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81 Cards in this Set

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carotid sheath
internal jugular vein (lateral), common carotid (medial), vagus nerve (posterior)
coronary irrigation
circumflex (posterior left ventricle), left anterior descending (apex and left ventricular septum), acute marginal (right ventricle), posterior descending (posterior septum)
aortic area auscultation murmurs
aortic stenosis, flow murmur, aortic valve sclerosis
left sternal border auscultation murmurs
aortic insufficiency, pulmonic insufficiency
pulmonic area auscultation murmur
pulmonic stenosis, ASD
tricuspid area auscultation murmurs
pansystolic (tricuspid insuficiency, VSD), diastolic (tricuspid stenosis, ASD)
mitral area auscultation murmurs
systolic (mitral insufficiency), diastolic (mitral stenosis)
wide splitting of S2
associated with pulmonic stenosis
fixed splitting
associated with ASD
paradoxical splitting
associated with aortic stenosis
mitral insufficiency murmur
holosystolic low pitched blowing murmur loudest at apex and radiates to axilla
tricuspid insufficiency murmur
holosystolic low pitched blowing murmur loudest at tricuspid area radiates to right sternal border
aortic stenosis murmur
crescendo-decrescendo systolic ejection murmur following ejection click radiates to apex; pulsus parvus et tardus
VSD murmur
holosystolic, harsh sounding loudest at tricuspid area
mitral prolapse murmur
late systolic with midsystolic click
aortic insufficiency murmur
high-pitched blowing diastolic murmur; wide bounding pulse pressure, water-hammer pulse
mitral stenosis murmur
delayed rumbling late diastolic follows opening snap
cause of tetralogy of Fallot
anterosuperior displacement of the infundibular septum
cause of transposition of the great vessels
due to failure of the neural crest cells of the aorticopulmonary septum to spiral rotate
chest x-ray in aortic dissection
mediastinal widening
types of embolus
fat, air, thrombus, bacteria, amniotic fluid, tumor; fat emboli associated with long bone fractures and liposuction; amniotic fluid emboli can lead to DIC.
Libman-Sacks endocarditis
verrocous sterile vegetations on both sides of the valve; associated with SLE
causes of serous pericarditis
SLE, rheumatoid arthritis, viral infection, uremia
causes of fibrinous pericarditis
uremia, MI, rheumatic fever
causes of hemorrhagic pericarditis
TB, malignancies
hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia; autosomal dominant; nosebleeds and skin discolorations
Sturge-Weber disease
congenital; affects capillaries; port-wine stain on face and leptomeningeal angiomatosis ( arteriovenous malformation)
CNS macrophages of mesodermal origin; HIV-infected microglia fuse to form multinucleated giant cells in CNS
cells destroyed in multiple sclerosis
permeability barrier surrounds a fascicle of nerve fibers; rejoin in microsurgery
surrounds individual nerve fibers
dense connective tissue with vessels surrounds entire nerve
area postrema
in the floor of the fourth ventricle; no blood-brain barrier; vomit center
muscle that lower the jaw (open)
lateral pterygoid
muscle that closes the jaw (mastication)
masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid
innervation of palatoglossus
vagus nerve
muscles of the neck innervated by vagus
all that contain "palat" and palatoglossus
Meissner corpuscules
hairless skin and 40% of fingertip receptors; fine touch
Pacinian corpuscules
deep skin and joints; 15% of fingertip receptors; vibration
Merkel's disks
hair follicles and 25% of fingertip receptors; static touch
free nerve endings
pain and temperature from skin
uncal herniation
medial temporal lobe herniates through tentorium; affects CN III, posterior cerebral artery; ipsilateral ptosis and mydriasis, contralateral homonymous hemianopia
structures irrigated by celiac trunk
stomach, proximal duodenum, liver, gallbladder, pancreas
collateral circulation in the abdomen
internal thoracic/mammary (subclavian) ↔ superior epigastric (internal thoracic) ↔ inferior epigastric (external iliac); superior pancreaticoduodenal (celiac trunk) ↔ inferior pancreaticoduodenal (SMA); middle colic (SMA) ↔ left colic (IMA); superior rectal (IMA) ↔ middle rectal (internal iliac)
portosystemic anastomoses
left gastric vein ↔ esophageal vein --> portal; superior and inferior epigastric veins ↔ paraumbilical vein --> portal; inferior rectal vein ↔ superior rectal vein --> IMV --> splenic --> portal vein
portocaval shunt
between the splenic and left renal vein --> IVC; relieves portal hypertension
how is the portal vein formed?
