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41 Cards in this Set

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tissue on the apical surface of a structure that lines or covers "space"

Basement membrane

structure that epithelium anchors to


Is the epithelium Vascular or non-vascular


what germ layers contribute to epithelium

Simple squamous

Single flat epithelium associated with diffusion

pulmonary alveoli, blood vessels, cavity linings

Where is the simple squamous found


Epithelium that lines cavities


epithelium of blood vessels

Simple cuboidal

Single layer of cube shaped cells

Thyroid, Lens of the eye

Where are simple cuboidal found

Simple Columnar

single layer of tall or short rectangular cells

Gut lining, (oviduct, spinal cord, lungs)

where are simple columnar epithelium found indicate if cells are ciliated using parentheses

Pseudostratified columnar

single cell layer where not all cells reach the lumen Most commonly ciliated


where are the pseudostrarified columnar epithelium found

Stratisfied squamous

multiple layers of cells that get flatter towards the lumen used for protection and are the only epithelium type that is keratinized

epidermis, mouth cavity, and esophagus

where are stratisfied squamous epithelium found

transitional epithelium

multi layered epithelium with surface cells that are usually rounded

urinary system

where is the transitional epithelium usually found

1. meshwork to connect epithelium to tissue 2. stretch and recoil of tubes 3. prevents epithelial tissue from growing basally

3 basement membrane functions

Lamina Lucida, lamina deusa, lamina fibroveticularis

3 layers of the basement membrane


microscopic foldings of the surface membrane (brush or striated border) 1-2um tall no movement


small fingerlike extensions of the epithelium


non moving cilia usually 100um tall "hair cells" of the ear and absorptive in the epididymis


traditional cilia used for movement


what germ layers are glands derived from


gland cell product released by exocytosis found in sweat glands usually secretes protein


Cytoplasm is lost with gland cell product found in stinky sweat glands


Cell ruptures and the gland cell product is released with the rest of the cell contents found in sebaceous glands

goblet cells

unicellular glands that are mucous secreting and found in respiratory and digestive epithelium


watery gland secretion


mucousy gland secretion

Simple tubular

Gland found in the large intestine

simple coiled tubular

Gland type of the sweat gland

simple branched tubular

gland of the uterus and stomach

simple alveolar/acinar

gland of the urethra

Branched acinar

sebaceous gland type

compound tubular

gland type of the duodenum

Compound Tublo-acinar

gland with a complex duct network with a combination of tubes and alveoli

Salivary gland type and found in pancreas

Compound Saccular

Gland with large lumen, multiple excretory ducts
prostate, mammary, and lacrimal gland type


the epithelial derived, functional part of the gland comprising the duct and secretory unit


capsule of the gland