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219 Cards in this Set

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1 dalton
mass of a hydrogen atom
1 micron
one thousandth of a milimeter
Light microscope magnifies up to
x2,500 with .2 micron resolution
EM magnifies up to
x~500,000 with .1-.2 nm resolution
what is the downside to EM?
Cannot be used to observe living cells
Bright field microscopy
shows little detail unless it is stained
phase contrast
is usedul for ordered structures like mitotic spindles and striated muscle
differential interference contrast microscopy gives a three dimensional appearance to the cell
dark field microscopy
illuminates the cell from the side giving scattered light against a dark background
Fluorescence microscopy
a fluorescent molecule is tagges to an antibody to identify a specific molecule. Different colored labels can be used to see different molecules in the same view. Fluorescent molecules are excited by light of one wavelength and emit light at a different wavelength
how to prepare a LM slide
1, fix in buffered solution to preserve structures 2, wash in buffer dehydrate in ethanol then embed in was or plastic 3, slice sections 1-10 microns thick 4, stain with hematoxylin or other dye
How to prepare a TEM slide
fix and wash in buffer, post fix in heavy metal (osmium), dehydrate in ethanol, plastic, ultrathin sections, mount on copper grid, stain with heavy metals ***osmium, uranium, lead***
Cell membranes are lipid and protein bilayers that
serve as physical boundaries, enable cell-cell recognition, compartmentalize eukaryotic cells, attach to cytoskeleton and extracellular matrix, sites for receptor molecules, sites for biological reactions
how was the mosaic aspect demonstrated?
freeze fractured membranes. Frozen, sliced through blayer, pits and particles, metal replica of surface from acid dissolution
How was the fluid aspect of the fluid mosaic model demonstrated?
mouse and human cell fusion with different fluorescences showed lateral diffusion. Can also be seen with FRAP fluorescence recovery after photobleaching
What slows lateral movement in the plasma membrane?
1, contact with cytoskeleton 2, contact with extracellular matrix 3, contact with proteins of an adjacent plasma membrane 4, tigh junctions preventing lateral mobility
oligosaccharides are attached to membrane proteins and lipds to
facilitate in cell-cell recognition. E.g. in immunology and embryonic development
The sides polarized sides of epithelial cells are
the apical side (in contact with air or fluid), the basal surface (in contact with the basal lamina), the lateral surface (in contact with eachother by various junctions)
What produces the ECM (extracellular matrix)?
The ER and the Golgi
What does the ECM consist of?
Fibrous proteins embedded in a gel which resists compression. Fibrous proteins provide tensile strength (they resist stretching). Include collagen and laminin
name five junctions types in an epithelial cell
1. tight junction 2. adherens junction 3. desmosome 4. gap junction 5. hemidesmosome
tight junctions aka zonula occludens
occluding junctions, form a belt encriciling the inner lateral surface of epithelial cells, seal the plasma membranes, maintain polarity by disallowing lateral movement of key transport proteins
adherens junctions aka zonula adherens
anchored to actin filaments and form a continuous adhesion belt that encircles the inner surface of the cell, usually immediately below tight junctions, cadherens on the outside of cell join with cadherins with another cell
desmosomes aka macula adherens
spot welders, plaque like structure approximately 1 micron or less in diamter, bind esp where there is mechanical stress, cadhereins span the space between, plaques attach to intermediate filaments (often keratin)
attach cells to the extracellular matrix, like half a desmosome, integrins span the plasma membrane, plaques still attach to keratin inside the cell
gap junctions
2-4 nm space that separates adjacent cells that arei n communication.6 connexins form an aqueous channel that opens and closes via rotation
Endoplasmic Reticulum
a network of membrane tubules and cheets in the cytoplasm. P to 10% of cell volume, produces proteins and lipids for organelles, plasma membrane, and export; makes phosphplopis to be added to the ER membrane (involves flippase)
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
lacks ribosomes, produces steroids, detoxifies drugs, and sequesters CA ions in muscle cells
Signal recognition particle
free ribosomes ranslating proteins destine for the ER are picked up by the SRP and brought to ER. SRP receptor in the ER membran brings ribosome to translocation chaennl, translation continues into channel and the signal sequence is cleaved
Transmembrane protein translation
have an additional signal to stop transfer into the ER (an alpha helix anchors the protein) protein remains in membrane and signal sequence is cleaved off
v-snares and t-snares
v snares are on vesicles and t snares on the target membrane. They intertwine to fuse the vesicles with membranes
what is the tripeptide sequence that queues glycosylation?
