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70 Cards in this Set

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Changes from post-classic to modern period
-Religion ceases to be dominant theme
-Return to shipping as primary means of trade
-Power shifts to Western Europe in economic matters
-Now Americas involved and Pacific Islands
-Not just trans-regional, but global
Dominant themes of early modern economic period
-Transistion from X-regional to whole world economy
-New tech and invasions lead to gunpowder empires (begin in 1650).
-Columbian exhange-new labor forces and food go everywhere and pop increases as a whole. Equalization of pop in Africa and America. Corn, peppers, potatoes, etc. cows, horses, pigs, etc.
Gunpowder empires
-Ottomans-Take Parts of Europe, Turkey, Caucasus
-Russia=go bigger
-Safavids=Eastern part of Middle East
-Mughal=Muslims in India
-China=revival of empire.
-Why gunpowder? Heavy reliance on military might to acheive goals
Non-themes in MEP
-No dominant patriarchy/gender relations themes
-Tech=no big deal changes except for naval and guns
-No dominant cultural/religous=many societies become xenophobic
Who becomes more important in MEP?

Why not rise of Euro
-Americas, Europe, Maybe China, Russia.
-Middle East loses sig. position
-Didn't affect China or Africa really at all. No change the world
Advantages of Wallerstein theory
-If theory is right, if you know what category what country falls into, then you already know a shitload of ways countries are different/similar
-He argues a clear relationship between trade relationship and government/labor system. A causal ink between factors
-Useful because it explains why economic factors stayed around
The Core
Strong governments. Primarily France, Netherlands and Britian. Absolutist rule
-World trade position=imports raw materials, and export processed goods.
-Controls surpluses and economic activity, charging fees
-Draws disproportionate money/profits
-emphasizes wage labor. Need labor that you can move around
-export Guns, crafts
The periphery
-weak governments. So weak because can't collect taxes, can't raise strong gov. Under core dominance
-export raw materials, import processed
-They lose money as a whole society, but select people make everything, You own the mines or the lands, you get the cash
-Emph. serf/slave labor. they are cheap, can't charge high prices to the core, labor shortage
-No sig. merchant class, handled by core
Problems with Waller theory
-misses differences w/in categ. (Britian=parli. Fra=absol)
-Ignores cultural changes
-Can't say why things change
-Extern too vague. Don't know anything about them, doesn't fit in.
Ex. Southern America is periphery, doesn't exert the characteristics. PA and NY doesn't fit. China uses core, but doesn't get dominated. Not really external. Japan is truly external
What ways did Russia MEP rise
-God rid of Mongols
-Expands westward to Poland, south to Ottomans, east to China. Acq. sig. minority pop.
Elim. central Asian independence. Was a huge center of nomadic trading
Why did Russia expand so much
-Warm water ports
-Didn't want the Mongols to ever come back
-Wanted to be the third great empire (Rome, Byzantines, them)
-Need to reward army, so take land so you've got something to give
-No feudalism. Aristocrats loyal to govt. Little centralization.
How did Russia govern everything
-manoralism with no feudalism. Fairly rigorous rule over pop. Serfdom, lords
-Not for economics, for politics
-Serf structure was so strong, you could even kill them eventually without approval
Why Russia look to the west
-Common religious ties, and Byzantines gone, so you look west. WE doing some crucial stuff, they were top dog by 1700
How does Peter the Great Westernize
-Economic manufacturing
-Cultural, art, dress
Pol restructure
-Western style education, higher learning for elites
-Absolutism adopted. Bureaucracy, hierarchy, gov functions
-Import of manufacturing system for metals, etc.
Russia western:
-Apperances, dress, art copied. Wants to be accepted, not seen as backwards. Also showing he has crucial control
-Gender relations. Encourages women to go out in public without father/husband.
-Navy, officers, technology. Was slow before because of mongols, low urban pops.
What does Russia not westernize
-He does not set up overseas colonies
-Does not talk about an expanded merchant class, like there was in Europe.
-Does not try to reduce the hold of the church, or more secularization.
-Does not westernize the social structure. In Europe, most were wage laborers, in Russia everyone is a serf.
