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26 Cards in this Set

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Turner Syndrome:
all/partial loss of X chromo
appearance: short, broad chest, lymphodema
no cure-treat w/ GH, Estrogen, thyroid replacement
Polycystic Ovarian Disease:
Bilateral enlargement of ovaries w/ cysts
cause: cysts and atrophic follicles beneath very thick tunica albuginea
can be from excess production of estrogen
Ectopic Implantation/Pregnancy
oocyte fert. in peritoneal cavity
can implant on surface of ovary, intestine, or rectouterine pouch, uterine tube wall
can be fatal
Endometriosis: uterine endometrial tissue in pelvic peritoneal cavity
as endometrium is shed, bleeding occurs in peritoneal cavity, causing pain and scarring
can lead to sterility due to scarring
Uterine Fibroid:
non-cancerous growth of uterine tissue in uterine cavity
increase estrogen increases polyp growth
can block cervix/uterine tube and cause sterility
Symp: irregular bleeding, excessively heavy bleeding
Cervical Carcinoma:
80-90% from strat squamous epi
10-20% from cervical glands
HPV infection usually main cause
can be In-Situ (stays in epi) or Invasive (penetrates basal lamina)
Breast Cancer:
Ductal or Lobular
can metastasize quickly to lungs, bone, brain
mutation of BRCA1 increase rate or mutation in tumor suppressor genes
presence of estrogen/progesterone=good prognosis
c-erb B2 oncoprotein=poor prognosis
Tumors of multiple types of cells, usually found in gonads
Premature Ovarian Follicle:
loss of ovarian fxn prior to age 40
2 causes: loss of follicles or autoimmune destruction or maturing follicles
complications: osteoperosis, infertility, depression
Stage II Membranous Glomerulopathy
accumulation of immune complexes in subepithelial zone in glomerular capillaries
Diabetic Glomerulosclerosis
Glomerular Basement Membrane thickening or widening
expansion of mesangial matrix
leading cause or end-stage renal disease
Crescentic Glomerulonephritis
proliferation of parietal epi cells in bowmans capsule
resembles a crescent pushing on glomerulus
can cover up to 50% of urinary space
Mesangial Glomerulonephritis
hypercellularity (increase in mesangial cells) and subendothelial deposits
glomeruli are enlarged
ADPKD: Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
complete loss of P1 or P2 leads to extensive cyst formation
cysts are derived from dilation of CD
can cause Hypertension and renal failure
Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus
mutation of genes encoding AQP-2 and ADH receptors
kidney doesnt respond to ADH due to defective receptors
lots of dilute urine is produced
Acute Tubular Necrosis
Failure of tubular fxn due to poor oxygenation, following fall in blood pressure
cells swell as result of failure of NaK ATPase pump
leads to inadequate excretion of H20
TCC: Transitional Cell Carcinoma
replaces normal epi w/ enlarged ones, crowded by enlarged hyperchromatic nuclei
very common in pediatrics, failure of testi to drop
3 causes: gubernaculum and genitofemoral nerve
-hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal axis
5α-reductase Deficiency (5-ARD)
inability to convert testosterone to DHT
DHT needed for dev. of external genitalia
testis are there, just no scrotum for them to go to
Kleinfelter Syndrome
male w/ extra X chromo
small testes and few sperm cell
high FSH levels
low testosterone levels
germ cell tumor in testes
most common testicular cancer in men 30-35
Aged Testes
Interstitial fibrosis and hyalinization of the seminiferous tubule
leydig cells decrease, reduced testosterone and sperm cells
dilation of pampiniform plexus veins
usually seen in left testes, increasing venous pressure
Leydig Cell Tumor
active tumors that secrete androgens, estrogens
Reinke Crystal: rectangular, eosin, cytoplasmic inclusion
mostly benign
Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
englarged mucosal and submucosal glands
bulky feel
Prostate Carcinoma
enlarged main or peripheral glands
increased PSA and PAP