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14 Cards in this Set

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Advance Directive
A legal document that specifies an individual's healthcare wishes in the event that he or she has a temporary or permanent loss of competence
1. A patient's acknowledgement that he or she understands a proposed intervention, including that intervention's risks, benefits, and alternatives; 2. A patient's agreement that PHI can be disclosed; the document that provides a record of the patient's consent
Do Not Resuscitate Order
A specific type of advance directive in which an individual states that healthcare providers should not perform CPR if the individual experiences cardiac arrest or cessation of breathing
Durable Power of Attorney for Healthcare Decisions
A power of attorney that remains in effect even after the principal is incapacitated; some are drafted so that they only take effect when the principal becomes incapacitated
Express Consent
Consent that is communicated through words, regardless of whether those words are written or spoken
General Consent
A form that covers routine diagnostic procedures and medical treatment by hospital staff, as well as other activities such as release of information for treatment purposes and disposal of human tissue and body fluids
Good Samaritan Statute
State law or statute that protects healthcare providers from liability for not obtaining informed consent before rendering care to adults or minors at the scene of an emergency or accident
Implied Consent
Consent for medical treatment that is communicated through a person's conduct or some other means besides words
Informed Consent
A type of consent in which the patient should shave a basic understanding of what medical procedures or tests may be performed as well as the risks, befits, and alternatives for those tests or procedures
Living Will
A document executed by a competent adult that expresses that individual's wishes to limit treatment measures when specific health-related diagnoses or conditions exist
Patient Self-Determination Act
A law that became effective in 1991 requiring healthcare institutions that bill Medicare or Medicaid for services to provide adult patients with information about the various types of advance directives
Short Consent
In the context of human subjects research, a written document stating that the elements of informed consent required by Common Rule have been orally presented to and understood by the subject or the subject's legally authorized representative
Uniform Anatomical Gift Act
An act that provides suggested standards for all aspects of organ donation, including who may make anatomical gifts and how intent to make anatomical gifts should be expressed, designed to create uniformity in this area across all 50 states
Uniform Health-Care Decisions Act
A model law created in 1993 that provides that an individual may give an oral or written instruction to a healthcare provider that remains in force even after the individual loses capacity and suggests decision-making priority for that individual's surrogates