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99 Cards in this Set

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Integument consists of ______
Skin and derivatives (nails, hooves, feathers, etc.)
The 3 layers of the skin are:
1- Epidermis (the skin we see)
2- Dermis
3- Hypodermis
The 3 glands of the integument are:
1- Sebaceous
2- Sweat
3- Mammary
The are 4 main layers of the epidermal layer:
And one that occurs only in thick epidermis (i.e. footpad, nose, teat):
1- Stratum corneum (many layers
2- Stratum granulosum (1-4 layers)
3- Stratum spinosum (2-5 cells thick)
4- Stratum basale (1 layer)

1- Stratum lucidum (when it does occur, it is between corneum and granulosum)
The _______ is flat, cornified - dead.
Stratum corneum
The _________ is a translucent squamous layer (organelles absent). It is limited to only thick epidermis such as the footpad, nose, teat, etc.
Stratum lucidum
The ___________ is flat polygonal cells with basophilic granules.
Stratum granulosum
The ____________ is cuboidal to squamous.
Startum spinosum
The __________ is attached to the basement membrane by hemidesmosomes.
Stratum basale
Stem cell are located in which epidermal layer?
Stratum basale
In the stratum basale, ________ is abundant
The stratum basale has spots of ________ pigment.
________ is tonofilaments of keratin. It is held together by desmosomes and capable of mitosis.
Stratum spinosum
__________ has keratohylain granules which make keratin. Makes hard keratin which makes up hair, feather, hooves, etc. by disulfide bonds. Soft keratin makes up the outer layer, the corneum.
Stratum granulosum
________ is tough, protective skin that is keratinized with soft keratin.
Stratum corneum
What are the four types of epidermal cells?
1- Keratinocytes

2- Melanocytes

3- Langerhans cells (dendritic cells)

4- Merkel's cells
_________ divide and differentiate into outer protective cell layers. They form all the layers, basal, spinosum, granulosu, and corneum.
____________ are derived from the neural crest during development and are located between keratinocytes near the basement membrane. Special stains are needed to see them.
_________ secrete melanin granules - taken up by keratinocytes. The melanin accumulates over the nucleus to protect it from ________.

UV light
Melanocytes produce _________ in red skin/hair instead of melanin.
Black skin/hair has _____ of melanin, while fair skin/hair has _______ melanin.

Almost no
UV rays _______ production of melanin.
Increase. The more time spent in UV rays, the more melanin released, the darker a tan will become.
_________ are derived from monocytes, have cytoplasmic extensions, contain large granules called Birbeck granules.
Langerhans cells
_______ have antibodies at their surface to trap antigens and present them to lymphocytes. They are non-phagocytic but migratory. They are most prominent in stratum spinosum (also occur in the papillary dermis).
Langerhans cells. They are hard to see without special stains.
__________ are slow adapting mechanoreceptors for touch and are located within the basal layer. They are neuroendocrine cells with dense core granules. Myelinated axons terminate on them.
Merkel's cells. They require special stains and can form tumors, Merkel cell carcinoma.
________ are derived from epidermis and are located in the reticular layer of the dermis (sometimes even deeply into hypodermis), but are connected stratum basale.
Hair follicles.
The four major components of a hair follicle are:
1- Internal root sheath

2- External root sheath

3- Dermal papilla

4- Hair matrix
The _____ of a hair follicle is the glassy membrane.
Thick basal lamina
The ________ of the hair follicle goes up to sebaceous glands.
Internal root sheath
The _________ of the hair follicle is made of keratinized shingles.
The _________ of the hair follicle is made of keratinized cells with melanin granules
The ______ of hair follicles are keratinized central cuboidal cells. Present in large hairs only.
The _______ of a hair follicle is the capillary network around follicles and glands.
cutaneous plexus
There are 3 types of hair:
1- Primary (Guard)

2- Secondary (wool)

3- Sensory (sinus or tactile)
_________ hair has a large diameter, deep root, and has sebaceous and sweat gland, and arrector pili.
Primary. They occur in horses, cows, and some dogs. Come single or in compound follicle.
_______ hair has no medulla, no sweat gland, nor pili muscle. Has a shallow root.
_______ hair are whiskers (vibrissae), in blood sinuses and nerves, and some skeletal muscle.
The formation of the hair follicle is very similar to the formation of any other skin structure, such as ______ and ______.
Mammary gland and teeth
Short hair dogs have a _______ hair cycle, which leads to _______ hair loss.

