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50 Cards in this Set

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Dense irregular CT?
(no consistent pattern)
These tissues strengthen and support areas subjected to stresses from many direction.

gives skin its strength
except in joints:
Dense irregular CT form sheath around cartilages and bones called?
cartilages ( perichondrium)

Bones (periosteum)
Dense irregular CT forms a thinck fibrous layer surrounding internal organs called?
Glandular structures?2 types?
1. Unicellular glands (only one in body, Goblet cells)

2. Multicellular glands
CT has 3 components?
1. specialized cells
2. extracellular proten fibers
3. ground substance(fluid)
3 Classification of CT?
1. CT proper (Loose & Dense)
2. Fluid CT (Blood & Lymph)
3. Supporting CT (cartilage & Bone)
Cell Population of CT?
1. Fibroblast
2. Macrophages
3. Adipocytes
4. Mesenchymal cells(embryonic CT)
5. Melanocytes (melanin)
6. Mast cells (histamine &heparin)
7. Lymphocytes (plasma cells)
8. Microphages
1. CT Proper
Loose and Dense
Loose CT Proper
1. Areolar tissue
2. Adipose Tissue
3. Reticular Tissue
Dense CT Proper
1. Dense Regular CT
2. Dense Irregular CT
2. Fluid CT
Blood and Lymh
Formed Elements in Blood?
1. RBC's (1/2 volume)
2. WBC's (5)
3. Platelets (enzymes & special protein
5 White Blood Cells
1. Neutrophils
2. Eosinophils
3. Basophils
4. Lymphocytes
5. Monocytes
Cartilage growms by two mechanisms?
1. Interstitial growth
2. Appositional growth
3. Supporting CT
Cartilage and Bone
Extracellular Fluid includes three major subdivisions:
1. Plasma
2. interstitial fluid
3. lymph
1.Hyaline Cartilage
most common type
(except inside joint cavities)
Covered by dense perichondrium
Matrix contains; collagen fibers making it tough and somewhat flexable and reduce friction bt bony surfaces
Hylaine Cartilage locations?
Location: bt tips of ribs and bones of sternum;covers bone surface at synovial joints; support larynx, trachea, and bronchi; forming parts of nasal septum
2. Elastic Cartilage
contains numerous elastic fibers making it very resilient and flexible. provides support but tolerates distortion without damage and returns to original shape.
(yellowish color on gross dissection
Elastic Cartilage location?
auricle of external ear
auditory canal
cuneiform cartilage of larynx
3. Fibrocartilage
little ground substance and matrix made of collagen fibers interwoven making it durable and tough. Resist compression, prevents bone to bone contact, limits movement
Fibrocartilage location?
Pads within knee joints
Bt pubic bones of pelvis
Intervertebral disc
Bones (Osseous tissue)
Volume of ground substance very small.
2/3 of matrix consist of mixture of calcium salts (calcium phosphate)with lesser amts of calcium carbonate. The rest of matrix is dominated by collagen fibers.
Perichondrium has two layers?
1. Outer(fibrous layer)region of dense irregular CT

2. Inner (cellular layer)
Many Mucous membranes are lined by?
simple epithelia (forms absorption and or secreatory functions) Such as:
simple columnar epithelium of Digestive tract

Stratified squamous epithelium (mouth)

Transitional epithelium (urinary tract)
Ventral Body Cavity
surrounds: respiratory tract,cardiovascular,digestive,urinary, & reproductive organs.
Subdivided:Thorasic and Abdominalpelvic cavities
three types of serous Membranes?
1. pleura
2. peritoneum
3. pericardium
Serous memb can be subdivided into: Viceral and Parietal
Parietal: lines the inner surface of the caviy

Visceral (serous): covers the outer surface of visceral organs
Primary function of Serous Membrane
Minimize friction bt the opposing parietal and visceral surfaces
Fluid formed on the surface of a serous Memb. ?
(sm amts) just enogh to prevent friction
Mucous Membranes
lines cavities that communicate with the exterior.

Contain: areolar tissues called Lamina propia
What body organs surfaces do mucous memb cover?
Respiratory tract
Digestive tract
Reproductive tract
Urinary tract
(epiethelial surfaces are kept moist at all times to reduce friction and facilitate absorption and secretion)
The CT framework of the body, what do the layers do?
layer of CT connect the organs within the dorsal and ventral cavities with the rest of the body.
The Fasciae layers provide three things?
1. strengh & stability
2. Maintain the relative positions of internal organs
3. provide a route for distrubution of:
*blood vessels
*lymphatic vessels
are CT layers and wrappings that support an surround organs.
Fasiae is divide into three layer?
1. Superficial fascia (subcutaneous layer)&(hypodermis)
2. deep fascia
3. subserous fascia
What are the three types of Muscle tissue?
1. Skeletal muscle tissue
2. Cardiac muscle tissue
3. Smooth muscle tissue
What gives the skeletal muscle its stration look
Actin and Myosin filaments
Another name for Skeletal muscle?
Striated Voluntary Muscle
Cardiac muscle cells do not rely on nervous activity to to start a contraction. They have Specialized Cardiac muscle cells called... to establish a regular reate of contraction?
Pacemaker cells
Another name for Cardiac Muscle?
Striated involuntary muscle
Where is Smooth Muscle tissue located?
*walls of blood vessels
*around hollow organs (urinary bladder)
*layers around resp,circulatory,digestive,& reproductive tract
Another name for Smooth Muscle Tissue
Nonstriated involuntary muscle
What are the longest cells in your body?
longest cell in the body
cannot divide under normal circumtances, very little ability to repair.
A typical Neuron has 3 parts?
1. cell body (large nucleus & nucleolus)
2. dentrites (receive info from other neurons)
3. axon (conducts info to otheer cells)
aka Glia cell (supporting cells)
1. maintains physical structure of tissue
2. repairs tissue framework after injury
3. performs phagocytosis
4. provides nutrient to neurons
The restoration of homeostasis after a tissue has been injured involves two related processes
1. Inflammation
2. Regeneration
s&s: swelling, redness, warmth, and pain
is caused by harmful bacteria(pathogens)within the tissue causing inflammation