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67 Cards in this Set

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molly maguires
miners from PA created a violent group demanding better working conditions. Mcparland shut them down.
sandlot incident
party tried to force congress to exclude chinese
workingmens party
first organized labor union, led by dennis kearney, mostly irish and they were against rr barons
RR strike of 1877
workers protested wage cuts. violence for 45 days. shut down transportation in VA. ruined relations between industrialists and workers. first international strike.
knights of labor
led originally by uriah stevens. wanted to work with industry to get reform. led by terence powderly who didnt beleive in strikes and it did well until 1886 when they did a strike
specific unions per craft for skilled workers. led by samuel gompers. wanted to make all industries closed.
socialist party
believed in reform by ballot. eugene debbs took over and expanded it. (deleon infuence)
eugene debbs
led ARU, socialist party
samuel gompers
led ARU
dennis kearney
led workingmens party
uriah stevens
knights of labor
terrance powderly
knights of labor
pullman strike
led by ARV and AFL as the first organized strike and a response to paycuts
combined union memebers with socialist party, hated capitalism, sabotaged machinery so the company would have to make an agreement
haymarket square riots
led by workers at the mccormik factory in chicago. anarchists showed up with bombs and killed 8 cops. socialist headquarters was shut down and gave unions a bad rep
thomas nast
caricaturist, father of american cartoons
margaretha schurz
made first kindergarten for germans in US
amadeo giannini
italian immigrant who founded bank of america
jacob riis
muckraker who publicized living conditions in lower east side NY
journalists who expose misconduct of elite
housewives lobbyed for reform
walter rauschenbusch
social gospel movement sought to rectify social and economic injustice
new women
women in the workforce
carrie catt
iowa womens suffrage association
alice paul
founded national womens party and led protests at the white house for womens rights, contributed to 19th amendment
19th amendment
womens suffrage
18th amendment
margaret sanger
american birth control league (planned parenthood)
jane adams
hull house- shelter for poor immigrants. lobbyed congress for child welfare and such
elected pres by electoral vote, ended reconstruction by pulling troops out of south, put country back on gold standard
tammany hall
corrupt organization to promote irish immigrants into political positions
william "boss" tweed
leader of tammany hall
greenback party
supported silver standard and paper money
bland-allison act
put currency on silver standard and made gold vs silver a major political issue
desert land act
got land, had to irrigate
timber and stone act
got land in mountains but it was corrupted by timber companies
moderate republican, wanted to end croaniesm. assassinated in 1882
charles guiteau
assassinated garfield bc he supported conkling and wanted to be french ambassador
republicans who didnt agree with hayes' civil service policies and wanted grant reelected
garfields vp, hid after he was assassinated- 80 day crisis. suported croaniesm
pendleton act
passed by arthur, required a test for a gov position
chinese exclusion act
passed by arthur, allowed to suspend immigration, directed toward chinese
fiscal conservative, intervened in pullman strike, supported gold standard
republicans who supported cleveland
interstate commerce act
regulate monopoly on rr, created interstate commerce commision which enforced rules
benjamin harrison
mckinley tariff, sherman anti-trust act, imperialist, organized first pan-american conference
mckinley tariff
raised to 50%
granger movement
led by oliver kelley, mostly wealthy farmers. wanted families to band together to promote economic and political wellbeing
populist party
poor white farmers in south, wanted silver standard, guaranteed banking, income tax
sherman anti-trust act
passed by harrison to break up monopolies
thorstein veblen
wrote "conspicuous consumption"
samuel l clemens
mark twain
owen wister
wrote "the virginian," first western
spanish american war
for cuban independence, ended spanish reign in america, first time US entered foreign affairs
hearst and pullitzer
sensationalized newspaper, used it to try to change political policy
yellow journalism
eggagerating the truth to make it bigger than it is
delome letter
letter written and intercepted by cuba and sent to US media talking bad about mckinley, revved up US for war
USS maine
ship off coast of cuba, exploded, said it was spain, caused US to declare war
teller amendment
if US won war they wouldnt take over cuba
george dewey
battle of manilla bay
battle of manilla bay
led by george dewey, no US died
guantanamo bay
trench warfare
battle of el caney
US had worse weapons but still won
battle of san juan hill
rough riders won
rough riders
led by teddy roosevelt, fought battle of san juan hill
treaty of paris
cuba got independence, US got guam and puerto rico and bought philipines, ended spanish reign in america
platt amendment
US indirectly got most control of cuban gov, also got guantanamo bay