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132 Cards in this Set

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the upper limbs undergo rotation in what direction embryologically


the lower limbs undergo rotation in what direction embryologically


the extensors for the upper limb are posterior or anterior


the extensors for the lower limb are posterior or anterior


what are skeletal components of the pelvic girdle

Os Coxae, sacrum, coccyx

what are the movements of the hip

  • flexion/extension
  • abduction/adduction
  • internal/external rotation
  • circumduction

what is the fascia in the thigh called

fascia lata

the fascia lata is anchored superiorly to what structures

iliac crest and inguinal ligament

the fascia lata is thickened laterally to form what structure

iliotibial tract

what are the major branches of the lumbosacral plexus

  • femoral nerve (L2-L4)
  • Obturator nerve (L2-L4)
  • Gluteal nerves (L4-S2)
  • Sciatic Nerve (L4-S3)

what nerve innervates the anterior thigh

femoral nerve

what nerve innervates the medial thigh

obturatory nerve

what nerve innervates the gluteal muscles

gluteal nerves

what nerve innervates the posterior thigh, leg, and foot

sciatic nerve

what ligaments surround the hip joint

  • pubofemoral ligament
  • iliofemoral ligament
  • ischiofemoral ligament

what muscles make up the hip flexors

the iliacus and psoas major making up the iliopsoas

the iliopsoas inserts on what

the lesser trochanter

what innervates the ilopsoas

femoral nerve

what is the knee extensor

the muscles of the quadriceps femoris

what muscles make up the quadriceps femoris

  • rectus femoris
  • vastus medialis
  • vastus lateralis
  • vastus intermedius

which muscles cross only the knee with respect to the quadriceps femoris

  • vastus medialis
  • vastus lateralis
  • vastus intermdeius

what muscle crosses the hip and knee with respect to the qudriceps femoris

the rectus femoris

what muscle is knows as "Tailor's Muscle"


what are the actions of the sartorius at the hip

flexion, abduction, and lateral rotation

what are the actions of the sartorius at the knee


what nerve innervates the sartorius

femoral nerve

what are the muscles of the medial thigh

  • obturator exterus
  • pectineus
  • gracilis
  • adductor brevis
  • adductor longus
  • adductor magnus

what is the action of the obturator externus

laterally rotate the hip

what is the action of the pectineus

adduct and flex the hip

what nerve innervates the pectineus

femoral nerve

what is the action of the gracilis

adduct hip, flex knee

what is the action of the adductors

adduct hip and medially rotate thigh

the femoral artery is continuous proximally to what artery

the external iliac artery

when does the external iliac artery become the femoral artery

after passing the inguinal ligament

the femoral artery runs in the adductor canal which is partly covered by what muscle


the femoral artery passes through the adductor hiatus located in what muscle

adductor magnus

when the femoral artery passes through the adductor hiatus what artery does it then become

popliteal artery

what are the branches of the femoral artery

deep artery of the thigh which has 3 branches those being the medial circumflex femoral artery, lateral circumflex femoral artery, and perforating arteries

the femoral nerve is lateral to what vessel

femoral artery

what muscles does the femoral nerve innervate

all anterior thigh muscles and the pectineus

the femoral nerve gives off cutaneous branches to what areas

  • anterior thigh
  • anteromedial knee
  • medial leg
  • medial foot

what nerve innervates all muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh (except pectineus) and skin over medial thigh

obturator nerve

what are the actions of the gluteus maximus

  • extensor of flexed femur at hip joint
  • lateral stabilizer of hip joint and knee joint
  • laterally rotates and abducts thigh

what nerve innervates the gluteus maximus

inferior gluteal nerve

what is the action of the tensor fasciae latae

stabilize knee in extension

what nerve innervates the tensor fasciae latae

superior gluteal nerve

what muscles abduct the femur and stablize the pelvis during stance phase (preventing pelvic drop)

