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113 Cards in this Set

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4 technological innovations
phonograph, battery, film projector, street car, mimeograph
effects of industrial revolution
new immigration, organized labor, urbanization
populace solutions
as to do with demands of farmers alliance
progressive solutions
democratic reforms: women's suffrage
more honest gov't
regulation of big business
who negotiated the compromise of 1877
southern democrats and ohio republicans
reasons why radical republicans opposed moderate reconstruction
-concerned aboutrights of freedmen,
-wanted to regain congressional power, wanted to keep control of congress
most important provision of 14th amendment
prohibitted states from denying equal protection of the law based on race
provisions of civil reconstruction act
martial law, states have to give freedmen the right to vote and disenfranchise exconfederates and states have to ratify the 14th amendment to rejoin the union
why did radical republicans really want to get johnson out of office?
concerned that he is going to sabotage laws they were passing
what law did johnson break to be impeached
tenure of office act by firing Stanton
How close did the radical republicans come to getting johnson out of office?
one vote short of 2/3 majority
Why did the 15th amendment do?
states couldn't deny the right to vote based on race or prior servitude
inventions of edison
street car, incandescent light, battery mimeograph
What did JP Morgan do?
banks, supervised who he leant money to, propped up stock market
How was Andrew Carnagie able to build a steel monopoly?
vertical integration, cut costs
how did rockefeller monopolize oil?
horizontal integration (selling below cost)
Sign. of Carnagie
king of steel
sign. of black codes?
helped convert moderate republicans into radical republicans, lead to radical reconstruction
sign. 14th and 15th amendments
set stage for civil rights movement
sign. military reconstruction acts
ratification of 14th amendments
sign. of failure to remove Johnson from office?
would have weakened presidency because he broke an unconstitutional law
sign of compromise of 1877
prevented bloodshed, ended reconstruction
sign. of bessemer process?
allows steel to be manufactured cheaply in large quantities
sign. of JP Morgan
king of banking
Wat is the Theory of Natural Selection
Nature selects organisms best adapted to their environment to survive and reproduce over time leads to evolution
theory of subconcious
id: animal drives
superego: moral code
ego: mediator
theory of relativity
every mass bends space and slows time
indeterminancy theory
movement of subatomic is a matter of probability
what did pragmatists argue concerning reason and faith
reason and fait are useful but neither can give us truth
how did realists portray the world
negative view of reality, saw world as filled with meaningless sorrow
what did oliver windall holmes argue
no such thing as natural law, it varies from culture to culture
what did thorston veglin say?
no universal laws of economics
what did sociologists argue?
different societies have different moral values
who was in the election of 1896
Republican: McKinley
Democrat/populist: Bryan
election of 1912
Bullmoose: Roosevelt
Dem: Wilson
Rep: Taft
wat did booker say?
balcks should do vocational work not protest for their rights
Why did McKinley win the election of 1896
he was able to convince factory workers that popilist party was bad for them
What did WEB Dubois argue?
wanted higher education and fight for civil rights
What did Pure Food and Drug act prevent?
manufacture of food with mislabeled or adulteraqted food and shit
why did wilson win in 1912
republican vote was split between taft and roosevelt
what vocational school did BT Washington open?
Why did McKinley win the election of 1896
he was able to convince factory workers that popilist party was bad for them
What did WEB Dubois argue?
wanted higher education and fight for civil rights
What did WEB Dubois start?
What did Pure Food and Drug act prevent?
manufacture of food with mislabeled or adulteraqted food and shit
about how many acres did roosevelt set aside
172 Million acres
why did wilson win in 1912
republican vote was split between taft and roosevelt
What did the Federal Reserve Act do?
created a nat'l bank system which serves as a lender to private banks, a common reserve pool, and a depository for federal funds
What did the Federal Trade Commission do?
created federal trade commission which could disban monopolies, and define fair trade laws
What did the clayton anti trust act do
got rid of tying agreements between businesses and price discrimination
sign of mcKinleys victory in 1896
end of populist movement
sign of pure food and drug act
first major consumer protectino law
sign of federal reserve act
allows gov't to regulate $ supply
sign of theory of subconcious and natural selection
lead people to question whether himans can be progressive
sign of theory of relativity and interdeterminancy
lead people to question whether humans could find truth
on what assumption was the old paradigm based?