The cause of the damaged shortened hair cycle is ________, which also increases in aged people.
The _________ gland is associated with hair follicles.
When sebaceous glands secrete sebum, secretory cells die and release all lipid droplets into the duct. This mode of secretion is:
_________ glands are most extensively developed in domestic animals and are simple tubular glands with a coiled secretory portion and a straight duct.
The duct of the ______ gland opens directly to skin surface, but frequently penetrates the epidermis of hair follicle just before the hair follicle opens onto the surface of the skin. Has myoepithelial cells between secretory cells and basal lamina.
______ glands are mainly in areas like the nose and footpads. Are simple tubular mucous or serous.
Merocrine (eccrine).

Most primates body contains merocrine sweat glands instead of apocrine glands like domestic animals.
The two layers of the dermis are:
1- Papillary dermis

2- Reticular dermis
The ________ is made of the loose connective tissue that supports the epidermis. It contains type III collagen from reticular cells, and sometimes has dermal papillae (irregular projections).
Papillary dermis
The _________ is the thicker zone deeper beneath the epidermis. Has larger bundles of type I collagen and elastic fibers. Has arrector pili (smooth muscle near hair follicles) and mutations cause skin lesions (loose, thigh, fragile).
Reticular dermis
__________ are pressure receptors in the dermis. They are located deep in some skin and in joints, and are nerve fiber adapted. Function is sensory and they have nerves attached.
Lamellar or Pacinian corpuscle
_________ is present in the hypodermis
Accumulation of _______ causes obesity.
white adipocytes
Loose and sagging skin is caused during the process of aging, because the body produces fewer new _________
Elastic fibers.
Connective tissue is ________
There are 2 different types of cells of the connective tissue:
1- Resident cells

2- Transient cells
The 5 different types of resident cells are:
1- Fibroblasts

2- Reticular cells

3- Adipocytes

4- Macrophages

5- Mast cells
There are 5 types of transient cells:
1- Plasma cells

2- Lymphocytes

3- Neutrophils

4- Basophils

5- Eosinophils
_________ synthesize pro-collagen and matrix proteins, glycosaminoglycans. They are prominent in RER and Golgi. They repair CT (produce collagen)
______ cause fibrosis and scarring as a result of excessive collagen production. They are spindle shaped and have elongated cytoplasm.
_________ synthesize and release smaller collagen fibrils (type III collagen) and ground substance. They are mainly in bone marrow and lymph node, where they form stroma.
Reticular cells
___________ are derived from monocytes. They have indented/round nucleus, blue gray cytoplasm with vacuoles. Phagocytic cells. They process antigens for immune system.
Macrophages, histiocytes (anywhere), osteoclasts (bone marrow), Kupffer cells (liver), alveolar macrophages (lung) and microglial cells (brain).
Mononuclear Phagocyte System (Reticuloendothelial system)
__________ look like basophils, which are not normally in CT. They come from stem cells in bone marrow; basophil lineage. They are large basophilic granules that contain heparin, histamine, chemotactic factors, and proteases.
Mast cells
Histamine triggers inflammatory response (formation of edema) by increasing permeability of small blood vessels and proteases activate complement components in __________
mast cells
_______ stain so intense it can cover nucleus. Allergens cause release of granules. Also stain PAS+, but cannot recognize with eosin. Found under many epithelia.
Mast cells
_______ tumor. When this happens, the cells of the tumor are unstable. This means they release their toxic granules with simple contact or even at random, creating allergic symptoms that do not correlate with exposure to any particular antigen. They are notoriously invasive and difficult to treat.
Mast cell
______ are usually near loose CT. Can be white fat or brown fat.
Adipocytes (fat cells)
________ are larger cells and have less blood than brown.
White fat
______ are smaller cells, multilobular, vascularized. One of its most important functions is to warm up our blood.
Brown fat. Looks brown because of there are so many mitochondria in them.
________ migrate from blood vessels into the connective tissue at the site of infections. Migrate into the connective tissue by diapedesis.
White blood cells
There are 2 types of lymphocytes:
1- T-cells

