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76 Cards in this Set

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idea that the peasantry need to realize their own repression to carry a communist revolution; different than Soviet way which was working class revolt; this is a model for third world communist movement; domestic reforms that seek to restore China after a century of decline; anti-corruption and anti-vice campaign (prostitution, etc)l land reform, industrialization, and the incremental path to socialism; women gain some roles and more legal rights; sees that it needs to allow the private sector to continue to trade
Hundred Flowers Campaign
Mao wanted to restore communication between the party and the people and encourages people to voice their opinions of the party and their leaders; so more and more people start to criticize but then Mao shuts it down with the anti-rightest campaign now everyone who criticized were sent to reeducation and such
Great Leap Forward - 1958-59
Mao wants to start a labor intense process of industrialization; asks the communes to have backyard furnaces and create steal; collectivizes agriculture and sets high standards for productions but they lied and said they had a surplus of production and takes the surplus and leave the peasants with nothing and the peasants starve and resulted in the Great Famine - 30 million may have died
Cultural Revolution - 1966-72
Mao unleashes this massive campaign to restore revolutionary zeal to create an atmosphere of permanent revolution and remove class; uses youth to revolt against authority, parents, party; political power play - to destroy the pragmatist; throws China into chaos
Deng Xiaoping
takes power after Mao; returns China to socialist pragmatism and embraces whatever works that improves standard of living, economy, and call it socialism; it doesn't matter if a cat is black or what, so long as it catches mice
Four Modernizations - 1978
series of reforms Deng brings; slow, steady modernization of agriculture, industry, tech and science, and military
Household Responsibility System
local managers are held responsible for the profits and losses of the enterprise
One Country, Two Systems - 1997
Hong Kong has a somewhat separate and autonomous political culture and system and functions well; Deng negotiates the terms of the handover of Hong Kong (which was given to the British through the treaty of Nahjing)
State Capitalism
private capitalist economy under state control, often meaning a privately-owned economy that is under economic planning
Tiananmen Square - Spring 1989
Chinese students come out and demand democracy; some believe it was inspired by changes in the Soviet movement; Deng called in the tanks and crushed the revolution
Kelle Tsai - Capitalism Without Democracy
argues that the idea of a democratically based middle class is a western myth; the communist party have integrated the middle class to the party and represent their economic interests; middle class have also created informal networks that draw on deeply rooted Chinese traditions that represent their interests; middle class doesn't need representative government to get what they want; new middle class are too busy making money and pursuing their Chinese style American dream and the current political system seems to be delivering in a lot of different ways
British East India Company
19th century and they were able to have spheres of influence; India comes under control of this which has its own army and navy and fights wars with Indian princes to get more special trading zones but by the middle of the 19th century it is in decline and has less power
Niall Fergeson's Thesis on Empires and Modernization
trying to convince Americans that they needed to embrace their imperial destiny and become imperialists and argues that we should argue to longer times in other countries instead of the common US idea that we shouldn't be imperialists and stay in other countries for long
Indian National Congress (INC) - 1885
create this with British blessings and the elite can now talk things out and bring their ideas to us and it’s a way to prevent a full blown national movement but slowly, the members begin demanding more autonomy, rights and privileges, for themselves and the masses; early 20th century they try to mobilize the masses, educate the masses that they are a nation, despite their ethnic differences and focus on the common experience of oppression by the British
Jalliawana Massacre - 1919
British march troops in and massacre thousands of protesters; this becomes a symbol of oppression and rallying cry for nation
Mohandas Gandhi
one of the western educated Indians and he implements his strategy of passive resistance; believes that a system that emerges from a movement for liberation that are passive will create a better society afterwards; his campaign lasts about 25 years and is enormously effective
Passive Resistance
Gandhi - demonstrate and expose the immorality of oppression of the colonial rulers; he argued that you are the moral high ground - you don't use violence so you show yourself to be higher and that you are more manly if you passively resist instead of using violence