asparagine-X-serine or asparagine-x-threonine
Three sections of the golgi
cis, medial, trans
transport of vesicles from the golgi
simultaneous two-way transport of COP-coated vesicles, forward (cis-med-trans) and backward (trans-med-cis)
KDEL receptors
in COP coated vesicles follow retrograde pathway all the way to the ER to return ER resident proteins that were budded off with vesicles. Retrieval mechanism
functions of the stops along the antiretrograde pathway
ER - oligosaccharides added, Cis and medial golgi can remove sugars, Trans golgi packages secretory proteins into secretory vesicles and sort them by destination
joined via adaptin to cargo receptors, assemble on cytosolic surface and shape membrane into a pit, dynamin causes the coated pit to pinch off and form a vesicle
what are the three pathways for a secreted vesicle after leaving the golgi?
Signal mediate diversion to lysosomes, regulated secretion, constitutive secretion
signal mediated diversion to lysosomes
proteins tagged with a mannose-6-phsphate in the cis golgi. Signal binds to mannose-6-phosphate receptors in the trans golgi and directs these proteins specifically to lysosomes
Regulated secretory pathway
release of these vesicles is triggered by a hormone for concerted release
constitutive secretory pathway
products are immediately discharged at the cell surface
cell engulfs entire cells or parts of cells. Pino cytosis is similar using small vesicles, non-selective uptake of extracellular material
receptor mediated endocytosis
uptake of specific molecules that bind externally, clatherin forms pit and dynamin pinches off, enzyme removes clatherine and vesicles travels to 1, lysosome 2, cytoplasm 3, pass unchanged through the cell
lysosomes maintain a pH of ___ through the use of _____
5, proton pumps
lysosomes contain ____ to digest substrates
enzymes like proteases, lipases, and phosphatases. Approximately 40
synthesis and secretion of lysosomal enzymes
Newly made lysosomal enzymes are glycolsylated in the EW, then undergo M6P modification in the golgi, they are then trafficked to a mature lysosome, low ph dissociates the M6P. But if goes to PM, M6P serves to restore some of the contents by reforming the vesicle
lysosomal storage diseases (two)
inclusion cell disease where without M6P, lysosomes are exported to the ECM results in coarse facial features, skeletal abnormalities, and retardation... and Tay Sachs where ganglioside accumulation results in retardation, blindness, and death
produce hydrogen peroxide and contain catalase. Involved in detoxification and break down of fatty acids
Zellweger's Syndrome
results from peroxisomes lack key enzymes leading to accumulation of toxic molecules, heptomegaly, and high levels of iron and copper in the blood stream.
neonatal adenoleukodystrophy
very long chain fatty acids cannot be oxidized and so accululat in the brain destroying myelin sheaths and in the adrenal glands causing deficiency of adrenal steroid hormones
important mitochondria features to remember
double membrane, have their own circular DNA, replicate on their own, contain their own ribosomes, site of OXPHOS
OXPHOS key facts to remember
pyruvate --> acetyl CoA, products of Krebs are CO2, GTP, NADH and FAH2. electron tansport chain creates proton gradient subsequently used to power ATP synthase and form water
glycolysis yields
2 ATP and 2NADH
2 pyruvate to 2 acetyl CoA yields
2CO2 and 2NADH
Krebs yields
4CO2, 2 GTP, 6 NADH, 2FADH2
Total yield of glycolysis
6CO2, 2ATP, 2GTP, 10NADH (30ATP), 2 FADH2 (4ATP) =30-38ATP
Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy
maternally inherited form of blindness due to mutations in the optic nerve's mitochondria being mutated and deprived of ATP
hsp40 chaperone protein
helps with the translocation of protein precursors to the mitchodria (can't enter folded) so prevents from folding
mitochondrial proteins
signal sequence signal transfer, hsp40 kepps unfolded, binds to receptor on OMM, lines up with IMM receptor, enters, signal cleaved, folds
Origin of epithelium
ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm
structure of epithelium
made up of cells that are closely packed and arranged in a single or multiple layers and resting upon a basal lamina. Avascular so relies on subadjacent connective tissue for vascular support
functions of epithelium
covers external surfaces, lines internal surfaces, forms unicellular and multi-cellular glands
3 apical surface specializations in epithelial cells
Microvilli, sterocilia, cilia
brush border, regular membrane infoldings, increases cell surface area, good for absorption and secretion
founs in parts of the male reproductive system including the vas deferens and epididymis, long actin filaments
found in the tracheal epithelium and oviduct, motility by active sweeping, membrane covered structures, 9+2 array of microtubules, move debris and mucus
basal lamina
basement surface. Three layers of electron density lamina lucida, lamina densa, lamina lucida. Collagen IV
Basal infoldings
invaginations of the basal lamina on cells with important rolse in regulated transport. Mitochondria likely to be found nearby
what are the 8 types of epithelium?