gluteus medius and gluteus minimus

what nerve innervates the gluteus medius and gluteus minimus

superior gluteal nerve

what muscles make up the gluteal muscles

  • piriformis
  • superior gemellus
  • obturator internus
  • inferior gemellus
  • quadratus femoris
  • gluteus medius
  • gluteus minimus
  • gluteus maximus
  • tensor fasciae latae

the piriformis, superior gemellus, obturator internus, inferior gemellus all have what action

laterally rotate and extend femur

what is the action of the quadratis femoris

laterally rotates the femur

what portion of the adductor magnus does not cross the knee

hamstring portion

what muscles make up the posterior thigh

  • hamstring portion of adductor magnus
  • semimembranosus
  • semitendinosus
  • biceps femoris

where do all of the muscles of the posterior thigh originate

on ischial tuberosity

which muscles of the posterior thigh attach on the medial side of the knee

sememembranosus and semitendinosus

what muscles of the posterior thigh attach on the lateral side of the knee

biceps femoris

what are the actions of the posterior thigh (except for the adductor magnus)

extend hip and flex knee

what nerve innervates the muscles of the posterior thigh

tibial portion of sciatic nerve

the sciatic nerve supplies motor to what muscles

  • muscles of posterior thigh
  • all muscles of leg and foot

the sciatic nerve supplies sensory to what structures

  • skin of lateral leg and foot
  • sole of foot
  • dorsum of foot

what is the pathway for the sciatic nerve

exits greater sciatic notch inferior to pririformis muscle, runs through posterior compartment of thigh and into popliteal fossa where it splits into tibial and common fibular nerves

what quadrant of the hip is a safe site for intramuscular injections

upper lateral quadrant

movement of knees in what direction minimizes lateral shift in center of gravity

toward midline (adduction of hip)

what action of the hip control and limits the pelvic tilt (drop)

abduction on stance side

what bone articulates with distal end of the femur


the patella is embedded in what tendon

quadriceps tendon (sesamoid bone)

which leg bone do you take bone grafts from


what fossa is posterior to the knee joint

popliteal fossa

the knee joint includes what three bones

  • distal femur
  • proximal tibia
  • patella

what is the largest synovial joint in the body

knee joint

what are all of the compartments of the knee joint

  • menisci
  • ligaments
  • synovial capsule
  • joint capsule
  • patella

the lateral meniscus and medial meniscus are both attached to what structure

intercondylar region of the tibial plateau

the medial and lateral menisci are connected anteriorly by what ligament

transverse ligament of the knee

what are the collateral knee ligaments

  • tibial collateral ligament (medial)
  • fibular collateral ligament (lateral)

what is the function of the anterior cruciate ligament

  • prevents anterior displacement of tibia
  • prevents over extension

what is the function of the posterior cruciate ligament

  • prevents posterior displacement of tibia relative to femur

the synovial membrane of the knee joint is separated form the patellar ligament by what

infrapatellar fat pad

the synovial membrane expands into what structure to decrease friction at the joint

suprapatellar bursa

true or false; the synovial membrane encloses the cruciate ligaments


what actions of the knee results in locking the knee into position

extension and medial rotation

what muscle causes unlocking of the knee

popliteus muscle

the popliteus muscle initiates what action to unlock the knee

lateral rotation of femur on the tibia

what vessels and nerves run through the popliteal fossa

  • tibial nerve
  • popliteal vein
  • popliteal artery
  • common fibular nerve
  • small saphenous vein

what is the most common injury to the knee


what is an ACL tear caused by

planting the foot and then quickly twisting or changing direction

what is the action of the anterior compartment of the leg

dorsiflex foot, extend toes, invert foot

what nerve innervates the anterior compartment of the leg

deep fibular neve

what is the action of the lateral compartment of the leg

evert foot

what nerve innervates the lateral compartment of the leg

superficial fibular nerve

what are the actions of the posterior compartment of the leg

flex knee, plantarflex, invert foot, flex toes

what nerve innervates the posterior compartment of the leg

tibial nerve

the superficial group of the compartments of the leg all insert into the heel via what tendon

