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65 Cards in this Set

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What time period are we talking about in Chapter 13?
What did Global Trade affect?
Both merchant groups but also individual rulers and common people.
Why did other European powers besides Spain and Portugal launch colonizing ventures?
They also wanted a share of the gold/silver from the New World.
How did global trade affect the Asian dynasties?
Civil war occured, ut prompted strong new rulers in Japan.
Where did all the silver come from?
The New World
What transformed the European diet?
Colonies were intended to supply what?
Wealth for their "mother countries".
What is mercantilism?
The belief that colonies should provide wealth for their mother countries, or metrapole...and that the wealth of any one country comes at the expense of other countries.
Why were colonies supposed to be closed to competitors?
To prevent foreign trade from draining resources from the metropole.
What is a Chartered Company?
Visible examples of collaboration between state and merchant classes.
What initially spurred enterprises to the New World? What became important?
Precious metals and water routes to Asia.

- Exploiting other resources became necessary to make profit.
Where did the Dutch first settle?
Near the Hudson River, near Manhattan.
What was the original motive for the Dutch to enter the Americas?
Profits from shipping. The Dutch merchants profited from handling other colonizer's goods.
Why was the Dutch West India Company founded?
To regulate commerce, promote settlements, and maintain the flow of slaves to the Caribbean.
What was the French motive initially for crossing the Atlantic? What did it become?
-Finding fast ways to get to Pacific

-Fur trading, especially badgers.
What were French-Indian relations like?
Quite amiable, based on mutual trade.
What was crucial to French trade in the Americas?
The beaver.
What is a metis?
French-Indian offspring.
What was part of the rationale for the French alliance with Indians?
They both distrusted the English.
What did the English colonize for originally?
Precious metals, but this developed into crop growing.
Why were relations with Indians so uncordial with the English?
The English constantly needed more land for their crops, pushing and warring against Indians.
What was the main export of Jamestown?
Where was the post populous English colony in 1670?
Barbados because of its sugar exporting.
How did some slaves revolt in the New World?
Flight, foot draging, pilfering, and sabotage.
What did the prevalence of shipping mainly African male slaves have as an effect?
Women slaves were higher disproportionate in the US, and in Africa, they became more important politically.
What is the "queen mother" in Africa?
the kpojito
The King and the ____ were joint rulers in African countries.
How were slaves put into slavery?
They were sold by African merchants
How did slave trade affect the Kongo Kingdom?
Civil war, with the use on gunpowder becoming involved.
Who was Queen Nzinga?
A Kongo queen, christian. A shrewd politician and a masterful military planner. Fought slave trade.
What was the capital of Asante state?
What did the Asante state benefit from?
Where did the Oyo Empire's strength come from?
Impressive army with European weapons.
Who were the big players in Africa?
Kongo, Asante, Oyo empires.
What empire replaced the Qing dynasty?
The Ming
What major city did the Portuguese take in SE Asia? Spain?

What was the purpose of the Dutch East India Company (VOC)?
The Dutch wanted to challenge Spain and Portugal in SE Asia.
What were the key exports of the VOC?
spices, coffee, tea
Where did the Koprulu family come from?
Ottoman empire.
What were the Koprulu reformations?
Mehmed took over, rooted out corrupt peers, balanced the budget, and reversed Ottoman military misfortunes.
How was the Mughal Empire doing in this time?
It was doing VERY well, but had trouble governing smaller areas.
What was Local Autonomy in Mughal Empire?
Local warriors became kings and regional leaders, which resisted the authority.
Who was the famous Mughal emperor here?
What family used trading and banking to undermine the Mughal Empire?
Jagat Seths
What is greed?
The desire for wealth at the EXPENSE of other.
What was the Medieval Fuedalism heirarchy?
Kings, tenants-in-chief, knights, and peasants.
What did lords pay vassals with?
What was sort of medieval economic system?
guilds and feudalism
What did Malachy believe?
Mercantilism was important.
What were the main points of mercantilism?
The World's wealth was fixed
Colonies existed for the metropole
No trade between countries
Use of charted royal companies
How did capitalism arrise?
Competition for wealth between expanding empires.
What are the institutions of capitalism?
insurance companies
stock markets
What is the new golden rule?
Mixing empires and capitalism
What empires support capitalism?
English and Dutch
What is the "putting out" system
NOT making money on the expense of others.
Who wrote Wealth of Nations?
Adam Smith
What were the administrative problems of the Ming empire?
The emperor had very little conrol.
hat economic problems did the Mings have?
Silver pressured peasants on their paying of taxes, which led to rebellion.
Who were the Manchus?
The new controllers of the Qin dynasty.
What defined the Qing dyansty's policies?
Flexible but maintained many pevious lawas.
What was the Canton system?
the Qing requireing European traders to have guild merchants act as guarantors.
What was the Japanese empire at the time?
What are Japanee ruling families?
Where did Japan focus its trading?
No where, all but the Dutch ere alloed to stay.
independent variable
the variable that is not affected by the dependent variable.