simple squamous, simple cuboidal, simple columnar, simple, pseudostratified, stratified squamous, stratified cuboidal, stratified columnar, stratified transitional.
simple squamous
thin layer of flat attenuated cells. Examples: lining of blood vessels, bowman's capsule in kidney nephron, pulmonary alveoli
simple cuboidal
cells are square in profile. Examples: glands, thryroid, tubules in kidney
simple columnar
cells are tall and rectangular in profile, nuclei are usually in basal region of the cytoplasm, sometimes have goblet cells. Example: lining of the digestive tract
Pseudostratified columnar
All cells contact the basal lamina but not all reach the luminal surface, cells vary in shape. Example: lining of the conducting airways, male reproductive tract
Stratified squamous
squamous cells at luminal surface, maybe keratinized or nonkeratinized, basal layer is mitotically active. Examples: epidermis, esophagus, tongue, oral cavity, vaginal lining
stratified cuboidal epithelium
uncommon, ovarian follicles and sweat glands
stratified columnar
uncommon, large excretory ducts of sweat glands
Transitional epithelium
apical surface cells are dome-shaped when relaxed, flatten when organ is distended, urinary tract lining: bladder and ureter
Gland formation
gland are epithelial cells that are specialized for secretion. Exocrine and endocrine
kinds of exocrine glands
simple tubular, simple extended tubular, simple branched tubular, simple branched acinar, compound tubuloaciner, compound tubular, compound acinar
goblet cells
unicellular exocrine glands, look like spheres with a stem
endocrine glands
prodcts are hormones and the target cells are located at some distance fromt eh gland cell
how many base pairs in a nucleosome and a linker stretch?
146 and 50 respectively
nuclear envelope has an inner and outer membranes that are continuous at the ___
nuclear pores
transport in the nuclear envelope
small molecules go through the pores and are regulated by proteins. Larger molecules have signal sequences that require active transport, their signal sequences stay on them
Lamins form the nuclear lamina
type of intermediate filament, fibrous layer in which the lamins form a lattice, help determine nuclear structure, anchor interphase chromosomes at their telomeres, defective lamina causes progeria
how are ribosomes made?
rRNA is synthesized as a single molecule in the nucleolus and is cut up and combined with ribosomal proteins in the assembly of ribosomal subunits in the nucleus… exported to cytosol
cell cycle phases
G1, S, G2, M
what happens in late G2 to cause mitosis?
phosphorylation causes chromosomes to condense, spindle formation, and breakdown of the nuclear lamina
When are chromosomes replicated?
during S phase
Replication of the centrioles and centrosome
G1- centrioles move apart, S new centrioles grow at right angle, G2 complete their growth. Ready for mitosis
Three types of spindel micro tubules
aster, overlapping, kinetochore. Definted by the location of their + ends: cortex, equator, and kinechores respectively
chromatin condenses, centrosome complexes move to ends of cell, mitotic spindle forms
___ microtubules pull and ____ microtubules push
astral, overlapping
nuclear envelope is disrupted to allow microtubules to access the chromosomes, nucleolus disappears, kineochores assemble and bind to microtubules
how to kinetochores work?
they are plaques at centromere, collar attaches to fibrils and holds the tubule in place, dynein attached to collar pulls the kinetochore towards the minus end of the microtubule
chromosomes align at the metaphase plate
kinetochores separate and pull apart chromatids (anaphase A) and chromosomes move to opposite poles from overlapping MT sliding (anaphase B) astral MT's contribute by pulling at cell periphery
chromosomes begin to decondense to form chromatin, nuclear lamina reforms, nuclear envelope reforms, nucleolus reappears, kinetochore microtubules disappears. Driven by dephosphorylation.
cytoplasm divides by process called cleavvage, contractile ring of actin and myosin around remaining overlapping spindle
necrosis occurs when cells are damaged, swell and burst. Initiates an inflamatory response
nuceus condenses in an organized manner and endonucleasses break down DNA, loses adhesion, shrivels, and is digested by a macrophage
describe the cytoskeleton briefly
links organelles and membrane systems, framework for cellular activities, generates force, serves in morphogenesis. Consists of microtubules, actin filaments, and intermediate filaments
intermediate filamens
monomer: rod with N and C terminuses. Form dimers, dimers stagger to form tetramer, 8 tetramers associate to form an intermediate filament. Noncovalent bonds.
