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17 Cards in this Set

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Diseases of Arteries:

degeneratiive = ?1

inflammatory = ?2
1. arteriosclerosis

2. arteritis
Normal Artery:

Tunica Intima = ?1
Tunica Media = ?2
Tunica Adventitia = ?3
1. Endothelium
2. Smooth muscle
3. Collagen & elastic fibers
- refers to local lesion in wall of artery
- contains fat laden cells, smooth muscle cells, collagen & fibrin
- affects coronary & cerebral arteries
- puts us at potential to obstruct or block the arteries
etiology of atherosclerosis:
- increases with age ?1
- associated with proteins
- men ?</>2 women
- more likely in ppl with ?3 (4)
- Homocystein
- blood lipids ?4
1. >60
2. >
3. HBP, obesity, smoker, diabetes

systolic = ?1
diastolic = ?2
increases with ?3 (4)
1. >140
2. >90
3. age, heredity, obesity, atherosclerosis
Needs medical emergency & causes:
- headaches
- blurred vision
- BP > 200/140
- kidney damage
- brain injury (hemorrhage or coma)
Malignant Hypertension
Arteritis (vasculitis) ?
-autoimmune disease
- collagen vascular disease
- affects GI tract, kidney and heart damage
Polyarteritis nodosa
Arteritis (vasculitis) ?

- autoimmune
- collagen vascular disease
- affects heart, kidney, skin and joints involved
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Arteritis (vasculitis) ?

- affects toes and fingers of smokers
Thromboangitis obliterans (Buerger's Disease)
Inflammatory diseases that affects the arteries?
Arteritis (vasculitis) ?

- affects aortery
syphilitic aortitis
Arteritis (vasculitis) ?

- can cause blindness
temporal arteritis
Arteritis (vasculitis) ?

- causes spasms of blood vessels in fingers
Reynaud's disease
- degenerative
- wall of artery weakens and dilates
- risk of rupture and hemorrhage
- caused by atherosclerosis
berry aneurysms can be?
-veins have ?1 that direct blood flow back to the heart
-the valves can become damaged and incompetent for ppl who work on their feet all day
Diseases of veins:
- causes bulging ?1
- occurs when we use medical means to get to veins & causes inflammation ?2
- localized; in rectal area ?3
- occurs in legs ?4
- veins underneath skin, skin becomes thin and ulcerates, tears ?5
1. phlebitis
2. varicose veins
3. hemorrhoids
4. deep venous thrombosis (DVT)
5. stastis ulcers