calcaneal tendon

in the deep group of the leg how many muscles act on the knee and act on the foot

one muscle acts on the knee and three act on the foot

what posterior compartment is made of what groups

superficial and deep

what are the superficial muscles of the posterior leg

  • gastrocnemius
  • soleus
  • plantaris

what is the action of the gastrocnemius

  • flex knee and platarflex ankle

the two heads of the gastrocnemius forms the inferior border of what

the popliteal fossa

the is what action of the soleus

plantarflex ankle

what is the action of the plantaris

weakly flex knee and plantar flex ankle

what muscle of the superficial muscles of the posterior leg can be absent 5-10% of the time


the superficial muscles of the posterior leg all come together to form what

the achilles tendon

what nerve innervates the superficial muscles of the posterior leg

tibial nerve

what are the deep muscles of the posterior leg

  • popliteus
  • flexor digitorum longus
  • flexor hallucis longus
  • tibialis posterior

what is the action of the popliteus

unlocks knee from extended position by laterally rotating the femur

what is the action of the flexor digitorum longus

  • plantarflex ankle
  • flex digits 2-5 at MTP,PIP, and DIP joints

what is the the action of the flexor hellucis longus

  • weakly plantar flex ankle
  • flex hallux (big toe) at MTP and IP joints

what is the action of the tibialis posterior

  • plantar flex ankle
  • invert foot

what nerve innervates the deep muscles of the posterior leg

tibial nerve

the main artery of the posterior leg is the popliteal artery which splits into what arteries

anterior and posterior tibial artery

what is the pathway for the anterior tibial artery

passes through interosseous membrane to get to anterior leg

what artery of the posterior leg gives off the fibular artery to the lateral leg

posterior tibial artery

the main nerve of the posterior leg is the sciatic nerve which splits up into what nerves

tibial and common fibular nerve

where does the sciatic nerve split

popliteal fossa

what is the pathway for the tibial nerve

runs down length of posterior leg into sole of foot

what is the pathway of the fibular neve

wraps around head of fibula and runs to lateral and anterior compartments

what are the contents of the tarsal tunnel

Tibialis posterior, flexor Digitorum longus, posterior tibial Artery, tibial Nerve, flexor Hallucis longus

what is the acronym for the contents of the tarsal tunnel

Tom, Dick, ANd Harry

what are the anterior muscles of the leg

tibialis anterior, extensor hallucis longus, extensor digitorum longus

what are the actions of the tibialis anterior

  • dorsiflex ankle
  • invert foot
  • support medial arch of foot

what are the actions of the extensor hallucis longus

  • extend hallux
  • dorsiflex ankle

what are the actions of the extensor digitorum longus

  • dorsiflex ankle
  • extend digits 2-5
  • form dorsal digital expansions

what nerve innervates the anterior leg muscles

deep fibular nerve

what are the lateral leg muscles

  • fibularis longus
  • fibularis brevis

what are the actions of the fibularis longus

  • supports arch of foot
  • evert foot

what are the actions of the fibularis brevis

evert foot

what is the pathway for the fibularis longus

runs across the sole of foot to insert on base of first metatarsal

what is the insertion of the fibularis brevis

base of 5th metatarsal

what nerve innervates the lateral leg muscles

superficial fibular nerve

the common fibular nerve wraps around the fibular head and splits into what

  • superficial fibular branch
  • deep fibular branch

the superficial fibular branch supplies innervation to what

  • muscles of lateral compartment
  • skin of lateral leg

the deep fibular branch supplies innervation to what

  • muscles of anterior compartment
  • skin between 1st and 2nd digits

the deep fibular branch runs with what artery into the dorsum of the foot

anterior tibial artery