Nehru Dynasty
until 1989 India was led by this dynasty
One Party Democracy
one party rules and but can vote for who rules out of candidates for that party but there's no other party to challenge ideas
Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) - India's People's Party
founded in 1980; major political party challenging the INC; advocates conservative social polities, self-reliance, free market economies, foreign policy driven by nationalist agenda, and a strong national defense
Muslim League
an interest group established in 1906 by the British to represent Muslim interests in India and by the 1930s some wants India to be broken up and if they don't break up British will accept sovereignty of all princely states and that would ruin the unified India
Muhammad al Jinnah
leader of the Muslim League and Pakistan's first governor-general; wanted to safeguard the Muslim rights in India and wanted to create a separate state just for the Muslims; Pakistan was granted independence
in one princely state in India the leader was a Hindu leading a majority Muslim population and leans towards India and asks them for support; Pakistan and India both sends troops to the area and is the first war (First Kashmir War 1947) and it ends with a cease fire which is why the area is split
Maharaja of Kashmir
leader of Kashmir that was a Hindu leading a largely Muslim population
Line of Control
divided line in Kashmir separating India's part and Pakistan's part; heavy militarized area
in 1971 India and Pakistan go over war again over eastern Pakistan; movement for independence and Pakistan tries to repress the revolt but India intervenes on the refugees behalf and forces out Pakistan and eastern Pakistan becomes their own country
Pervez Musharraf
leader of Pakistan during third war - he thinks now is a good time to destabilize the situation a little so it would force the UN to get involved and would hopefully favor Pakistan but India brings troops quickly and defeats his plan; he blames the Pakistan government and overthrows the government and establishes himself as dictator and becomes America's key ally for most of this decade against terrorists
Cricket Diplomacy
people from both India and Pakistan are going to each others countries to see matches and don't kill each other; these cultural exchanges help heal the relationships between the people
Benazir Bhutto - 1953-2007
first and only female prime minister of Pakistan; assassinated in 2007
Asif Ali Zadari
takes office in 2008 and promised to renew fight against the Taliban
Jacobo Arbenz
Guatemala 1954 - smooth election that elects him and he is a reformer and fuzzy socialist that wants to nationalize some industries and spread the wealth; US company dominated agricultural economy - United Fruit? Company and he says he's going to compensate for their land but not giving them what they want and this company has ties in the US administration so US launches a project to overthrow him
Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine - 1904
it is the right and duty of the US to intervene in the affairs of Latin American affairs directly if they cannot keep their own houses in order and that threatens the stability of neighboring countries or the entire regions or affects the rights and interests of others countries in their countries; US is the one that determines if the country wasn't keeping their house in order
Platt Amendment
gives the US the right to intervene in Cuban affairs to protect the Cuban people but really to protect US interests; 1901 - US forces this to be written in the Cuban constitution
Good Neighbor Policy - 1933-1954
after realizing America policy has generated anti-American sentiment FDR announced that the US would renounce the use of direct military intervention in Latin American countries so rather than direct military, now US provides military aid to governments its supports or to rebels to governments it doesn't support
Samoza Standard
as long as you support US interests than you have our help; he's a bastard, but he's our bastard; nasty dictators that enjoy American support because they support American policies
1933 - new government with goals were to pry Cuba from underneath the US influence was overthrown by a military coup by Batista which was supported by the US; rules from 1933-34 and leaves Cuba in 1944 but then comes back in 1952 to stage another coup to set the second regime; established a presidential dictatorship backed by the army and rigged elections and suppressed opposition, remarkably corrupt, and did protect US interests in Cuba; Castro and revolution emerges as a response to this regime
Che Guevara and Cult of Che
symbolizes resistance to the status quo and emphasizes equality and better life for the masses; in reality, he was inflexible dogmatic communist ideologue, took pleasure in killing enemies and believed an outcome worth anything was bathed in blood and his preferred method for bringing about change was violence