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
amnormal neurofilaments (IF) cause damage to axons
desmin-related myopathy
desmin is IF of muscle cells near the Z line. Muscle fibers become disorganized because the IF not strong enough
epidermolysis bullosa simplex
defective keratin (IF in epithelia) causes blisters because unable to resist pressure
nuclear lamina (nuclear IF) cause premature ageing in children
involved in morphogenesis and mobility, wall consists of 13 protofilaments, comprised of tubulin dimers alph and beta, polar (beta is plus end)long unbranched cylinders
Kinesis and dynein
motor molecules associated with Mys. ATPases that convert ATP to mechanical energy. Dynein moves toward the minus end and Kinesin moves towrd the plus end.
Microtubule organizing centers
binds to microtubules, assembly occurs in the absence of disassembly, excessive microtubules cannot function.
Colchicine, vinblastin, and vincristine
bind to tubulin dimers and disassembly occurs in absence of assembly
F-actin and G-actin
F-actin is formed by polymerization of G-actin, ARPs nucleate F-actin
motor molecule associate with actin. ATPase to mechanical energy. Move toward the plus end with only one exception
charcot-marie-tooth (CMT) neuropathy
involves mutation of a kinesin in axons. Interupt transport of neurotransmitters. Axonal degeneration
retinitis pigmentosa
kinesin defect interupts transport in retinal cells
inhibits kinesin movement on acons and stops transport of neurotransmitters
herpes uses ____ to move along____
kinesisn, microtubules
cilia motility
the micro tubule doublets are connected to the ardial spokes and eachother by nexin and dynein arms. Dynein causes the microtubules to slide by eachother and the nexon anchors them to convert the sliding to bending
primary cilia
lack dynein and do not move. Are sensory and have signaling proteins instead
origin of connective tissue
functions of connective tissue
support, connect, protect, and bind to other tissues. Matrix for intercellular communication. Site of tissue reactions. Insulation and thermoregulation. Vascular support to other tissue
general characteristics of connective tissues
consists of a variety of cells embedded in an extracellular matrix
What is in the extracellular matrix?
water, electrolytes, minerals, wastes, nutrients, and chracteristic macromolecules(glycoproteins and proteoglycans) and fibers
categories of connective tissue based on the amount of fiber in the matrix
loose CT (areolar), Dense regular connective tissue (tendon and ligament), and dense irregular (dermis and periosteum)
list some special connective tissues
Adipose, embryonic, elastic, reticular, cartilage and bone, blood
Ground substance
contains glycoproteins (gP) and proteoglycans (pG)
proteinwit hbranched carbohydrates: fibronectin, laminin, chondronectin
core protein with GAGs. GAG examples: heparan, keratin sulfate, dermatan sulfate, chrondroitin sulfate
hyaluronic acid
part of the matrix, a GAG that doesn't bind to protein, aggregates and binds to water to lubricate joints
connective tissue cell types
fibroblasts, macrophages, pasma cells, mast cells, adipose cells
stellate shaped, synthesize fibers and macromolecules
pagocytic, derived from blood cells, irregular shape, immune, antigen-presenting cells
plasma cells
eccentric nuclei characteristic. Synthesize antigen specific antibodies. Derived from B-lymphoscytes
mast cells
contain granules that store chemical mediators of inflamation like histamine, receptos for IgE made by plasma cells
white unilocular. Insulator and shock absorber. Energy depot. Brown fat has thermogenin (uncoupling protein)
Connective tissue fibers
collagen for tensile strength and elastin for elasticity
types of collagen
type I (dermis, bone, dentin) Type II (cartilage) Type III (reticular) Type IV (basal lamina)
collage synthesis
1. Pre-Pro-collagen sequestered in ER 2. Pro & Lys are hydroxylated, triple helix formed with registration peptides 3. procollagen secreted to ECM 4. registration peptides cleavedandnow insoluble 5. collagen molecules aggregate along the registration lines to form fibers
Elastin synthesis
secretion of elastin precursor, tropoelsastin, cross-linking of tropoelastin molecules occurs desmosine and isodesmosine. Fibrilin 1, a glycoprotein provides the scaffolding to form fibers
Marfan Syndrome
mutation of the fibrilin gene that results in abnormal elastic fibers. Bulging of the aorta and dislocation of the lens of the eye
Type III collagen arranged in a meshlike network. Supporting function for highly cellular organs like lymph nodes, liver, and spleen. Can be identified by silver staining.