2- B-cells
_______ have little cytoplasm, have heterochromatic nucleus, and are often seen intraepithelial.
_________ have a distinct cartwheel nucleus, have large basophilic cytoplasm, large Golgi, and sites susceptible to infection.
Terminally differentiated B-cells are ________, which produce antibodies
plasma cells
__________ have rounded nucleus and often foamy cytoplasm
Monocytes -- macrophages
__________ have segmented nucleus, respond to chemotaxis, are phagocytic -- destory anitgens, and appear in abcess or pus formation
_________ have red granules (eosinophilic), nucleus with lobes, increased during allergies and parasites, and are phagocytic and stimulate collagen synthesis.
The extracellular matrix of connective tissue is made of ______ and ________.
Fibers and ground substance
There are 2 types of fibers:
1- Collagen

2- Elastin
__________ is most abundant fiber and protein in body. 70% of skin, 90% of bone dry wt. It is flexible but strong, and there are over 10 types.
The 4 important types of collagen are:
Type I - skin, bone, tendon, ligament, dentine

Type II - cartilage

Type III - small fibers

Type IV - basement membrane
________ forms when fibroblasts synthesize pro-collagen.
RER to Golgi to microtubule path to secretion of rpocollagen to polymerization into fibril (15 nm) to grow into bundles. This is the formation of _____
Dermatosparaxis, Feline Cutaneous Asthenia (FCA), and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) in humans are _________
collagen diseases
________ is an inherited defect in collagen synthesis caused by deficiency of procollagen peptidase. Results in fragility, hyperelasticity, and laxity of the skin.
Type V collagen is incorrectly produced in cats with the autosomal dominant form of _______. This results in poor package of type I collagen. The autosomal recessive form of this is caused by deficiency of procollagen peptidase.
Feline Cutaneous Asthenia
_________ is caused by defects in synthesizing Type I or III collagen.
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
_______ are in some ligaments. Have no striation, are wavy. They stain light pink with H&E, and black with special stains.
Elastic fibers
_________ is the substance between cells and fibers
Ground substance
Ground substance is made of ________, huge molecules with more sugar content than protein content. Proteins attached to sugars.

(NB: Glycoproteins: small molecules with greater protein content than sugar content. Sugars attached to protein)
_________ are bottle brush-like. Hyaluronic acid is the backbone. It's function is water absorption and to provide flexibility and cushioning. The sugars are GAGs (glycosaminoglycans).
Ground substance
There are 5 different types of GAGs:
1- Hyaluronic acid (most tissues, synovia, eye)

2- Chondroitin (cartilage)

3- Chondroitin sulfate (cartilage, bone)

4- Keratan sulfate (cartilage, bone)

5- Dermatan sulfate (skin)
________ are negatively charged, therefore they attract Na+ ions and water by osmosis. This create gels (cushion) or impart resistance to compression to certain tissues.

GAGs in gels, lubricants attract lots of water, while GAGs in hard tissues (more sulfated) attract less water.
__________ is the simplest of the GAGs. They are repeating disaccharide sequences forming huge chains. It is non sulfated.
Hyaluronic acid (or hyaluonan)
________ attract lots of water molecules, more than the other GAGs, and therefore make thick fluids or gels (synovial fluid contains almost only this). Plays a role in resisting compressive forces in tissues and joints.
Hyaluronic acid
_________ breed has abnormal hyaluronic acid synthesis. They make too much of it. Causes the wrinkled skin.
_____________ is a sulfated GAG composed of a chain of alternating sulfated sugars. Usually found attached to proteins as part of a proteoglycan. It is an important structural component of cartilage and provides much of its resistance to compression.
Chondroitin sulfate. (Hematoxylin stains sulfate groups blue to purple)
_________ is areolar (much space) has high cellularity and Type I collagen fibers. It is located beneath epithelium, around blood vessels, around nerves, between muscle layers, and around fat.
Loose Connective Tissue
_________ has more fiber than cells, high amount of protein (type I collagen, stains pink by eosin), collagen bundles form weaves, and has fibroblasts. It is present in the dermis of skin, organ capsules, and beneath loose CT of major organs.
Dense Irregular Connective Tissue
__________ has fibers and the cells are parallel (string of pearls). It is located in tendons, ligaments, fibrous cartilage, and organ capsules. (Looks like thick smooth muscle bundles)
Dense Regular Connective Tissue