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56 Cards in this Set

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What is erythropoeitin and where is it produced?
Hormone to produce RBCs; made by the kidney
What surrounds the papillae of the medullary pyramids?
Minor calices
From large to small, what is the arterial supply of the kidneys?
Renal artery --> interlobar artery --> Arcuate artery --> interlobular artery
What makes up a renal lobe?
A medullary pyramid and the cortical substance that surrounds it. They're separate functionally; as the kidney is developing it looks bumpy and retains bumpy look in several species.
What separates the cortex from the medulla?
Arcuate arteries
What are medullary rays?
Group of straight tubules, with a striated appearance, forms the center of a renal lobule, projects into cortex from base of medullary pyramid
What does a renal lobule consist of?
A medullary ray at its center and cortical tissue surrounding it. All nephrons in a single lobule drained by same collecting duct.
What forms the bend in the loop of Henle?
The thin limb, which continues from the proximal straight tubule
What is the Loop of Henle consisted of?
1) Thick descending limb (proximal straight tubule)
2) Thin limb (curves)
3) Thick ascending limb (distal straight tubule)
What artery gives off afferent arterioles?
Interlobular arteries (branch of arcuate arteries)
What makes up the renal corpuscle?
A glomerulus (capillary bed) plus the surrounding Bowman's capsule
What epithelium surrounds the outer layer of Bowman's capsule? (parietal layer)
Simple squamous
What epithelium surrounds the inner layer of Bowman's capsule? (visceral layer)
Simple squamous epithelial cells (podocytes) adjacent to endothelial cells of the glomerulus
Where does the ultrafiltrate accumulating in Bowman's space enter the nephron?
The urinary pole
What is the part of the corpuscle where the afferent arteriole enters and the efferent arteriole leaves the glomerulus?
The vascular pole
What comprises the juxtaglomerular apparatus?
Macula densa; modified cells in wall of afferent arteriole
What is the inner layer of Bowman's capsule?
Podocytes (interdigitate with other podocytes)
What type of cells possess process that wrap around the glomerular capillaries?
What type of capillaries are the glomerular capillaries?
What are the processes of podocytes that interdigitate with similar processes of adjacent podocytes?
What is the principle component of the filtration barrier of glomerulus?
Composite basal lamina of endothelium and podocyte
What is between alternating pedicels?
Filtration slits
What goes thru the filtration barrier?
Water, ions, small molecules (<69kD). It's negatively charged, so hi negatively charged particles excluded
What are the mesangial cells?
Phagocytose proteins and molecules caught in filtration barrier
What is in the mesangium?
Interstitial space of glomerulus between capillaries. Contains mesangial cells and ECM.
What is the final filter?
Filtration slit diaphragm (between pediciles)
What part of the nephron immediately comes off Bowman's capsule?
Proximal convoluted tubule
From Bowman's capsule (urinary pole), what are the names (in order) of the nephron segments?
Proximal convoluted tubule,
proximal straight tubule/thick descending limb of Loop of Henle,

thin limb,
distal straight tubule/thick ascending limb of Loop of Henle, distal convoluted tubule, collecting duct
What part of the nephron is modified to form the macula densa?
The distal convoluted tubule. It comes in contact with the afferent arteriole at the vascular pole.
What tubule is lined by a simple, tall cuboidal epithelium with a brush border, and because are more numerous, will be seen more often than other kinds?
What tubules are lined by a simple cuboidal epithelium lacking a brush border, with nuclei at irregular heights?
What are some features of proximal convoluted tubules that allow it to be distinguished under microscope?
- lined by simple cuboidal epithelium with brush border
- abundant mitochondria in bases
(energy for active transport)
What is the major function of proximal convoluted tubules?
Reduce volume of ultrafiltrate by 80% by active transport of Na+ (Cl- will move passively)
How to distinguish straight vs convoluted tubules under microscope?
ONLY by location. If it's close to the glomerulus, it's convoluted. Straight is in medullary ray.
What region is often damaged in mercury poisoning or acute renal failure?
Proximal Straight tubule
Which part of nephron forms the hairpin loop in Loop of Henle?
Thin limb
What part of kidney regulates blood pressure and volume?
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
What does a decrease in ECF volume trigger Juxtaglomerular apparatus to release?
From where is aldosterone released?
Zona glomerulosa cells in adrenal cortex
What does aldosterone do/act on?
Stimulates distal tubule cells to retain Na+ and water follows --> increased recovery of fluid from distal tubule.
What are collecting ducts lined with? (epithelium)
Simple cuboidal epithelium of very regular height. Become more columnar as they move into medulla.
What parts of kidney respond to ADH?
Collecting ducts
What are the papillary ducts of Bellini?
Large straight ducts that empty contents into minor calices; located in medullary pyramid near apex, simple columnar epithelium; play a primary role in ADH response (produce a concentrated urine)
What is the minor calyx lined with?
Transitional epithelium
What is the area cribrosa?
Holes thru which papillary ducts of Bellini empty into a minor calyx
What is underneath a transitional epithelium?
Thin lamina propria, then two layers of smooth muscle oriented perpendicularly
The inner layer of muscularis externa is oriented ___________ while the outer is oriented ______________ in urinary system.
Longitudinally; circularly. This is the opposite of digestive system.
The renal cortex is the area of the kidney above the ______ arteries.
Convoluted portions of the cortex are located (between or inside) the medullary ray.
Between. Inside the medullary ray are the straight portions of the tubules.
How to tell efferent from afferent arteriole?
Afferent is larger.
The (visceral or parietal) layer of Bowman's space contains the podocytes?
Which tubule has the macula densa?
How to distinguish convoluted from straight tubules?
Have to look at what area they're in. Convoluted tubules are in convoluted portion of cortex. Straight tubules are in medullary ray or medulla.
What is the tip of the renal pyramid called?
Near the urinary bladder, what additional layer is added?
In addition to the two layers of muscle (inner longitudinal and outer circular), another outer longitudinal layer is added.
Where in the kidney are the glomeruli?
Convoluted portion of the cortex.