Great goals of Peter the Great, position in world economy
-Make Russia powerful. Expansion taking them into more and more wars, Military motivations.
-Wants to be an external economic. Doesn't want controlled by the core. Arist.not be happy with merchants taking power
-Wants to increase his own power as Czar, with more power over nobles and organized. Power of the Czarist Regime.
-Greater respectability of Western Europeans.
Long-term conseq. of Peter the Great Westernization
-Rich nobles liked it, but provintial ones wouldn’t
-Peasants might not like because the land owner might not even be Russian! Their lots aren’t really better at all.
-The Church wouldn’t like it. Peter the Great is encouraging a more secular culture.
-eventually becomes more peripheral
Is Russia a seperate culture
-If separate civilization, emphasis of separate kind of economic system, different roles of peasantry, since they were serfs
-If West: high culture is Western, art, arch. western. music, science
-Absolutist. Even later when Euro changes, they don't
Why would you like dislike Western values
-Russia has a great tradition, and been stable. It is very important to note that some societies grow to dislike Western values. The west is too many moneygrubbing and too interested in commerce. Russian’s have spiritual values.
4 Big changes in Europe in MEP
-Economic change
-Political change
-Cultural change
MEP, Euro change in economics
-1450, backward. 1750, most dominant
-Commerical economy, consumerism. Makes goods past substinence
-Merchants, mercantillism. Extreme power
-More and more workers dependent on wage labor. Shift to urban environment
MEP, Euro change politically
-Feudal worthless militarily, guns and cannons now.
-Arist. become part of central govt, not against.
-Absolutism. Experience stressed in military, ministers. Weaker church power. Mercantillism
-States different role in punishment.
-New roles of state=economics, education, hospitals, pensions. Go past even China
-Start the nation-state. Claims pol and cult territory is the same. Real differences start between states, and minority pops. Want them to go away or become you.
MEP, Euro change culturally
-superstition goes away. science rules. Church loses power, especially with the Reformation
-poor people viewed as bad, not just bad circumstances, but that it was their fault
MEP, Euro what caused cultural shift
-Printing press. Increase of literacy rates
-Reformation long term causes a lessening of stress on religion, more become more tolerant, associated with wars and bullshit
-Scientific revl. First time intellectuals said understand world with science. ONLY CULTURE TO HAD EVER DONE THIS
What did other places to do in reaction to WE
-Europe starts to think they fucking rule. Science, arts, economy, superior thinking
-Places might want to stay as far away as possible, or they might want to copy them.
Changes of Afirca MEP
-Slave trade for West Africa
-Introduction of new foods and by itself a source of population growth. Slave trade and this cancel each other out, so pop. Stays largely the same
-Dominant trade system in post-classical was North-South
-Western Europe did establish some port bases in West Africa to facilitate slave trade, and limited conversions to Christianity. Dutch in South Africa
Continuites in Africa, MEP
-Many African governments stayed structured as loose monarchies, and spread to West Africa
-Fair amount of war is in Africa, and continues with better weapons from Europe
-Predominant religion is polytheism. Cultural patterns
-East African trade patterns stay largely the same as they had before.
Changes in Japan, MEP
-Form new shogunate and it has more centralized power, Combines feudalism with some central bureaucracy.
-controlled interactions with the West and others. substantially isolated
-Confucianism becomes more deeply rooted. Becomes more secular government, coincides with the growth of central government
Gunpowder empires
-Ottomans, Mughals, Safavids, Ming/Qing
-Use guns to control massive areas
-most flourish in places where civs had been already
-most have reasonably strong economies
Legacy of gunpowder
-WE wasn't running the world show yet
-Multi-ethnic, cultural. Tensions between each other (otto and safa) and internal (Mughal-Muslim and Hindu)
Mughals/Ottomans legacy, acheivements
-New artistic forms, arch. and in painting
-Food, cooking styles
-Increased bureaucracy

-Art importations. Turks dominate. Southeastern Europe convert to Muslim
Big developments in 18'th MEP
-WE relationship with India changes. Trading companies exert massive power. Seven Years war-Fra and Bri
-Mughal empire collapses. Brits encourage own manufacturing, not Indian. no match for Euro
-Otto: start to contract, lose land to Euro and Russia.