26th of July Movement
Castro and small group of forces attack a military barracks in Santiago to get weapons, but this attack fails completely and the survivors were sent to jail; created a myth of this epic struggle by Castro and is used to mobilize the masses
Fidel Castro
emerges as a response to the Batista regime; he was a fuzzy populist, nationalist and anti-imperialist, and wanted to free Cuba from American influence and from under the brutal dictatorship of Batista; in the early 1950s he was looking at social reforms like limited redistribution of land, health policies, and policies aimed at improving standard of living; over time, he gains support with peasants, urban workers, and students and overthrows Batista in 1959
Special Period (1990s)
after 1991 Soviet Union collapses and was the main patron of Cuba and everyone said that its only a few years and Castro will fall and economy does nearly collapse but Castro introduces economic reforms to allow tourism to develop and allows the dollarization of Cuban economy - allows dollars to come in and be used for transactions; Castro is hanging on and muddling through
King Leopold's Congo Colony
Leopold wants to lift the Congo people up and civilize them and tells the other European countries and the US that he wants it; Leopold is only interested in getting rich and exploiting the Congo; Leopold creates a brutal colonial regime and ultimately creates a slave society
Force Publique
exploitation of the Congolese people made possible by the Congo army - led by white officers; this becomes the Congolese national army after colonization and was never had the idea of protecting the people
Patrice Lumumba
elected in 1960 and the Congo soon splits with different ethnicities and he first looks to the west for support to reunite the country but then turns to the Soviet Union for aid
Mobutu Sese Seko
is the head of the army in the early 1960s and overthrows Kasavavu in 1965; builds a cult of personality and calls himself a father of the nation and tries to create new nationalism in the Congo; 1971 - renames Congo Zaire; exploits Congo's resources, especially mineral wealth to give himself money; puts his friends, and members of his tribe into places of power; works with Western businesses giving them the rights to extract minerals in return for kickbacks; neo-imperialism - western economic interests have full access to the resources they had during colonialism without the struggle of controlling the country
when a state uses its power to enrich itself; use state power to pad their own pockets
Second Congo War - 1998-2003/present
Tutsis rebel in 1998 and Tutsis now have support from the Rwandan government; different countries support their own militia groups in Congo which cause the major deaths; and different African countries fighting proxy wars on Congo soil
Failed State
state that lack stable political institutions and state can't provide basic services (security, law and order, and protect their borders)
is a western region of Sudan and an ethnic mosaic
British "benign neglect"
allows Ali Dinar to rule as long as he pays his taxes and doesn't oppose the British; while the British were doing things to develop eastern Sudan, it was doing nothing in Darfur; not paying attention to this region was continued to the post colonial government
North-south war - 1958
military government pushes Arab agenda and against the southern non-Arabs and produces a long lasting civil war that beings in 1950s-2005 which is the primary conflict in the Sudan - costs over 2 million lives and is primarily in the south against the Christians
NIF - National Islamic Front
strict interpretation of sharia law and strict punishment for those that oppose; Bashir and Turabi begin to build a theocratic totalitarianism state; restart the civil war in the start; government tolerates slavery and uses food as a weapon - doesn't give food so people starve
Omar al Bashir
in power from the 1989 coup; end of the 1990s he opens peace negotiations in the south - the civil war in the south so he could have a free hand to deal with the Darfur situation; foreign countries turned a blind eye to Darfur because they wanted the peace negotiations to be successful
nomadic Arab speaking African tribes that are fighting in Darfur against the Sudan Liberation Army and the Justice and Equality Movement
Jewish Diaspora - 150-1800
Jews spreading throughout Middle East and Europe
Jewish nationalism; group of Jewish leaders and nationalists construct the idea to create a nationalist consciousness and then pursue this project of creating a nation state
Balfour Declaration - 1917
expresses his want for an independent Jewish state and Zionist now have the backing of the world's most powerful empire at the time
British Mandate - 1922-47
British preparing area for independence though more like another form of British colonialism
UN Partition Plan (1947)
first of the two state solution; accepted by the Jews; supposed to correspond to demographic majorities on the ground; the Arab population never accepts this solution nor do the Arab countries surrounding the area
