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14 Cards in this Set

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Wounded Knee

1890 - South Dakota. An attachment of Soldiers led by General Miles massacred over 200 Lakota tribe members in their camp. The dead were left to freeze for a few days before they were put in a mass grave. Bodies were also found miles away, presumably hunted down and killed.Ghost dance was seen as potential uprising, so troops were dispatched.Wasn’t so much of a battle as a slaughter of natives, painted as a battle by the US Government.Charles Eastman treated survivors in a makeshift hospital and searched for survivors in the following days. “A horrific sight.”

Dawes General Allotment Act

1887 - An attempt to assimilate the natives into the dominate culture. Divided up current indian reservation into plots of lands given to individual families. It divided up the community, and extra land was sold to white settlers. Granted Citizenship to those who “abandoned their indian way.”

Gertrude Bonnin

She cofounded national council of American indians in 1926, dc area, secretary of Society of American Indians. Indian rights activist, defended paganism, identified struggle of identity of native americans. Assimilation period.

Richard Henry Pratt

Developed the model for boarding school, based off prison life. 1897 founded Carlisle Indian Industrial School. This system was used as the basis for American and Canadian boarding schools.

Chief Dan Cranmer’s Potlatch

Holding a Potlatch was banned under Canadian Law. The 1921 Potlatch was raiding by police, they arrested 45 people who were given the choice between going to jail or giving up ceremonial items. Most masks have now been returned after being displayed in museums.


The last member of the Yahi tribe, emerged from hiding in 1911. Acclaimed as the last “wild indian” he made headlines and was put on a living exhibit by anthropologists at Berkeley. There was controversy after he died when his brain was not buried with his body.

United States-Dakota War

1862, also known as the Sioux Uprising. Caused by treaty violations by US Government, and mistreatment by traders. The Dakota tribes were starving, and attacked a group of settlers for food, after which they launched a full assault against the settlers. After over a thousand Dakota had been captured and most tribes had surrendered. December 26th, 38 Dakota Men were hanged in the largest mass hanging in US History.

Society of American Indians

Founded in 1911. First American Indian rights group that pioneered the idea of Pan-tribalism.

Charles Eastman

1858 - 1939. Native american Physician, later worked as a American Indian Rights Activist and spokesperson. Cofounded the SAI

Doctrine of Discovery

Issued by the Pope in 1493, it outlined how european countries could claim ownership over other lands and their peoples and resources. The ideas behind the document stemmed from the feeling of exploration and colonization in europe, a feeling that carried into the early United States and became Manifest Destiny, the god given right of Americans to own the west.

John Collier and the Indian New Deal

Commissioner of Bureau of Indian Affairs. Wrote the Indian New Deal that become the Indian Reorganization act of 1934, which let tribes self govern and was intended to be a reverse on the policy of assimilation. Met some resistance, but most tribes adopted it because none-voters were counted as yes votes. It was an american government system that didn’t fit with tribal values, and there was general distrust of the US by indians.

Arthur C. Parker

Editor of American Indian Magazine.. Pushed for native american citizenship, argued that america took away a lot from indians like economic independence. Native American, cofounded the SAI.

Carlos Montezuma

Native American Activist and outspoken political leader, doctor, opposition of monopoly of US over native lands, pushed for downfall of indian office. “We need to hustle for our comeback”. Midwest. Assimilation period.

Laura C. Kellogg

Founding Member of SAI, Native American Activist that turned Iroquois into major activists in 20th century Indian Politics.