Origin of cartilage
derived from mesoderm
Function of cartilage
shock absorber flexible/cushioning and support
General characteristics of cartilage
consists of an avascular matric with chondrocytes ouse in cavities called lacunae. Cartilage is surrounded by vascularized perichondrium or synovial fluid
cartilage varieties
Hyaline, Elastic, fibrocartilage
Hyaline cartilage
most common, joint surfaces, nose, larynx, trachea, bronchi, embryonic skeleton. Homogenous glassy appearance. Contains type II collagen, hyaluronic acid, and proteoglycans and chondronectin
elastic cartilage
where support and flexibility are needed. Pinnae of the ear and epiglotis. Perichondrium and enlarges by appostiional growth. Black hairy appearance around lacunae
capsules and ligaments of joints. Support and tensile strength. Organized like dense, regular connective tissue. No perichondrium. Rows and bundles. Annulus fibrosus of intervertebral discs and pubic symphysis
What are the two types of cartilage growth?
Appositional and interstitial growth
appositional growth
surface growth which occurs at the cartilage surface between the perichondrium and the previously formed cartilage. Chondrenergic cells>chondroblasts. Secrete matrix.encase in lacunae .become chodrocytes
intertitial growth
proliferation of existing chondrocytes. Occurs from within. Young chondrocytes replicate via mitosis and secrete matrix to separate
Origin of bone
mesoderm (or neural crest for dermal flat cranial bones)
functions of bone
protect visceral organs, provide for locomotion via joints and muscle attachment sites, matrix serves as calcium depot, marrow is site for hematopoiesis
general characteristics of bone
composed of mineralized matrix and yet is a dynamic tissue that can be repaired and renewed
divisions of the skeleton
axial=skull vertebral column, sternum. Appendicular= pectoral and pelvic girdles plus limb bones
types of bone
compact and spongy. Compact made of osteons. 80% of adult skeleton. Spongy is delicate lattice of thin trabeculae, hematopoeitic tissue in cavities- flat bones, skull, sternum, and epiphyses
Bone matrix
type I collagen and osteocalcin and sialoprotein in the organic portion. Inoragin contains mineral deposits of hydroxyapatite crystals (calcium phosphate)
bone cells
osteoprogenitor cells, osteoblasts, osteocytes, osteoclasts
osteoprogenitor cells
spindle-shaped connective tissue cells that are derived from embryonic mesenchyme. Near bone surface, inner portion of periosteum. Differentiate to osteoblasts
active secretory cells found at the margins of growing bone, once in lacunae become osteocytes
mature bone cells. Have cellular processes that radiate from the cell boddies and form gap junctions with eachother to exchange nutrients
multinucleated, derived from blood monocytes, resorb bone matrix and release calcium to blood. Ruffles border faces bony matrix
Two ways that bone develops
intermembranous (within mesenchyme) Endochondral Ossification (within cartilage model)
Intramembranous ossification
direct deposit of matrix by osteoblasts in mesenchyme. Occurs in dermal bones
Endochondral ossification
involved progrssive replacement of hyaline cartilage model with bone. All bones below skull and clavicles
what are the five distinct ossification zones
resting cartilage, proliferating cartilage, hypertrophy, calcifying cartilage, ossification
resting cartilage
chondrocytes are at rest in hyaline cartilage area
proliferating cartilage
chondrocytes multiply and become arranged in parallel columns. Main zone responsible for bone growth
chondrocytes hypertrophy, increase in size, stop secreting collagen and proteoglycans and begin secreting alkaline phosphatase
calcifying cartilage
chondrocytes die and matric calcifies with mineral deposition
osteoblasts deposit bone matric proteins in the areas being vacated by calcified cartilage
primary bone
irregular arrangement of collagen fibers, large numbers of osteocytes and low mineral content. It is remodeled and replaced by secondary bone. Later replaced by secondary mature bone which is either spongy or compact
secondary bone
chemically mature. Spongy or compact.
consist of cylindrical concentric arrays of rings of bone matrix (lamella) arranged around a central canal (the haversian canal).
contain lacunae with osteocytes connected through canaliculi around the haversian canal.
