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79 Cards in this Set

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Most of the brain is made up of _________ cortex.


The 2 types of association cortex are:

Unimodal (modality-specific)
Heteromodal (Higher-order)

Give 4 examples of unimodal association cortex

Somatosensory Association
Visual Association
Auditory Association
Motor Association

What are the 2 motor association cortex areas?

Premotor cortex
Supplementary Motor Area

From whence does the unimodal sensory association cortex receive its primary input

Primary sensory cortex of a specific sensory modality

What does the unimodal association cortex do with the input

Performs higher-order sensory processing

What connections does the heteromodal association cortex have (direction, areas)?

Bidirectional connections with both motor and sensory association cortex of all modalities and bidirectional connections with limbic cortex

What function does the heteromodal cortex serve?

Highest-order mental functions.

In what 2 areas is heteromodal association cortex found?

Frontal lobes
Parieto-occipital junctions

What information does the limbic system provide to the heteromodal association cortex (2 types)?


Simple motor movements are controlled by the __________ hemisphere while skilled complex motor tasks for both limbs are mainly controlled by the ______ hemisphere?

dominant/left (explains why apraxia usually due to dominant/left hemisphere damage)

Define apraxia

A disorder of formulating skilled movements

The left hemisphere is dominant for language in over ____% of R handers and ____ % of L handers


List 5 skills associated with the dominant/left hemisphere

Skill motor formulation (praxis)
Arithmetic (sequential, analytical calculation skills)
Musical ability (sequential, analytical abilities in trained musicians)
Sense of direction (following written directions in sequence)

List 5 functions of the nondominant/right hemisphere

Visuospatial analysis and spatial attention
Arithmetic (correctly line up numbers on a page)
Musical ability (untrained musicians; complex pieces for trained musicians)
Sense of direction (finding way by overall sense of spatial orientation)

Define prosody

Emotion conveyed by the tone of voice

Which hemisphere is responsible for attention to both sides?

Right (non-dominant)

Which hemisphere is responsible for spatial perception of the overall gestalt?

Right (non-dominant)

Networks with connections to which 3 areas mediate dominant/non-dominant hemisphere functions?

1. Frontoparietal
2. Connections with limbic structures
3. Reciprocal connections with subcortical nuclei

What 2 ways can these networks be disconnected?

Within each hemisphere

Between hemispheres at the corpus callosum

Where is the primary auditory cortex located?

The superior bank of the Sylvian fissure in the temporal lobe (See Blumenfeld p. 824 for diagram)

What part of the brain is responsible for identifying particular sequences of sounds and comprehending words as meaningful?

Wernicke's area

What Brodmann's are is this?


Where is it located

Posterior 2/3 of the superior temporal gyrus in the dominant hemisphere

What adjacent Brodmann's areas/association cortex also produce Wernicke's aphasia

37, 39, 40 (See Blumenfeld p. 828 for diagram)

What part of the brain is responsible for articulation of sounds that result in speech

Face area of the primary motor cortex

Where is this located

Inferior portion of the precentral gyrus

What part of the brain is responsible for the motor program that activates sequences of sounds to produce words

Broca's area

What is/are the corresponding Brodmann's area(s)

44, 45 (See Blumenfeld p. 828 for diagram)

What is the mnemonic to remember Wernicke's and Broca's Brodmann's areas?

Broca's (44) is twice Wernicke's (22)

Describe where Broca's area is located in the brain

In the opercular and triangular portions of the inferior frontal gyrus of the dominant hemisphere

What other adjacent Brodmann's areas (6) also can produce Broca's aphasia

9, 46, 47, 6, 8, 10

What is the subcortical white matter pathway that connects Wernicke's and Broca's areas

Arcuate fasciculus

What other pathways are involved

numerous polysynaptic connections that convey information along the intervening peri-Sylvian cortex

To what areas does Broca's area connect for higher-order motor aspects of speech formulation and planning (3)

Prefrontal cortex, premotor cortex, supplementary motor area

What other important aspect of speech formulation are these areas responsible for

Syntax (both in language comprehension and production)

Define syntax

Grammatical structure

According to the INS Dictionary of Neuropsychology: "The rules of language structure governing the assembly of words into sentences. Syntax represents the variety of relationships among words (i.e., word order) that helps convey information in a coherent and meaningful manner." (p. 155)

According to answers.com: "The study of the rules whereby words or other elements of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentences. "

With which other brain areas does Wernicke's area have connections (3)

Supramarginal gyrus of the parietal lobe, angular gyrus of the parietal lobe, other parts of the temporal lobe (e.g., Brodmann's area 37)

In addition to comprehension, what other aspect of language do these areas assist with

Lexicon (involved in both the comprehension and production of meaningful language)

Define lexicon

According to the INS Dictionary of Neuropsychology: "Knowledge of the phonological representation and grammatical aspects of words." (p. 97)

According to answers.com:
"The morphemes of a language considered as a group."

According to answers.com, a morpheme is: "A meaningful linguistic unit consisting of a word, such as man, or a word element, such as -ed in walked, that cannot be divided into smaller meaningful parts."