Why did India fall so crucially in comparison to the Ottomans
-Mughals were Turkic peoples in control of Hindus and native Indians. Big strife. Imposed empire in a place that it wasn't really known
-Ottos were Muslims ruling muslims
China, MEP? Fall or not?
European/Chinese relationship stayed largely the same, horseshit wasn’t really tolerated. But by 18’th century, Europeans manufacturing technology start to exceed all of them. For a short time, tech. improvements in west spread to east
Why didn't Russia end up collapsing
-More loyal aristocracy, didn’t matter that they didn’t keep expanding and expanding.
-quick to realize that if you copied the west selectively, you could be pretty bad ass.
-Dominant culture was orthodox christainty, and Russian ethnicityis the majority unlike the Ottomans (Turkic rulers are a minority)
18'th Latin America, MEP
population growing. Impact of the Columbian exchange working its way out. Most population are mestizos. developed disease immunities, so people ain’t dying.
Politically-forming effective governments challenge. Spain and Portugal attempt a different approach. Bourbon reforms- insist that bureaucrats come from Spain and Portugal, centrali. Doesn’t work, but it is an important effort.
-Cities grow, and trade beginning to increase. Begins to have a more diverse economy
Modernization theory
-modernizing government
-Family (no pattern)
-Cultural (no pattern)
-Military (everyone)
MTheory, Govt and Mili
-takes new funx, more contact with ordinary people.
-Spreads education to all, expansion of burearucracy.
-Limit workplace funx, child labor
-Public health, less enforcement of religious rules
-Conscription intro. by French
MTheory, Econ and Cult, family
-Shift to industrial production, less emph. on agriculture
-No pattern of religious modernization
-Lower birth rates, kids go to school. No real pattern, women change for some but not all
Probs with Mtheory
-Eurocentric. Thinks everyone wants to be western
-Can modernize without western (Japan)
-If don't modernize quick, you think they are backwards
-Tries to apply to things it doesn't fit into to (religion, crime)
-says Western is awesome!
How did places not become western
-Individualism not accepted. Japan=comm ties
-Turkey, very slow to modernize. Not backwards people
-Everyone modernizes at different speeds and with different things
By 1900, aspects that modernize no matter where you are
-All try to modernize military. Equip all with weapons
-Most try to develop educational systems
-intervention in public health
-pride in state as a symbol of culture. Direct links, inspires loyalty.
-Competes with religion to some extent
-attempts to homogeize and display others culture
Why nationalism world wide force
-Uses modern political language Europe can understand (self determination, rights, etc.)
-Pol unifier against old and new divisons
-Identifies traditions that are good and stresses unity.
Is 19'th century beginnings of gloablization
-Because framework put into place for global contact
-Xportation sys with steam ships and trains, movement of goods and people
-Great canals open up
-Telegraph and undersea cables allow comms
Beginnings of globalization, migration
-Can migrate to new places, and you can go back too. Chinese leave for America and other places. Many Europeans come to America and then go back.
Beginnings of long nineteenth.
Major themes?
-Industiral revolution begins. Series of revolutions in America, France, Latin America, Haiti. Gunpowder empires collapse.
-Military balance of power
-Redefinition of world economy
-patterns in modernization
-new phase of globalization
Industrial revolution
-shift to work in factories, stores, commerce
-appl. of new sources of power to prodn and xport (steam engine)
-shift from agri to manuf economies
Why is it called a revolution (industrial)
-also how to tell in from non in
-begin to get half of pop in cities
-Work moves outside the house
-New systems of work, a person can make a shitload. Overall more wealth in society
-Socia groups linked to agri less important
-Purpose of children turn to education
-Pace of work is faster
-Changes basic ways humans live. West largely monopolizes, massive shift in balance of military power, further redef of world economy
Western Military advantages, LNC. Why
-becomes clear that the west is superior in military force. Napoleon, invasions into Africa, Russia defeats ottomans.
-superior army and navy
-even if they can't outright kill you, they intimidate you
New world economy, LNC
-Germany now added to the core, also America. Import cheap stuff, export manufactured goods. Because of industrialization, they can get more out of the periphery. Becomes much richer.
