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34 Cards in this Set

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endocrine glands
-parenchymatous cells usually large epithelial in close contact with dense networks of capillaries
- secrete products (hormones) directly into intercellular or perivascular CT spaces whereby they reach the circulatory system
-hormones regulate fx of specific tissues or organs: target organs
parts of hypophysis/ pituitary gland
1. adenohypophysis
2. neurohypophysis
1. pars distalis
2. pars intermedia
3. pars tuberalis
acidophils of pars distalis of adenohypophysis
1. somatotrophs: production of somatotrophin or growth hormone
2. lactotrophs or prolactin cells: induces the secretion of mammary gland (lactogenic activity)
basophils of pars distalis (of adenohypophysis)
1. thyrotrophs: TSH, induces thyroid gland to release thyroxine
2. gonadotrophins: FSH and LH
3. corticotrophs: adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), acts on adrenal cortex
- most chromophobic cells considered to be temporarily resting degranulated chromophils
pars intermedia of adenohypophysis
-closely associated with the neurohypophysis
-completely separated from pars distalis by the hypophyseal cleft
- melanotropes
- of pars intermedia of adenohypophysis
- most abundant cells
- may surround colloid- filled follicles
- produce melanocyte- stimulating hormone (MSH)
pars tuberalis of adenohypophysis
- clusters of epithelial cells often forming small follicles
- cells morphological characteristics of peptide- secreting cells that are subject to seasonal variation
-believed to play a role in seasonal repro of some animals
- few gonadotrophs and thyrotrophs are present
supraoptic and paraventricular nuclei of Hypothalamo-Neurohyposphyseal system
- make up hypothalamic component
- characterized by large neuronal bodies containing neurosecretory granules which produce:
1. oxytocin
2. vasopressin/ antidiuretic hormone
axons of the Hypothalamo-Neurohypophyseal tract
-transport oxytocin and ADH to the neurohypophysis
Herring bodies of Hypothalamo-Neurohypophyseal system
-enlarged axon terminals of the neural lobe that store and release neurosecretory granules in the perivascular space of sinusoidal capillaries
pituicytes of Neurohypophysis
modified astrocytes which from an extensive network around axons and capillaries
- microglial cells also present in neurohypophysis
Thyroid capsule
- dense irregular CT
-trabecula extend into the parenchyma, dividing it into lobules
thyroid lobules
1. thyroid follicles: filled with gel like substance (colloid), lined by follicular cells
2. parafollicular cells
3. dense networks of sinusoidal capillaries
thyroid stimulated
- cuboidal or low columnar
- colloid dissolved, may be at luminal surface
- golgi on apical surface
- secretes thyroid hormone
thyroid resting
- low cuboidal
- colloid appears very dense
parafollicular cells of thyroid
- usually single cells in basal lamina of follicle
- dogs: sometimes groups outside follicles
- light cytoplasm
- abundant golgi
- vesicles: secrete calcitonin which lowers B Ca by supressing bone resorption
parathyroid gland gen
- dense irregular CT capsule
- parenchyma: clusters of cords, highly vascular
- parathormone: maintains Ca and P B levels
Cells of parathyroid gland
1. light: principle, inactive
2. dark: principle, active
3. oxyphillic: horses and ruminants, few, large, light, unknown fx
4. transitional: structural b/w principal and oxyphillic
adrenal gland
- thin CT capsule
- parenchyma: outer cortex, inner medulla
zones of adrenal cortex
1. glomerulosa
2. fasciculata
3. reticularis
zona glomerulosa of adrenal cortex
- steroid secreting: produce mineralcorticoids (aldosterone) which maintains Ca and K in ECF
1. ruminant: irregular clusters of cords of cells
2. horse, carnivore, pig: zona arcuata, cells arranged in arcs
zona fasciculata of adrenal cortex
- radially arranged cords
- cuboidal or columnar
- large number of lipid droplets
zona reticularis of adrenal cortex
-irregular network of anastamosing cords
- cells similar to zona fasiculata
zona fasiculata and reticularis of adrenal cortex
- involved in producing glucocorticoids: protein, fat and carb metabolism
adrenal medulla
- irregular cords and clusters separated by dense networks of sinusoidal capillaries
- chromaffin cells sometimes with PS ganglionic cells among them
chromaffin cells of adrenal medula
1. stronger chromaffin reaction: secretes NorEpi
2. less affinity to chromium salt: secrete epinephrine
pancreatic islets
- irregular anastamosing cords of 5 cell types:
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. small granulated
A cells of pancreatic islets
- 4-30%
- secretory granules insoluble in -OH
- secrete glucagon: increases B sugar
- nucleus indented or lobulated
- Mason's T and Gomori's A-F: brilliant red
B cells of pancreatic islets
- secretory granules soluble in -OH
- produce insulin: reduces B sugar
- Mallory's T: orange
- Gomori's A-F: deep purple
C cells of pancreatic islets
-immature precursor cells to other islet cells
- nongranulated or sparsely granulated
D cells of pancreatic islets
- rare
- produce somatostatin: inhibits secretion of insulin and glucagon
small granulated cells of pancreatic islets
- heterogeneous
- precursors to a variety of cells which produce gastro-entero-pancreatic hormones that inhibit intestinal motility and bile secretion