The War of 1948
Israel founded in June 1948 but Palestine and Arab countries move in to stop it; Israel receives help from US and Britain in way of supplies and defeats all Arab opponents; once Israel gained upper hand in the struggle it acts aggressively and gains land; results - Israel isn't just formed of majority Jewish territories but it now takes over areas with majority Palestinian populations and Palestinians are expelled to West Bank and Gaza
The Nakba - 1948
occurred when between 650,000 and 750,000 Palestinian Arabs fled or were expelled from their homes by Israeli forces, during the creation of the state of Israel and the civil war that preceded it
Six Day War (1967 War)
Egypt's president Nasser tries to reinvigorate the pan-Arab nationalism and takes a harder stance against Israel ; Spring of 1967 - Nasser marches his army to the borders of Israel and Israel sees an opportunity to strike first and launch a preemptive war; Israel attacks first and crushes the Egyptians, defeats Syrians, and invades Jordan; Israel emerges as a super power
West Bank and Gaza
area taken by Israel during the Six Days War and the area has been occupied and resettled by Israelis
hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are expelled from their homes and pushed into refugee camps in small towns in the West Bank and Gaza and they claim they have a right to return to their homes that they were pushed out in 1948; the great catastrophe and really the birthplace of Palestinian nationalism and national identity
The Right to Return
hundreds of thousands of Palestinians are expelled from their homes and pushed into refugee camps in small towns in the West Bank and Gaza and they claim they this right which was recognized by UN and is a key demand of Palestinians
West Bank and Gaza
1967 war leaves an even larger Palestinian population under Israeli control; these regions are now occupied by Israeli occupation; Israeli's justification for occupation is safety and wants them as a buffer zone for security purposes
Israeli Settlements
after 1967 - Israelis start building in West Bank and Gaza; for Palestinians, this looks like colonization; Israeli's moving in believe in greater Israel which is reconstructing Israeli empire of the earlier ages; relations become a lot worse because of this
Yassir Arafat and Fatah
faction of the PLO that is secular with the primary goal to creation of Palestinian state
Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO)
1964 - Arab League - headed by Nasser created this headed by Arafat; they loose support of the Arab world in the 1970s and 80s because by this time, Arab countries have resigned themselves that Israel does exist and want to create a détente in the area; never recognizes Israel's right to exist; means for achieving goals was terrorism
Camp David Accords (1979)
Egypt recognizes Israel and they work towards peace
First Intifada
1987- 1991; grassroots uprising against the Israeli occupation explodes through the occupied territories; Hamas was created during this time and challenges the PLOs leadership to represent Palestinian cause; largely spontaneous and unorganized and lacked a clear direction and clear political goals
Oslo Accords - 1993
neutral recognition - Israel PLO to lead Palestinians and PLO recognizes Israel; Israel's agree to a phased withdrawal of troops of certain parts of occupied territories; gradual assumption of government responsibilities by interim Palestinian authority; further negotiations that aimed at establishing an independent Palestinian state by the end of the decade; supported the two state solution; hopes were high - Rabin, Arafat, and Clinton, doesn't work
Oslo Peace Process
problems - didn't have details, fuzzy sense of where things should go, and never worked out what land would ultimately go to the Palestinians and what would happen to Israeli settlements in the land; militants on both sides did everything to try to stop the talks
Camp David Summit (2000)
Clinton wants to add a peace agreement to Israel and Palestine; Barak wanted to create a Palestinian state that would occupy some territory that was demilitarized and the Jewish settlements intact which would make the areas not continuous; Arafat rejects this despite massive pressure by Clinton and held fast to the idea of a right to return back to their homes back in 1948
The Second Intifada
begins when a new likud prime minister of Israel that wants to take a stronger line against Palestinians which suggests that Jerusalem will never be divided and always be under Israeli rule; sparks new uprising, even more deadly; Israel responded by attacking militants inside occupied territories targeting militants, but killing civilians as well
Hamas vs Fatah
2006 elections - Hamas gets elected and they advocate a large line against Israel; Hamas then takes control of Fatah government in Gaza and creates a civil war in 2007-08
Special Economic Zones (SEZs)
Deng opens up foreign investment to western businesses and countries that can operate more or less freely with little interference