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82 Cards in this Set

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components of CV system
heart, blood vessesl, lymphatic vessels
fibrous skeleton function
dense irregular CT, attachement sites for four valves and myocardium.

Electrical insulator -prevents electrical flow from atria to ventricles
impulse conduction system
SA node -> AV node -> purkinje fibers
layers of heart wall
epicardium- outermost
myocardium - muscle layer
endocardium - innermost lining the lumen
mesothelial cells (simple squaomous) - visceral layer of the pericardium - blood vessels
cardiac muslce and CT- fibrous skeleton
subendocardial layer of CT in loose arrangement

location of impulse conduction systme

simple squamous
blood flow
heart -> elastic arteries (large) -> muscular arteries -> arterioles-> capillary bed -> venules -> veins of increasing size
3 layers of vessel walls
Tunica Intima (closest to lumen)
Tunica media
Tunica adventitia
Tunica Intima characteristics
endothelium lining - loose connective tissue
Tunica Media
smooth muscle cells

contains collagen, elastin, reticular fibers, proteoglycans

internal to external elastic membrane
Tunica adventitia
vasa vasorum, nervi vascularis

elastic fibers

bigger in veins
Elastic artery characteristics
multiple sheets of elastic lamella - thick compared to adventitia
muscular artery characteristics
10 layers of smooth muscle
arterioles characteristics
1-2 layers of smooth muscle in the media
capillary bed characteristics
single layer endothelial cells - move single RBC through
types of capillaries
continuous, fenestrated, and discontinuous
continuous capillary location
muscle, lung, CNS
fenestrated capillaries
endocrine gland, GI tract - channels acoss
discontinous capillaries
sinusoidal capillaries - spleen, liver, and bone marrow- large diameter lumen and more irregularly shaped
Microvessel network
flow in the capillaries - thermoregulation - to shunt prevent blood flow to skin (keep warm)

metarterioles - smooth muscle sphincters prevent blood flow
differences b/w veins and arteries
veins - larger lumen
thinner walls
irregular or collapsed
media thinner, adventitia thicker
lymphatic circulation
peripheral lymphatic capillaries ->lymphatic vessels of increasing size until they dump in the neck
difference b/w lymph and vessels
lack distinct separation b/w 3 tunics
walls resemble veins

lymphatic capillaries are most numberous i loose CT under the epithelium - effective in removing protein rich fluid
endothelial cells functions
respond to stimuli, maintain selective permeability barrier, modulate blood flow and resistance, regulate immune responses, secrete growth factors,
endothelial cell surface
elongated parallel to the direction of the blood flow
weakining of vessel wall 0 related to media and defect in collagen
Ischemic heart disease
coronary artery obstruction
varicose veins
dilated veins
GI epithelium
simple columnar
parietal cells
stomach - involved in HCL secretion and GIF - necessary for B12 absorbtion

mucosal layer
enteroendocrine cells
diffuse neuroendocrine system involved in secretion and motility. mucosal layer
M cells
uptake and presentation of ingested and bacterial antigens for activation of GALT - mucosal layer
progenitor cells
source of the cells for renewal of the epithelia.l surface throughout the gut. 5-7 days - mucosal layer
brunners glands
duodenum special feature in submucosal layer
peyers patches
submucosal lymphoid nodues in the ileum
Auerbachs plexus
innercircular/outer longitudinal alyers of the muscularis externa
meissners plexus
submucosal - parasympathetic ganglia
primary lymphatic channels in the core of each villus
blood supply
small arterial branches in submucosa-> capillary extend into mucosal branch
esphogus mucosa, submucosa, musculariis
nonkeratinized stratified squamous

sub - submucosal glands

musc - voluntary skeletal fibers in upper porions
stomach cardiac
mucosa - simpl columnar
fundic stomach
simple columnar, thick mucosa

gastric glands - parietal and chief cells
pyloric stomach
short glands with mucous cells
duodenum characteristics
simple columnar
moderate villi and crypts
brunners glands - sub mucosal connect to crypts
very high villi - absence of brunners glands and peyers patches
lower villi
paneth cells and base of crypts
peyers patches
no villi - infiltrated by lymphs
goblet cells
no villi or crypts
3 types of stomach characteristics
cardiac - shallow simple mucous glands
fundic - thickest mucosa - deep epithelial glands (mucous, parietal, chief)
pyloric- shallower glands,
principal cells - situated at base of glans and have basophilic symogen granules
adhesion of digested amino acids and sugars - terminal digestion
digestion of lipids
reduced to free fatty acids -> passively absorbed ->converted to riglycerides -> form lipid protein complexes chylomicra -> enter lacteals-> drain to lymphaics
lipoprotein complexes from triglycerides - enter laceals to go to lymph
2 immunological defenses of the gut
1. wihin the gut lumen - epithelial surface by secreted igA
2. lamina propria - lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes
Immunoglobulin A
antibody dimer - important in immunoprotection at the mucosal surface

manufactured in lymphocytes
IgA secreted by
the gut and liver
3 regions of small intestine
duodenum - only region w/ submucosal glands

jejunum - longest villi

ileum - prominant lymphoid nodules
Brunners glands
in duodenum - simple alveolar glands - produce an abundance of mucous
Large intestine/colon distinguishing characteristics
goblet cells
classification of pancreas as gland
basophilic serous compound tubulo acinar gland
islets of langerhans
source of insulin and glucagon
centroacinar cells
bicarbonate secreting
exocrine pancreas
bicarb rich - containing peptidases, amylases, and lipases
conrol of exocrine pancreas secretion
paracrine endocrine effects

acini stimulated by cholecystekinin (CCK) and vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP)
inhibition of exocrine pancreas
pancreatic polypeptide (PP)
increases bicarb production from centroacinar duct cells
parasympathetic effect on pancreas
increases both acinar secretion and bicarb output
function of hepatocytes
glucose metabolism, cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism, iron metabolism, hemoblobin breakdown, production of albumin
pattern of liver circulation
hepatic artery supplies oxygenated blood ot the liver

portal vein delivers nutrient rich blood from the intestine
portal triads
1. hepatic portal vein, hepatic artery, the bile duct
liver exocrine function
bile production and secretion
liver endocrine function
production serum proteins, glucose storage and release, fatty acid metabolism, cholesterol and lipoprotein metabolism, detox drugs/alcohol, hem breakdown
kupffer cells
APC of the liver - filters passing through the sinusoid
space of disse
lies b/w sinusoidal lining cells and the hapatocyte
Portal lobule
centered around the portal triad - highlights exocrine funciton

lines connecing the central veins of three adjacent classical lobules
liver acinus
funcitonal gradient of hepatocyte metabolism

metabolites adjsacent to portal triads high

zone 1 - high oxygen and glucose
zone 3 - closest to central vein
classical lobule
centered around central vein - highlights endocrine function of liver
gall bladder
stores bile - does not make
bile made of :
bile pigments (produced by smooth ER by processing of breakdown products of hemoglobing)

Bile salts - predigestive emulsification
enterohepatic circulation
bile salts and IgA emmunoglobins - secreted through biliary system to duodenum - recoverd from gut and receycled - returned to liver for processing

Ileum important for reabsorbtion
layers of the submucosa
epithelium (columnar) - secretion/absorbtion/protection
lamina propria - lymphatics/GALT/capillaries
muscularis mucosa - SM extensions