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39 Cards in this Set

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What events in the 1850's led to the american civil war ?
1.North industrial, South agricultural, tariffs(taxes) on imports to protect northern industry hurt the south.
2.Loss of political power by the south.
3.slavery debate with regards to expansion and the new lands gained.
4.States rights movement what powers should be gov and which should be state ?
5. Weak leadership Taylor, fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan.
what groups combined to form the republican party ?
Northern democrats – Join with Conscience/abolitionists
/free soil/ to become republicans-all opposed to the Kansas Nebraska act.
what was the union strategy for the war ?
North (anaconda plan) – squeeze the south into the southeast
1. Naval blockade of the south (Brownsville tx – VA)
2. Divide the south at the Mississippi river
3. Pressure on the confederate capital in Richmond VA
what were the major theatres of the civil war ?
d.Eastern theatre – Virginia, Maryland, Pennsylvania Robert E. Lee – offered commander of northern army (declined, he was from virginia)
e.First major battle 1861(Battle of Bull Run in VA) south called it the (Battle of Manassas), showed that the war was not going to be as expected, southerners initial enlistment was for 3 months.
f.Battle of Antietam 1863 – Maryland -
3.Western Theatre - Mississippi River
c.Ulysses S. Grant – Tranfered to the eastern theatre in 1864.
d.1862 Battle of Shiloh – Confederate army tried to stop the north from working down the Mississippi (more men killed in 1 day than in all of the Vietnam war)
4.Trans-Mississippi West – Tx, La, Ark
Who was the outstanding general/s and what were the major battles ?
When/Where did the first and second continental congress take place ?
1774, and May 1775 in philidelphia. the second group of men would eventually become the first US Government.
What happened at the battle of saratoga ?
In new york on the hudson, a colonial victory that resulted in the french entering the war.
What was the government like under the articles of confederation ? What was the northwest ordinance ?
weak with no power to tax, regulate trade, or prevent foreign goods from flooding the market. Had to rely on donations from states for funding. the new gov, established the northwest ordinance, which were the guidelines and steps by which a state becomes a state.
What are some of the possible motives of the founding fathers ?
1. Selfless Patriots doing whats best for the country.
2. businessmen looking out for themselves.
3.Young men of the revolution with a national perspective.
4.colonial leaders set up government that gave power to the states & young men of the revolution who saw the states as a nation leading us to the US Constitution.
what compromises were reached at the philidelphia convention ?
1. The government was established and built upon the same guidelines as the brittish
2. states were granted 2 representatives in the senate and the house of rep would be based on states populations this led to the
3. 3/5 Compromise which counted every 5 slaves as 3 people
4. Anti-Federalists agreed to join only if the bill of rights was appended to the constituion.
What were the major events of george washingtons presidency ?
1.He defined the position of president, everything he did set precedence.
2. He tries to get the country out of debt.
3. Establishes foreign policy with a position of nuetrality.
4. Let the people know that they would be taxed to support the government they had fought for and backed up his words with military action by crushing the wiskey rebellion. with a 12000 man show of force.
5. Stepped down after 2 terms.
who was the3rd pres of the US and what What were the highlights of His presidency ?
Thomas Jefferson - his presidency was considered the revolution of 1800 because of the shift in power to republican from federalist
1.the LA purchase - french needed money for the war with brittian, sold LA for 15 Mil.
2. The Barbary War - Jefferson sent USN to put a halt to the pirates charging countries to enter the medd.
What were the causes of the war of 1812 ?
1. Brittish interference of american shipping
2. Belief that the Brittish were supporting the Indians in the NW territories
3. thought that cnanda should be a part of North America
4. Tired of brittain not treating us like equals.
Name the theatres of war in the war of 1812.
Great Lakes, New England, wahsington DC, Chesapeak Bay, New Orleans.
What was accomplished by the treaty of ghent ?
nothing ! basically, thing just when back to the way they were before the war.
What were some results of the war of 1812 ?
1. made a heero of andrew jackson who eventually becomes president.
2. Never fight the brittish or try to invade canada.
3. great lakes were de-militarized.
4. Federalist party dissapears
5. went in after the war and destroyed the indians who no longer had the support of the brittish.
