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9 Cards in this Set

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tissue composed of cells that line the cavities and surfaces of structures throughout the body
simple epithelia
Simple squamous epithelia consist of only a single layer of flattened cells resting on connective tissues. These flattened cells are specifically found in thin barriers where exchange of nutrients, wastes, or respiratory gases occurs.
Simple columnar epithelia are the ultimate cells for absorption and secretion. With the largest cytoplasmic volumes of all epithelia, these cells possess the organelle density and energy reserves to engage in the most complex and efficient secretory or absorptive functions. Simple columnar epithelia with microvilli line the small intestine where 90% of absorption from the digestive tract occurs. Ciliated types are found in small bronchioles of the respiratory tract and in the fallopian tubes of the female reproductive tract. In these locales, the cilia aid in the movement of mucous or reproductive cells . The unicellular gland or goblet cell, is a specialized columnar cell of mucous membranes that secretes mucous for protection.
collagenous fibers
Collagen is made by fibroblast cells that are found in connective tissue. The collagen molecule consists of three protein chains, each about 1,000 amino acids in length, that are entwined in a triple helix. There are 15 known types of collagen that can be divided into fibrillar and nonfibrillar. Fibrillar collagens are found in cartilage, tendons, skin, and bones and the fibrillar structure gives these great strength. Nonfibrillar collagens are found separating the basement membranes, the epithelial layers that line tube and in the cornea. They form networks and sheets.
Adipose tissue
is derived from lipoblasts. Adipose tissue also serves as an important endocrine organ[1] by producing hormones such as leptin, resistin and the cytokine TNFα
t occupies a small chamber called a lacuna, which is contained in the calcified matrix of bone. Osteocytes derive from osteoblasts, or bone-forming cells, and are essentially osteoblasts surrounded by the products they secreted. Cytoplasmic processes of the osteocyte extend away from the cell toward other osteocytes in small channels called canaliculi. By means of these canaliculi, nutrients and waste products are exchanged to maintain the viability of the osteocyte.
red blood cells. Erythrocytes transport oxygen and carbon dioxide between the lungs and all the tissues of the body. A circulating erythrocyte is little more than a container for hemoglobin.
Visceral (Smooth) Muscle
Visceral muscle is also called smooth muscle because it doesn't have cross striations. Visceral muscle contracts slower than skeletal muscle, but the contraction can be sustained over a longer period of time.
glial cells
part of the nervous system. Astrocytes are concerned with neurotransmission and neuronal metabolism. Oligodendrocytes are involved in the production of myelin, the insulating material around neurons.. And microglia are part of the immune system.