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39 Cards in this Set

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Old Delude Satan Law
-Puritan law to educate children against the devil
-Allowed for schools to mix religion with education
Cahokia Mounds
-City of the Mississippi Valley near present day St. Louis
-Big Native American Civilization around 1,000 ce who built large mounds as homes and buildings
Francis Drake
-In 1577 he left England on a journey to circumnavigate the globe
-He traveled west towards America and encountered many hardships with bad weather, battles with natives, and mutiny on board one of his ships
-He discovered that there is ocean underneath South America
Walter Raleigh
-Came with 100 colonists to develop the Roanoke civilization on Roanoke Island
-Unfortunately it was unsuccessful
-He also helped to convince Queen Elizabeth I to support the establishment of colonies
-the writing of history based on the critical examination of sources, the selection of particulars from the authentic materials, and the synthesis of particulars into a narrative that will stand the test of critical methods
Middle Passage
-The voyage the slaves had to endure across the Atlantic Ocean
-Many perished and experienced horrendous treatment under the deck of the ship on their way to be sold in America
-a person of mixed white and black ancestry
-a mixture of races; especially : marriage, cohabitation, or sexual intercourse between a white person and a member of another race
-A time of great religious awakening and reach for more freedoms in everyday life
-A govt without a king which celebrated active participation in public life by economically independent citizens
-The relationship between the national govt and the states
-Sometimes called the division of powers
James Madison
-A diminutive, colorless Virginian
-Thought about the nature of political freedom
-He was a nation builder who thought that the American govt needed to have a stronger national power
Alexander Hamilton
-He was a nation builder who believed America needed to be more enegized to become a stronger political power
-He worked with Madison and wanted a stronger national govt
13th Amendment
-Was approved in 1865 and abolished slavery throughout the entire Union
-Introduced the word "slavery" into the Constitution for the first time
Marbury v. Madison
-The first landmark decision of the Marshall Court
-Came in 1803 Marshall complained that the section of the Judiciary Act of 1789 was unconcstitutional and Madison must leave his position as a commissions official
-The court did not have the power to make Madison leave
Toussaint L'Ouverture
-An educated slave on a sugar plantation
-He created a slave army and issued a slave rebellion against British forces so they could seize the island and reestablish French authority
John L. O'Sullivan
-A New York journalist who created the phrase "manifest destiny" meaning that Americans had the duty to take over all of N. America
"Sambo" personality
-Sambo was the stereotype personality of African slaves
-They were the comical and smart ones that saved the whites
Northwest Ordinance
-1787- Called for the eventual establishment of 3-5 states north of the Ohio River and east of the Mississippi
-It enacted the principle of the "empire of liberty" rather than "ruling over" the lands of N. America
-When you invade another country because you want to take it over
John Brown
-He was a white man who tried to organize a slave revolt and get attention for the slaves
-He demanded "Liberty no longer be deferred"
-He was eventually beheaded for the abolitionist cause
Gabriel Prosser, Denmark Vesey, and Nat Turner
-Slaves who issued slave revolts
-Nat Turner was a slave preacher
-They all took place in the out of plantation south where the most police were there
Charles Sumner
-Matched with Brooks
-Brooks beat Sumner because of a 2 day speech he gave about Kansas
John C. Calhoun
-Vice President to Jackson
-Wrote the S.C. Exposition and Protest
14th Amendment
-Gave citizenship to all persons born in the U.S.
-Empowered the govt to protect the rights of all Americans
15th Amendment
-Prohibited the federal and state govts from denying any citizen the right to vote because of race
-Ratified in 1870
Hiram Revels
-He was born in North Carolina and served as a chaplain in the wartime Union army
-Became the first Black senator in American history
-General Lee took his forces West and were then encircled by Grant's forces
-He realized that further resistance was useless so he surrendered at Appomattox Court House on April 9th (Virginia)
Dred Scott
-Dred Scott was a slave who went with his master to Illinois where slavery was illegal
-After he returned back to Missouri, he sued his master for his freedom because he was free in Illinois
-The ruling declared that only white people can be citizens in the U.S.
Plessy v. Ferguson (1986)
-U.S. Supreme Court decision supporting the legality of Jim Crow laws that permitted or required "separate but equal" facilities for blacks and whites
Harriet Tubman
-Black starter of the underground railroad
-Went back and forth on the underground railroad freeing slaves
Albert Cashier
-A woman, dressed as a man who fought for the Illinois Union
-Created an uproar,and the govt wanted to take her name off the monument
-But the men who fought with her rallied against that decision
Lucy Stone
-Supported black right and women's rights
-She married another women's rights worker and abolitionist man named Henry Blackwell
Julia Ward Howe
-President of New England Suffrage Board
-Abolitionist and Suffragist
-Wrote the song Battle Hymn of the Republic
Sojourner Truth
-Very devout Black woman
-Prayed that whites would free their slaves
-Spokesperson for women's rights and abolitionism
-Born a slave in New York
Kansas-Nebraska Act
-Opened up the Kansas and Nebraska territories to popular sovereignty regarding slavery
-In Maryland
-Site of the battle between McClellan and the army of the Potomac rebelling against Lee's advance.
-In one day of fighting, 4,300 men were killed and 18,000 were wounded
-More people died in that battle than any other day in American history
George Fitzhugh
-A Virginia lawyer and author of numerous books and articles on social issues
-He repudiated not only Jefferson ideals but the notion of America's special mission in the world
-Talked about how universal liberty was the exception and an experiment that carried on for a little while only in the northern united states
-Said the slaves in the south are the happiest and slaves and their masters have a special bond
Fugitive Slave Law
-Allowed special federal commissioners to determine the fate of alleged fugitives without benefit of a jury or trial or even testimony by the accused individual