IMV --> splenic vein --> SMV = portal vein; left gastric vein and paraumbilical vein drain in portal vein directly
portal triad
portal vein, bile duct and hepatic artery
hepatic bile canaliculi
contain bile secreted through apical surface of hepatocytes and drain into bile ductule of portal triad
hepatic sinusoids
irregular capillaries with fenestrated endothelium allows macromolecules access to basal surface of hepatocyte through perisinusoidal space of Disse
blood flow within the liver
portal vein --> sinusoids/space of Disse/basolateral hepatocyte --> centrilobular vein --> hepatic vein --> IVC
billiary flow
apical surfaces of hepatocytes --> bile canaliculi --> bile duct; bile flow is opposite to blood flow in direction
falciform ligament
connects liver to anterior abdominal wall; contains ligamentum teres; derivative of fetal umbilical vein
hepatoduodenal ligament
connects liver to duodenum; contains portal triad; associated with epiploic foramen (anteriorly)
gastrohepatic ligament
connects liver to lesser curvature; contains gastric arteries; cut during surgery to access lesser sac behind stomach
gastrocolic ligament
connects greater curvature to transverse colon/greater omentum; contains gastroepiploic arteries
gastrosplenic ligament
connects greater curvature to spleen; contains short gastric arteries; separates left greater and lesser sacs
splenorenal ligament
connects spleen to posterior abdominal wall; contains splenic artery and vein
myenteric plexus of Auerbach
coordinates motility; located between inner (circular) and outer (longitudinal) muscle layers
submucosal plexus of Meissner
regulates secretions, blood flow and absorption; located in the submucosa
pectinate line
where hindgut meets ectoderm
above pectinate line
internal hemorrhoids, adenocarcinoma; blood from superior rectal artery (branch of IMA); drainage to superior rectal vein --> IMV --> portal system; internal hemorrhoids receive visceral nerves and are not painful
below pectinate line
external hemorrhoids, squamous carcinoma, somatic innervation is painfull; blood from inferior rectal artery (branch of internal pudendal); drainage to inferior rectal vein --> internal pudendal vein --> internal iliac --> IVC
femoral region
lateral to medial: NAVEL nerve, artery, vein, empty space, lymphatic; femoral sheath contains artery, vein and deep inguinal lymph nodes
Brunner's glands
secrete alkaline mucus in the duodenal submucosa; hypertrophy in peptic ulcer disease
Peyer's patches
unencapsulated lymphoid tissue in lamina propria and submucosa of small bowel; M cells take up antigen; B cells get stimulated here, travel to mesenteric lymph nodes and differentiate into IgA secreting plasma cells
salivary secretions
parotid --> mostly serous, CNIX; the rest mostly mucin CN VII; all hypotonic
carbohydrate absorption
rate-limiting enzymes are brush-border hydrolases; glucose and galactose absorbed by Na-dependant SGLT1 transporter; fructose absorbed by facilitated diffusion by GLUT-5; transport to blood is via GLUT-2
effects of infant deprivation
weak, wordless, socially wanting, wary "Wah, Wah, Wah, Wah"
anaclictic depression
depression in infant due to continued separation from caregiver; failure to thrive
conduct disorder
continued behavior violating social norms before 18 years; after 18 years --> antisocial personality disorder
oppositional defiant disorder
child is noncompliant in the absence of criminality
separation anxiety disorder
fear of loss of attachment figure leading to factitious symptoms to avoid school
severe communication problems and no relationships; repetitive behavior, savantism, low IQ
Asperger disorder
mild autism with difficulty in relationships and repetitive behavior but normal behavior and communications skills
delirium Vs dementia
delirium: altered level of consciousness, decreased attention, misperceptions; dementia: decline in cognition and behavioral changes
more than 2 positive/negative symptoms > 6 months; schizophreniform disorder < 6 months; brief psychotic disorder < 1 month; schizoaffective disorder is schizophrenia plus mania/depression
manic epidose
3 or more --> distractibility, irresposibility, grandiosity, flight of ideas, activity, agitation, decreased need for sleep, talkativeness; symtoms last more than 1 week; hypomanic is subclinical and without psychosis
major depressive episode
5 symptoms > 2 weeks --> sleep disturbance, anhedonia, guilt, loss of energy and concentration, change in apetite, psychomotor retardation, agitation, suicidal ideation, depressed mood; dysthimia is subclinical depression > 2 years
post-traumatic stress disorder
nightmares and flashbacks associated with trauma > 1 month; acute stress disorder < 1 month
generalized anxiety disorder
anxiety, sleep disturbance, fatigue, decreased concentration, all unrelated to specific stressor > 6 months; adjustment disorder is related to specific stressor and lasts < 6months