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27 Cards in this Set

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What is cystinuria?

Hereditary condition caused by abnormal carrier that is unable to remove cystine from urine ---> kidney stones

What is a characteristic of cystinuria?

Kidney stones

Where can tetrodotoxin be found?

In pufferfish

What does tetrodotoxin do to the body?

Occupies and inactivates Na+ channels in nerves --> paralysis

What are side effects of tetrodotoxin?

Dizziness and tingling around, ataxia, respiratory paralysis, death

What does cholera do to the body?

Increase cAMP levels --> excess sodium and water loss --> diarrhea

What do venoms do?

Inactivate acetylcholine receptors

What is spherocytosis?

Fragile, misshaped blood cells resulting from a defective spectrin

Name this disorder

Name this disorder

Down's syndrome

Trisomy 21

What is Klinefelter's syndrome?

Aneuploidy of sex chromosomes (XXY)

What are Klinefelter's syndrome characteristics?

Infertility, degree of masculinization and small testes

Name the disorder

Name the disorder

Klinefelter's syndrome


What is Turner's syndrome?

Monosomy of the sex chromosomes


What are Turner's syndrome characteristics?

Small stature, sterility

Is Turner's syndrome compatible with life?

Yes, unlike other monosomy

Name the disorder

Name the disorder

Turner's Syndrome


What is the basis of chemotherapy?

Blocking purine and pyrimidine synthesis --> arresting cells in S phase

What is Tay-Sach's disease?

Glycolipid accumulation in the nervous system

What is Hurler's Syndrome?

GAG accumulation in tissues

What is characteristic feature of the eye in Tay Sach's disease?

Cherry red macular spot surrounded by white opaque area of degenerated retina

What is another name for Zellweger's Syndrome?

Cerebrohepatorenal Syndrome

What is Zellweger's Syndrome?

Inherited disorder of peroxisome biosynthesis --> abnormal myelination

What happens to Tau proteins in Alzheimer's disease?

Get phosphorylated and increase to toxic levels

What is a valuable marker for astrocyte identification?

Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)

What is the most common brain tumor?


What is the defect in Ehler's Danlos syndrome?

Type 3 collagen

What is the defect in Marfan's syndrome?

Decreased elastic fibers (Fibrillin-1 gene)