According to the INS Dictionary of Neuropsychology, a morpheme is: "The smallest unit of meaning in a language. Morphemes include words as well as meaningful prefixes, suffixes, and affixes." (p. 109)

What part of the brain is also particularly involved in written language

Language areas of the dominant parietal lobe, such as angular gyrus

Describe the pathway taken by information that is read

Primary visual cortex in occipital lobes, processed in visual association cortex, travels anteriorly via the angular gyrus to language areas

What role does the right/non-dominant hemisphere play in language

Recognition and production of affective elements of speech

What pathway is involved

Via the corpus callosum

What language dysfunction do individuals with non-dominant hemisphere lesions display

Difficulty judging the intended expression in the tone of voice, difficulty producing emotional expression in their voice

Lesions in which subcortical areas reciprocally connected with language areas can produce similar language deficits (3)

Thalamus, basal ganglia, subcortical white matter

Define aphasia/dysphasia

"A defect in language processing caused by dysfunction of the dominant hemisphere" (Blumenfeld, p. 829)

INS Dictionary of Neuropsychology: "Acquired disorder of symbolic language processing." (p. 15)

What 5 other general conditions/situations must be ruled out before giving a diagnosis of aphasia

1. Disorders of speech production, 2. Auditory disorders, 3. Defects in arousal and attention, 4. Psychiatric disorders, 5. Lack of cooperation

Name 3 disorders of speech production

Dysarthria, aphemia (verbal apraxia), mutism

How can disorders of speech production be distinguished from aphasia

The content and grammar are normal; written language is often normal; mutism may result from severe aphasia or from motor disorders, but writing may be intact

Name 3 auditory disorders

Peripheral hearing loss, pure word deafness, cortical deafness

How can auditory disorders be distinguished from aphasia

Reading and other aspects of language are intact

Name some conditions that result in defects in arousal and attention

Global confusional state (toxic/metabolic, post-ictal, brainstem ischemia), narcolepsy

Name a couple of psychiatric conditions that may cause disruption of language

Schizophrenia, conversion disorder and other somatoform disorders

What are some aspects of langauge that characterize psychiatric disorders

Disordered, nonsensical, clanging speech full or neologisms

What is the most common cause of aphasia

Cerebral infarction

List 7 causes of aphasia

1. Cerebral contusion; SDH, EDH
2. Ischemic or hemorrhagic vascular events
3. Ictal or post-ictal related to focal seizures in dominant hemisphere
4. Mass lesions (brain tumor, abscess, toxoplasmosis)
5. Inflammatory/autoimmune disorder (e.g., MS, vasculitis)
6. Developmental disorder (language delay, autism)
7. Degenerative disorder (primary progressive aphasia, moderately advanced Alzheimer's Disease, Huntington's Disease)

See neuroexam.com Videos 8-12 for 6-step bedside exam

What is the most common cause of Broca's aphasia

Infarct in the territory of the L MCA superior division

What are other non-language features generally associated with Broca's aphasia (5)

R hemiparesis affecting the face and UE>LE; dysarthria; frustration; depression; L sided and oral-buccal-lingual structures apraxia

What is the most common cause of Wernicke's aphasia

Infarct in the L MCA inferior division territory

What non-language features are generally associated with Wernicke's aphasia (4)

Contralateral visual field cut, usually R upper quadrant; apraxia (difficult to tell due to reduced comprehension); anosagnosia (acting as if conversation is normal); angry or paranoid behavior (may appear psychotic)

What 3 aspects of language determine the type of aphasia

Fluency, comprehension, repetition

What are the 8 general types of aphasias

Global, Mixed transcortical, Broca's, Transcortical Motor, Wernicke's, Transcortical Sensory, Conduction, Anomic

What are the 4 aphasias related to reduced fluency

Global, Mixed Transcortical, Broca's, Transcortical Motor

What are the 4 aphasias related to relatively intact fluency

Wernicke's, Transcortical Sensory, Conduction, Anomic

Given reduced fluency, what 2 aphasias are related to reduced comprehension

Global, Mixed Transcortical

Given reduced fluency, which 2 aphasias are related to relatively intact comprehension

Broca's, Transcortical Motor

Given reduced fluency and comprehension, which aphasia cannot repeat


Given reduced fluency and comprehension, which aphasia can repeat

Mixed Transcortical

Given reduced fluency and generally intact comprehension, which aphasia cannot repeat


Given reduced fluency and generally intact comprehension, which aphasia can repeat

Transcortical Motor

Given relatively intact fluency, which 2 aphasias demonstrate reduced comprehension

Wernicke's, Transcortical Sensory

Given relatively intact fluency, which 2 aphasias demonstrated generally intact comprehension

Conduction, Anomic

Given relatively intact fluency and reduced comprehension, which aphasia cannot repeat


Given relatively intact fluency and reduced comprehension, which aphasia can repeat

Transcortical Sensory

Given relatively intact fluency and comprehension, which aphasia cannot repeat


Given relatively intact fluency and comprehension, which aphasia can repeat


Draw the flow chart of Classification of Language Disorders using a decision tree of fluency, comprehension, and repetition

See Blumenfeld Figure 19.4, p. 834

Draw a lateral view of the dominant/L hemisphere and for each disorder (except anomic aphasia) indicate the usual area of infarction and the vascular/watershed territory usually involved

See Blumenfeld p. 834