haversian cannal
carry nerves, blood and lymoh vessels along the long axis of bone
volkmann's canals
carry vessels between the marrow cavity. The haversian canals, and the periosteum
Origin of muscle
Function of muscle
permits movement in skeletal system, visceral organs, heart
muscle cells also known as
Development of skeletal muscle
derived somites that give rise to myoblasts from the myotome portion
skeletal muscle organization
gross>fasicle (tissue level)>fiber (cell level) >Fibril (organelle level) >Filament (molecular level)
muscle fiber is wrapped in ____ and a fascicle is wrapped in ____ and a gross muscle is wrapped in _____
endomysium, perimysium, epimysium (superficial fascia)
appearance of skeletal muscle in micrscope
longitudinal section of fibers show striation and peripheral nuclei, crossection show peripheral nuclei
smooth muscle histology
smaller than skeletal, not striated, central nuclei in crosssection. Usually two bands for peristalsis: longitudinal surrounds circular in gut
cardiac muscle
branches, central nuclei in cross, intercalated disks but striated too.has a zigzag pattern where gap junctions meet
purkinje fibers
SA or AV nodes. Specialized myocardial fibers because they conduct electical impulses without synapses. Coordinate contractions in heart. Look light stringy and loose next to the cardiac muscles
function of nervous system
coordinate and regulate
structure of nervous system
key cells are specialized to communicate with speed and accuracy input>integrate>output
origin of nervous system
3 neural tube defects
anencephaly, encephalocele, spina bifida
brain and spinal cord
Autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic) Somatic (motor and sensory)
Spinal cord
deep matter gray, white is superficial, dorsal root the narrower horn. Cell bodies in gray matter
dorsal root ganglion
cell bodies look like fried eggs. Surrounded by sattelite cells
Cerebral cortex
gyri (raises) and sulci (grooves) outside is gray matter and inside is white. White matter is actually darker on slide.
cerebral cortex layers
6 layers. Molecular, external granular layer, external pyramidal layer, internal granular layer, internal pyramidal layer, polymorphic or multiform layer. Lgranular refers to mostly stellate neurons and pyramidal to pyramindal neurons
pyramidal neurons
80% of neurons in cortex. Release glutamate (major excitatory component of the cortex) output neurons that transmit signals to other parts of the CNS.
3 layers: molecular, purkinje cell layer, granular layer
molecular layer of the cerebellum
filled with very fine axons and dendrites from the cells below. Few neurons basket cells and stellate cells scattered
purkinje layer of the cerebellum
single layer of giant purkinje cells. Giant molecules that send their dendrites into the molecular layer and their axons into the white matter
granular layer of the cerebullum
very small neurons, granule cells, about the size and shape of lymphocytes. Axons extend into the upper layer of molecular
Meninges three layers
PAD, pia mater, arachnoid, dura mater. System of membranes to envelop the CNS
dura mater
outermost layer of the meninges made up of very dense fibrous tissue that is fairly impermeable and tough
middle layer of the meninges. Very loose and filled with CSF.
pia mater
delacate layer of collagen makes the inner most layer of the meninges
ependymal cells
in some places these cells form the choroid plexus to create CSF. Lines the lateral ventricles, third ventricle, and the aqueduct to the fourth ventricle to the central canal. Cuboidal or low columnar
types of neuron structure
unipolar and multi polar. Multipolar is the traditional form, uni polar have the denrite and axon enter the cell body through the same conduit
three types of neurons
sensory, motor and interneurons
glial cells
support cells in the nervous system :oligodenrocytes (schwann in PNS), Microglia, Astrocytes, Ependymal calls
only in the CNS, largest of the neuroglia, ancho neurons to blood supply. Blood brain barrier. Provide structural support, connect to eachother via gap junctions, supply glucose to nerves, regulate capillary blood flow via production of arachidonic acid metabolites. look dark and branchy spindery on slides
specialized brain macrophages derived from blood borne monocytes mesodermal origin. Phagocytic . Elongated bodies, elongated nuclei, dense chromatin, relatively few processes
form myelin sheaths of CNS neurons
Schwann cells
myelin cells for PNS. One axon per cell but multiple cells on axon. Looks like dark tree rings around the axon
non myelinated nerve fibers
axons small in diameter are usually non myelinated. CNS and PNS. Post ganglionic autonomic nervous sutem are non-myelinated and their axons are enclosed in simple clefts of schwann cells
connective tissues around nerve fibers
individual axon is surrounded by endonurium, bundle of axons is surrounded by perinuriumn whole nerve bundle is surrounded by epineurium
Where can you find the myenteric plexus?
between the longitudinal and circular layers of the smooth muscles in the intestines
Where can you find the submucosal plexus?
between the circularsmooth muscle and the epithelial layers