gel-like, hydrophilic. made of proteoglycans and adhesive glycoprotein
core protein with glycosaminoglycans attached via covalent bonds. molecular filters by slowing movement of substances, biological springs and biological sponges. compression caushed negative charge to increase which slows water loss.
repeating dissacharide groups that are sulfated (except for Hyaluronic acid). hydrophilic, negative electrostatic charge attracts NA+ and thus water creating hydration shell.
Adhesive glycoproteins
adhere cells to fibers in ECM. bind to cellular transmembrane receptors (integrins) which bind to actin inside the cell.
Collagen fibers
give ECM tensile strength. bendable.
Collagen fiber arrangement
Tropocollagen > Fibrils > Fibers > Bundles
Type I Collagen
most abundant type. highest tensile strength.
Type II Collagen
type that don't bundle into fibers. abundant in hyaline and elastic cartilage. restrain proteoglycans.
Type III Collagen
type composed of reticulin that form web-like structures. stroma of organs and glands. Glycosylated.
Elastic fibers
contain elastin. elasticity.
Fixed connective tissue cells
fairly long-lived, permanently reside in connective tissue
Transient (wandering) connective tissue cells
travel within blood and migrate into tissue spaces. involved in host defense
most widely distributed and abundant fixed cell. synthesize and secrete ECM. synthesize scar tissue
synthesize and store fat. can be multilocular (brown) or unilocular (white)
Mast cells
long-lived, some ability to move through tissue. found in dermis of skin, respiratory and digestive systems. granules that contain chemical mediators of inflammatory response. cause vasodilation and attract leukocytes
remove cellular debris via phagocytosis. protect body from invading microorganisms, antigen presenting cells. can form multinucleated giant cells.
Loose (areolar) connective tissue
loosely arranged fibers and abundance of cells
Dense irregular connective tissue
abundance of fibers, fewer cells. found in parts of dermis
Dense regular connective tissue
abundance of fibers, fewer cells. found in tendons, ligaments.
Reticular connective tissue
lattice-like arrangement of reticular fibers. found in organs that filter cells, blood, or lymph as well as endocrine glands