6.We enter a period of econ and political growth
What was the "Era Of Good feeling" ?
the period begining in 1816 whe there was only one political party dem-rep which eventually just became the democratic party.
what were the circumstances surrounding the creation of the national anthem ?
comes from "Defence of Fort McHenry", a poem written in 1814 by the 35-year-old amateur poet Francis Scott Key after witnessing the bombardment of Fort McHenry by Royal Navy ships in Chesapeake Bay during the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812.
What was a midnight judge ?
In the nineteen days between passage of this Act and the conclusion of his administration, President Adams quickly filled as many of the newly created circuit judgeships as possible. The new judges were known as the Midnight Judges because Adams was said to be signing their appointments at midnight prior to President Thomas Jefferson's inauguration.
what was significant about marbury V. madison ?
Marbury v. Madison was the first time the Supreme Court declared something
"unconstitutional," and established the concept of judicial review in the U.S. (the idea that courts may oversee and nullify the actions of another branch of government). The landmark decision helped define the "checks and balances" of the American form of government.
What were the causes of the american revolution ?
1. US Wanted independence
2. Brittain was trying to control our growth
3. Inevitable difference in cultures
4. wanted to be seen as equals.
what crisis/acts led to the revolution ?
1765 Stamp act crisis
1767 Townsend Act (taxes on imports)
1773 tea act crisis removed taxes from the EITC - led to the coersive acts led to intolerable acts. led to fisrt cont. congress.
What was the proclimation of 1763 ?
brittain says no westward expansion into the french and indian south west.
In the Diplomacy of the american revolution who was sent to gain the french as an allie ?
John Adams went first and failed then we sent Ben Franklin who succeded. this might have been his greates contribution to the United States.
Name 2 explorers from England that took the lead in exploration ?
Cabot (1497), Hudson
what tarrif did the south support with the thought that they would become industrial ? What Happened ?
The Nullification Process
what are the six factors of production ?
Labor, Land, Capitol, Entrepreneurship, Demand, Transportation Sysytem
How did the US provide the six factors after the war of 1812 ?
Labor (provided by Women, Children, Slaves, Indentured servants.)
Land - Was cheap and plentiful .
Capital - Equiptment and technology.
Transport - rail, road, canal, steamboat, clipper
What was the Monroe Doctrine ?
written in 1823 - its the basic pillar of diplomatic principals. it says this continent is closed for further european colonization - and US will stay out of your affairs.
Define the Era Of Good feeling ?
(1816-1825) there was only 1 political party unity across the nation and economic development and nationalism were abundant.
What was the petticoat war ?
jacksons fued with the other wives of politicians over the way they treated peggy oneil and her eventual husband john eaton, due to the fact that she was married while dating seeing someone else.
What was the indian removal act and what were the effects ?
Directly affected 5 different tribes...it pushed for the move of all indians west of the missippi...supreme court ruled it unconstitutional and jackson tells them to enforce it...resulted in the trail of tears where 1 in 4 died.
What were the causes of the Mexican war ?
Caused by the annexation of texas texas had claimed independence for years, but mexico never recognized it and finally broke diplomatic relations saying we stole TX
Name the theatres of the mexican war and the commanders of each..
South TX / Northern Mexico (Zachary Taylor / Ulysses S Grant)
New Mexico / California (Kearny)
Vera Cruz & Mexico City (Winfeild Scott & Robert E. Lee)
What was manifest destiny ?
The belief that the United States was destined, even divinely ordained, to expand across the North American continent, from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific Ocean.
Who was Henry David Thoreau ?
most famous for his essay on civil disobedience and his book walden.
Who made up the whig party ?
Harrison and john tyler 1841-45, whig party was composed of people who didnt like jackson.
What was Spains reaction to Fort St Louie ?
Spain Sends Expeditions to force out French- Alanso De Leon – Finds Everyone dead Indians had already taken them out. Came back and built La Bahia on top of St Louis
Who was john cabot ?
known in English as John Cabot, was an Italian navigator and explorer whose 1497 'discovery' of North America is commonly held to be the first European voyage to the continent since Norseman Leif Ericson's landing in c.1003.