LNC Economy. What happens to periphery? externals?
-no externals. Cannot stay out anymore, otherwise will force you
-new goods added, per. becomes poorer, more exploited. Coffee, Cotton, copper, alloys
-Try to make Africa a periphery. Diamonds, gold
-China and India getting close to peri
-Australia looks like, but not. Tech

LNC, how could one get out of the periphery
-Build up a factory sector. Where do you get capital? Get it from the west.
-But you need money. Get it from the west.
-To pay it back, need to increase raw xport. But too much product price down. Its a trap
Why west advantages in military
-produce light land based cannon moved quickly.
-Interchangeable parts for guns. make guns on a mass production scale, machines
-Rifle becomes a repeatable firing weapon. New types of guns and artillery. Small European forces can crucially destroy large armies.
-Development of steam ships: Allow transfer of supplies and men to go anywhere in the world, quickly. Can go up rivers and go in that way.
-Later, Europeans introduce new tropical medicines that allow operations in other zones
Changes to world economy, LNC
-Periphery still xport cheap, import expensive
-Weak governments. Core does not need colonies as much, wants to keep weak
-Slavery and serfdom increasingly abolished, due humanitarian ideas
Problem with abolition in an age of exploitation?
-Places become more periphery, but slavery is abolished. Gotta pay people, and prices go down still.
-World population growth and immigration balance the shit out. People come from India, China, Phillipines.
-You can have abolition in an age of exploitation because of the vast amounts of people that are available for labor.
-Does not contradict the emergence of the new world economy.
Sub-saharan africa in LNC
-Decrease of slave trade
-First half, scramble to develop other products to replace the export of slave labor
-Advent of European imperialism, virtually every part was taken over by one European country or another
-Began process of cultural changes, pressures to convert to Christianity.
Chinese society, LNC
-Opium Wars, forcing of opportunities by the Europeans for trade.
-Significant seizures of Chinese territory by Europeans and Russians. Not total seizures, but extended leases
-In process, govt became increasingly ineffective, loss of control, social protest.
-One of the low points in Chinese history, partly due to outside interference and China’s slowness to react to modernization
India, LNC
-tightened hold on India by Brits after winning 7 year war
-became a colony, with some positive benefits
Ottomans, LNC
-Increasingly weak, tries to institute reforms, but don’t work
-Increasing interference by the Europeans. Not taken over as a colony, but gets a lot of shit
-Lots of nationalist protest, much of the more European areas splinter off (Serbia, Bulgaria)
Wars of Independence Süd Central Amerika, HOW?
-models w/ the French and America
-Weak colonial regimes. Spain focused on Napoleon
-Britian most powerful. Liked revolution, now can deal with the country instead of Spain
What were Latin American political goals? Who should vote?
-Nationalism, nationalist independence
-Republics. Do not want monarchies.
-Cut backs on power of the church-liberalism. Freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press
-They want parliaments, Laws determined by elected representation
-Not “democratic”, afraid of mob rule, and particularly afraid of indigenous people, racial aspect
Who should vote?Where did independence fighters come from?
-middle and upper classes, property owners
-Creoles. People of European origin but born in Latin America. Not mestizos, blacks, natives
Were latin american independence really revolution?
-no. Just hands switching power, no big changes for the common people.
-Did not fundamentally change social/cultural norms
Why so unstable in Latin America, LNC
-no support of ordinary citizens, internal divisions
-didn't have any experience governing
-Economic difficulties. Can't trade with old rulers, Brits exploit
-No long history, legitamacy, significant traditions
-Disagreements between the elites. Catholic, army, land owner conservatives
Why didn't new nation theory apply to America?
-Not as bad economic troubles.
-Sufficient infrastructure for manufacturing already
-Some experience in politics and governing
-Founding fathers were quite good for a new country
Was Latin Western or not?

-Religions are Western.
-High culture looks to the west. Western Architecture copied. Church styles, cities models
-shared Language
-Push secular education and science
-Liberalism, shared ideals
-popular culture totally different, reflects varied culture and history, unlike European homogenous nations
-Economic problems. Did not make an Industrial revolution. Poorer than the West