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57 Cards in this Set

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O,I,A,N illiopsoas

O: Iliac fossa, anterior and lateral surfaces of T12-L5

I: Lessser trochanter

A: Hip flexion

N: Iliacus portion~ Femoral nerve

Psoas major portion~L2 and L3

O,I,A,N Rectus Femoris

O: Anterior inferior iliac spine

I: Tibial tuberositey

A: Hip fleion, knee extension

N: Feemoral Nerve

O,I,A,N Sartorius

O: Anterior superior iliac spine

I: Proximal medial aspect of tibia

A: Combination of hip flexion, abduction, lateral rotation, knee flexion

N: femoral N

O,I,A,N Pectineus

O: Superior ramus of pubis

I: Pectineal line of femur

A: Hip flexion and addiction

N: Femoral N

O,I,A,N Adductor Longus

O: Pubis

I: Middle third of the linea aspera

A: Hip adduction

N: Obturator N

O,I,A,N Adductor Brevis

O: Pubis

I: Pectineal line and proximal linea aspera

A: HIp adduction

N: Obturator nerve

O,I,A,N Adductor Magnus

O: Ischium and pubis

I: entire linea aspera and addictor tubercle

A: Hip adduction

N: Obturator and sciatic nerve

O,I,A,N Gracilis

O: Pubis

I: Anterior medial surface of proximal end of tibia

A: Hip adduction

N: Obturator Nerve

O,I,A,N Gleuteus Maximus

O: Posterior sacrum and ilium

I: Posterior femur distal to greater trochanter and to the iliotibial band

A: Hip extension, hyperextension, lateral rotation

N:inferior gluteal nerve

O.I,A,N Deep rotator muscles

O: posterior sacrum , ischium, pubis

I: Greater trochanter area

A:Hip lateral rotation

N: Numerous....

O,I,A,N Semimembranosus

O: Ischial tuberosity

I: Posterior surface of medial condyle of tibia

A: Extend hip and flexes the knw\ee

N:Sciatic Nerve

O,I,A,N Semitendinosus

O: Ischial tuberosity

I:Anteromedial surface oof proximal tibia

A: Extends hip flexes the knee

N: Sciatic Nerve

O,I,A,N Biceps Femoris

O: Long Head~ ischial tuberosity

Short Head~ Lateral lip of linea aspera

I: Fiibular head

A: Long Head~ Extends hip, flexes knee

Short Head~ Flexes knww

N: Long Head~ Sciatic nerve

Short Head~ common peroneal Nerve

O,I,A,N Gluteus Medius

O: Outer surface of the ilium

I: Lateral surface of the greater trochanter

A: Hip abduction

N: Superior gluteal Nerve

O,I,A,N Gluteus Minimus

O: Lateral ilium

I: Anterior Surface of the greater trochanter

A: Hip abduction, medial rotation

N: Superior gluteal

O,I,A,N Tensor fascia Latae

O: Anterior superior iliac Spine

I: Lateral condyle of the tibia

A: Combines hip flexiopn and abduction

N: Superior gluteal nerve

What important function does the hip joint provide.

allows for weiht bearing

True or false.Is the Hip joint less stable than the shoulder joint


The hip joint us more stable than the shoulder as a result ROM is not as wode as shoulder

What is the average degree of hip flexion

a) 90

b) ~120

c) 120

b) ~120

What is the average degree of hip abduction

a) ~45

b) 90

c) 25

a) ~45

What is the average degree of hip adduction

a) ~90

b)~ 25

c) 10

b) ~25

Where is the ASIS?

Anterior surface of the pelvis, just under the AIIS

Where is the AIIS

anterior surface of the pelvis, Above the ASIS

Where is the ischial tuberosity?

posterior pelvis, on the ischium

Where is the PSIS

Posterior pelvis,

True of false. Is the Lesser trochanter always medial ?


True or false: Is the Greater trochanter always medial?

false, it is always lateral

Where is the tibial tuberosity

on the anterior proximal tibia

Name the three Hip joint ligaments

2. Iliofemoral Ligament

3. Pubofemoral Ligament

4. Ischiofemoral ligament

True or false: do all hip muscles Flex

false, only anterior hip muscles extend

True ot false: Do all posterior muscles extend


True or false: Do all medial muscles only internally adduct?

false, internally rotate and/ or adduct

True or false: All lateral hip musscles externally rotate and, or abduct


True or false: All anterior hip muscles are innervated by the femoral nerve


True of false: all posterior hip muscles are innervated by the superior gluteal Nerve

false, inferior gluteal nerve

True or false: All posterior leg muscles are innervated by the femoral nerve

false, Sciatic nerve

True or false: All medial hip muscles are innervated by the obturator nerve


True or false: all anterior muscles originate somewhere on the ilium


True or false: all medial muscles originate on the pubis


Pectenieus is innervated by which nerve


True or false: all adductor muscles insert on the linea aspera


6 deep lateral rotators

1. piriformis

2. obturator externus

3. obturator internus

4. gemellus superior

5. quadratus femoris

name the hamstring muscles

1. semimembranosis

2. Semitendinosis

3. Biceps femoris (LH and SH)

name the anterior hip muscles

1. rectus femoris

2. iliopsoas

3. sartorius

name the medial hip muscles

1. gracilis

2. adductor magnus

3. adductor brevis

4. adductor longus

5. pectineus

#1-4 are innervated by the obturator nerve

name the lateral hip muscles

1. gluteus medius

2. gluteus minimus

3. tensor fascia latae

Where will addictor brevis insert

pectineal line (next to pectineus)

True or false all hamstring muscles originate on the ischial tuberosity


Where does Biceps femoris Short Head originate

linea aspera

True or false all hamstring muscles extend the hip and flex the knee


What action does Biceps femoris Short Head do

flexes the knee

True or false: all hamstring muscles are innervated by the sciatic nerve


Which nerve innervates biceps femoris Short head

common peroneal

Where will semimembranenosis insert

medial condyle of tibia

where will semitendinosis insert

anterior medial condyle of the tibia

Where does biceps femoris LH and SH originate

fibular head

Where will addictor brevis insert

pectineal line (next to pectineus)