assumption that US would always be prosperous and secure, protected by oceans
characteristics of old paradigm
small military, amateur diplomats, isolationism, passive and reactive behavior (no policy, just react to things as the happen)
what fears brought about the new paradigm
fear of foreign powers
characteristics of new paradigm
US has to be involved in the world because of trade, construction of a steel navy, professional diplomats, long term bi-partisan policy
examples of new paradigm
spanish american war, acquisition of panama canal, roosevelt corollary
how does the new paradigm compare to european foreign policy
US more interested in economic expansion Europe wanted territory and european formed alliances while US avoids alliances
why did seward buy alaska
raw materials, cheap, maybe pressure brit into selling british colombia
wat did mahon argue about the past
all great nations had sea control
what did mahon propose
large steel navy, isthmian canal, acquisition of all major islands within 3000 miles
what did frederick turner argue?
frontier experience had produced american culture and democracy
cause of spanish american war
Maine getting blown up and yellow journalism
what did the open door notes demand
1st: great powers permit free trade in china
2nd: respect chinas territorial integrity
how did roosevelt acquire panama canal
columbia denied his first offer, panamanians revolted, he aided them and declared them independent, offered them the same deal which was accepted
What was roosevelt corollary
whenever any country in western hemisphere engaged in wrong doing, US would intervene so no european nations intervene
underlying causes of WWI
system of alliances, nationalism, imperialism, militarism, fatalism, poor leadership, rigidity of military strategy
4 factors which motivated eurpoean imperialism
raw materials, security, christianize, pride
wat did Keiser Wilhelm of Germany did to cause the alliance of europe
antagonized russia by cutting of $ aid, Britain by building up navy
What were the two alliances and who was in each?
-Triple Alliance/ Central Powers: Germany, Austria, Turkey
-Triple Entente/ Allies: Brit, France, Russia
What were the Schlieffen-Moltke Plans?
Germany's plans in the event of general war
What were the two changes in the plan?
Restregnthened the left weaked the right and exempeted the netherlands from attack
sign of mahons book?
lead to a large steel navy in US lead to a navy race in europe
sign of turners paper
lead to new paradigm
territories acquired by a US from spain
phillipines, guam puerto rico
sign of open door notes
symbollic of new policy of econ expansion
sign of roosevelt corollary
prevented wars, antagonized latin america
sign of european imperialism, alliances and schlieffen moltke plans
Who was the leader of kinghts of labor?
terrance powderly
who was the leader of american federation of labor
samuel gompers
who massacred indians at sand creek?
J.M. chivington and colorado militia
Who wrote a Century of Dishonor?
Helen Hunt Jackson

lead to dawes severalty act
what presidents assassination lead to civil service reform act
ways in which immigration changed from old to new
much larger, southern and easter european immigrants, settled in cities
demands of knights of labor
8 hour work day, get rid of child and prison labor, health and safety lawas, equal pay for women, inflation of currency
How was American Federation of Labor orgainzed?
each union is a different job or skill. along "craftiness"
demands of american federation of labor
shorter hours, higher wages, workmans comp, close shops
What percent of American people lived in cities in 1910?
What attracted Americans to cities in the 20s and 30s
factory jobs
What were the provisions of the Homestead Act?
live on plot for 5 years, 160-acre plots, had to pay $10
about how many indians were massacred at sand creek?
why were the indians massacred at sand creek?
chivington hated indians
why were the indians not expecting to be attacked?
they had already given up all of their land for immunity
Means by which whites conquered the indians
diseases, alcohol, disunity, extermination of buffalo
what did the dawes severalty act do?
took reservation land and split it for the families, dissolved tribes as legal entities
what did the civil service reform act do?
jobs no longer filled by spoils system, had to take a test, prohibited financial assessments
what did the interstate commerce act do?
prohibited price discrimintation, mandated reasonable rates, prohibited pools
to what corporations did the sherman anti trust act apply?
demands of farmers alliance
coinage of silver, gov't store crops for free, replace tarriffs with federal income tax, gov't ownership of monopolies, democratic reforms, direct election of senators, secret ballots
why was homer plessey arrested?
refused to vacate a white only street car in NOLA
sign of new immigration
increased corruption, lead to nativist movement
sign of urbanization
increased gov't corruption, lead to slubs
sign of knights of labor
first major national union
sign of american federation of labor
largest labor union in US by early 20th century
sign of homestead act
rapid western expansion
sign of dawes severalty act
undermined indian culture
sign of civil service reform act
removed favoritism from hiring federal workers, increased stability and morale of civil work force
sign of interstate commerce act
first attempt to regulate big business
sign of sherman anti trust act
used to break up monopolies
sign of plessey v ferguson
provised legal basis of segregation
seperate but equal