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26 Cards in this Set

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Damaged testis; what primary functions inhibited?
These are the two main functions of the testis
Steroidogenesis inhibited; function inhibited?
steroidogenesis is the production of sex hormones (androgens; in males testosterone is main H); and testosterone is essential for spermatogenesis
What week dose the testes develop?
7th week
If the SRY gene is absent from of Y chromosome; what happens to zygote?
gonadal sex cannot be determined
gonadal sex is determined via the SRY gene found in the sex-determining region of the short arm of the Y chromosome
If the TDF is mutated; then what development and differentiation will be restricted?
TDF is a specific DNA-Binding protein in the SRY gene and has been found to be directly responsible for testicular development and differentiation
If there is injury to the intermediate mesoderm; relative to development of the Testes; what structures will not form?
Urogenital ridges on posterior abdominal wall
The intermediate mesoderm forms the urogenital ridges on the posterior abdominal wall relative to the testes
If there is injury to the Mesodermal Epithelium; relative to development of the Testes; what structures will not form?
The lining of the urogenital ridges
the mesodermal epithelium (aka coelomic mesothelium) lines the urogenital ridges
If there is injury to the Primordial Germ Cells; relative to development of the Testes; what structures will not form?
Primordial germ cells migrate from yolk sac into developing gonads; in gonads they divide and differentiate into spermatogonia
If primordial germ cells do not migrate into the genital ridges; what do not develop?
Primary Sex Cords
The migration induces mesodermal cells of urogenital ridges and cells of the coelomic mesothelium to proliferate and form the primary sex cords
If the primary sex cords do not form; what will not develop?
Seminiferous Cords
As they differentiate into them
If mesoenchyme does not separate seminiferous cords of the Urogenital ridges during the indifferent stage on the posterior abdominal wall; what would NOT happen?
the indifferent primordium would not develop into a testis
During the indifferent stage; the urogenital ridges are identical in both sexes; has potential to develop into either sex; in early male development the menchyme separates the seminiferous cords giving rise to Leydig (interstitial; [Def- forming or occupying]) Cells; Leydig cells produce testosterone and the testosterone stimulates the growth of the indifferent primordium into a testis
If Leydig Cells are incompetent; during the course of the developing testis; what development is halted?
The development of the indifferent primordium into a testis
Leydig Cells are responsible for the the production of testosterone and testosterone stimulates the indifferent primordium into a testis
During development of the testis; is the production of testosterone is inhibited; additionally to the inability of the indifferent primordium to develop into a testis; what other developments are ceased?
Medonephric (Wolffian) Ducts into male genital ducts and the development sertoli (sustentacular) in the semiferous cords.
If the development of sertoli cells are inhibited; what would occur?
Development of the urogenital ridges into female reproductive organs
sertoli cells secrete MIF (Mullerian-inhibiting Factor) [similar to TGF-b] which inhibits cell division of the paramesonephric (mullerian) ducts; thus inhibiting them from developing into female reproductive organs
without 5-alpha reductase; what is the fate of the external genitalia?
female external genital organs; along the "female template"
5-alpha reductase; enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT. (dihydrotestrome) and DHT meditates the the development from the indifferent stage toward male external genitalia; REGARDLESS of the genetic or gonadal sex!
What is defined in the developing male embryo as its Hormonal Sex?
Appearance of Testosterone
and DHT
=> Appearance of testosterone- via Leydig Cells- via the mesechyme separating the seminiferous cords (this action gives rise to LC); testosterone stimulating the development of the indifferent into testis

=> MIF- Inhibiting paramesonephric ducts to develop into female external genital organs

=> DHT- via testosterone (by 5alpha-reductase); mediates the development of the external genital organs
Around what week does the testes descend from the posterior abdomen into the scrotum?
~26th (~6.5 months) week of gestation
Without testosterone; relative to the descent of the testis; what not occur?
Testes would not descend
Testosterone causes the Gubernaculum to shorten; drawing the testis into the scrotum
What could an obstruction of the inguinal canal cause; relative to the descent of the testis?
aka Undescended testes; as they descend through the inguinal canal; common in about 30% premature; and ~1% full-terms
Relative to the descent of the testis; what could lead to risk of testicular cancer?
Relative to the mesonephric ducts; what fails to develop without testosterone?
Efferent Ductules
Ductus Deferens
Seminal Vesicle
Ejaculatory Duct
the mesonephric duct come into close approximation to the developing rete testis as a degenerating mesonephric tubule; under stimulation via testosterone
What function is affected if the testes do not maintain a below normal body temp temperature? What functions are not inhibited?
Spermatogenesis; Steriodogenesis is not hindered
Requires 2-3 deg C below body temp for spermatogenesis; steriodogenesis (hormone production) is not affected; as it can occur at body temp
What does maintaining high temperatures of the testis and failure of descent of the testes cause?
inhibits spermatogenesis
Injury to the pampinform venous plexus causes what?
Injuries ability of testes to maintain lower temp
Cooler venous return
What does injury to the cremaster muscles cause?
testes inability to maintain temperature in varying environments
in cooler environment- pulls in; utilizing body temperature
warmer environments- lets out; allowing cooling
What does incompetence of Dartos muscle cause?
testes inability to maintain temperature in varying environments
in cooler environment- wrinkle; preventing heat loss
warmer environments- loosens; giving off more heat