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39 Cards in this Set

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What is included in the periodontium.
alveolar bone
periodontal Ligaments
What part of the periodontium attaches to the teeth and the alveolar bone by anchoring the periodontal ligament
The cementum overlies what part of the dentin in the root?
Tome's granular layer
The cementum is thickest at what area of the tooth
tooth's apex and in the interradicular areas of multirooted teeth ( 50-200 micrometers)
The cementum in the thinnest at what part of the tooth?
at the CEJ at the cervix of the tooth (10-50 micrometers)
Where does the cementum receives it's nutrition from?
Surrounding Periodontal ligaments
The cementum has no innvervations and is avascular?
What is the composition of Cementum?
65% inorganic or Mineralized
23% organic material
12 % water
What houses the tooth root?
Alveolar Bone
PDL attaches the cementum to the?
Alveolar Bone
The mineralized component of cementum is predominately?
Calcium Hydroxyapatite
Cementum appears more ____(darker) than enamel or dentin?
Cementum is more ____ (lighter) than pulp
Cementum forms from what structure?
Dental Sac

***Cementum forms on the root after the disintegration of Hertwig's epithelial root sheath ( H.E.R.S)***
In the Cementum there is presence of nervous and vascular tissue?

it may have Cementocytes but does NOT have nervous or vascular tissue present
H.E.R.S. disintegrates and forms the?
rests of Malassez
In the development of Cementum, cells from the the undifferentiated dental sac differentiate into?
What is the function of Cementum?
1. Primary fnx: to attach the rest of the periodontium with the tooth
2. Protect the underlying dentin. It can mend the area of root fracture
3. Compensates by apposition of material to the apex with attrition reduces tooth structure
what is the process when cementoblast covers the forming root dentin
during cementogenesis what is being layed down
Cementoblast that are surrounded by cementum become what?
calcification of cementoids yields what?
primary cementum is also know as?
Acellular cementum

* it is the first deposited along the complete root surface
secondary cementum is also known as
Cellular cementum

*located on the apical third of the root over the acellular cementum*
Cellular cementum can be deposited or resorbed throughout the life of the tooth
Composition of Alveolar Bone
60% mineralized inorganic material
25% organic material
15% water
What remodels easily and makes orthodontic movement of teeth possible
Alveolar Bone
What are two clinicial considerations with Alveolar bone
1. Orthodontic teeth movement
2. Mesial Drift
What are two primary divisions of the Jaw bone:
1. Alveolar bone--contains the tooth roots
2. Basal bone--apical to the alveolar process
Alveolar bone proper is compose of ?
compact bone--sometimes called cribiform plate

** allows Volkman's canals to pass into the PDL
Sharpey's fibers insert into alveolar bone and cementum at a _____ angle
90 degree
The lamina propria of the attached gingiva serves as a
Mucoperiosteum for the alveolar bone proper
the supporting alveolar bone consist of:
of a mix and cortical trabecular bone
The cortical bone lines what surfaces of the alveolus
the facial and lingual surfaces and consist of plates of compact bone.
Periodontal ligaments appear as ____ on the radiograph
radiolucent gab between the root and lamina propria
The functions of Periodontal ligaments are:
1."shock absorber"
2.provides nurishment and removes waste from the cementum and alveolar bone
The nerve supply of PDLs permits accurate judgement of the ?
pressure of mastication on the teeth
Components of the PDL include:
Osteocytes, osteoclasts, odontoblasts, odontoclasts
Mesenchymal cells,
Epithelial rests of Malassez
what are the 5 main alveolodental group of fibers?
Alveolar crest