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81 Cards in this Set

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Slaves working with Union, Began after Emancipation Proclamation
Contraband Slaves
Speech: Charles Sumner (MA), Denounced Kansas-Nebraska Act
Insulted Southern Reps-Got beat up on Senate Floor by Brooks
"The Crime against Kansas"
First major battle in Civil War
Near DC (1861)
Conf. Victory
First Mananas/Bull Run
William Yancey (1848)
Response to Wilmont Proviso
US Gov't should protect slavery in territories ceded to US by Mexico
Declined to adopt it by Democratic Party
Alabama Platfrom
Nativist movement
Anti-Roman Catholic
The American Party
AKA Know Nothing Party
Fugitive slave in MA
Slave preacher
Tried as fugative slave in Boston
Taken back to VA-Later freed
Anthony Burns
Final battle of Civil War ('65)
Lee surrendered at Mclean House
Very lenient terms of surrencer
Book by Mary Eastman
Anti-Uncle Tom
AKA Southern Life As It Is
Aunt Phillis's Cabin
AKA Battle of Sharpsburg
Bloodies single-day Battle
Maryland Campaign
1862-Union Victory
Battle of Antietam
Second bloodiest
Lee vs. Hooker-Confederate Win
Battle of Chancellorsville
Mexican-American War
US victory-1847
Los Ninos Heroes-6 cadets who died for Mexican cause
Battle of Chapultepec
Fought in VA-1862
Lee vs Burnside-Confederate Win
Gave South momentum
Huge Union causalties
Battle of Fredericksburg
Considered turning point Civil War
South tried to invade North-1863
Largest number of casualties
Battle of Gettysburg
1836-Texas Revolution
Lots of Mexicans died-Few Americans
Sam Houston defeated Santa Ana
"Remember the Alamo"
Battle of San Jacinto
All but two Texans died
Santa Ana's Brutaltity
Huge battle in Texas Revolution
Caused many to join Texas Army
Battle of the Alamo
1863-Vicksburg Campaign
Vicksburg didn't celebrate Independence day for 80 yrs after
Lee lost at Gettysburg day before
Pemberton vs Grant-Union win
Start of downfall for South
Battle of Vicksburg
Pro Slavery from Missouri
Cross boarder into Kansas
Intimidated voters in key elections to try and make Kansas a slave state
Boarder Ruffians
MA Senator-
Leader of Radical Republicans
Attacked by Congressman Brooks
Gave Crime Against Kansas Speech
Charles Sumner
Posse of Marylandians(?) came into PA to capture 4 fugitive slaves
Turned into a battle
Christiana Riot
Five bills:Drafted by Henry Clay
California=Free State
Utah/New Mexico by popular sover.
Took some land from TX
No more slave trade in DC
Fugitive Slave Act stregnthened
Compromise of 1850
1861-similar to Union consitution
No voting for non american born
different in tone and legal content
Protected slavery
Constitution of the Confederate States of America
Democrats in North
Opposed Civil War
Wanted peace w/ South
Proposal to resolve secession ('61)
Strengthen Missouri Compromise
Strengthen Fugitive Slave Laws
Crittenden Compromise
1848-Seneca Falls
Similar to Dec. of Independence
Elizabeth Stanton
Declaration of Sentiments
Slaveholder/Conf. Soldier
From VA
Fired 1st shot-Battle of Ft. Sumner
Killed himself when South lost
Argued for secession for many years preceding Civil War
Edmund Ruffin
Lincoln v Breckinridge
7 states seceded right after
Broke Democratic Party up
Election of 1860
Wrote draft of Southern Surrender
Famous Native American
Adviser to Grant
Ely Parker
Jan. 1, 1863
Executive order
Freed all slaves in Confederacy
Not the ones in boarder states
Allowed blacks to serve in Union Army
Emancipation Proclamation
Democrat w/ Southern sympathies
Bowdoin Grad
14th President (NH)
Took part in MX-AM war
Franklin Pierce
Former Slave-Abolitionist
Self taught-literate
Wanted total equality
wrote some books
Looks like Spencer Gopaul
Frederick Douglas
1848-1852: Anti Slavery party
members of Whig/Dem parties
Lot of support from NY
Free Soil Party
Lincoln-Douglas Debates (1858)
Stephen Douglas
Ideas based in pop. sovereignty
Lincoln argued against this favoring decision in Dred Scott v. Stanford
Freeport Doctrine
Compromise of 1850
Slaves who went north must be returned
Fugitive Slave Law
James Gadsden-1854
Bough lands in Arizona/N. Mexico
Wanted to be used for railroad
Gadsden Purchase
Virginian Writer
Supported slavery
Said blacks need economic and social protections of slavery
George Fitzhugh
Speech given by Lincoln 1863
Dedication of land
Gettysburg Address
Leader of underground railroad
Union Spy
Helped John Brown
Harriet Tubman
Critic of Slavery/Abolitionist Writer
Argued slavery hurt advancement of South
From the south
Hinton Helper
Gave undeveloped fed. land West of Miss. River
Given 160 acres
Free slaves were eligible
Had to live on land for 5 years
Homestead Act
Arrested as fugitive slave in NY
Escaped w/ help of Abolitionists
Jerry Henry
Assassinated Lincoln
Ford Theatre
Might not have been killed
John Wilkes Booth
Repealed Missouri Compromise
Set up for Popular Sovereignty
1854-Created two states
Led to bloody war
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Said blacks should use violence
Defend slaves who fled to PA
Lancaster Black Self-Preservation Society
2nd of 4 proposed constitutions
Wanted slavery in Kansas
Lecompton Constitution
Michigan-Democratic Party
Doctrine of Popular Sovereignty
Ran for president in 1848
Lewis Cass
Called for unity
Called for reconciliation
Secession is anarchy
Lincoln's Inaugural Address
Several Debates
Theme of slavery
Popular Sovereignty
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Lincoln-Douglas Debates
13th President (NY)
Last member of Whig Party
Supported Compromise of 1850
President after Taylor's death
Wanted slavery in territories taken in MX-AM war
Millar Fillmore
36th Parallel
Missouri=Slave State
Missouri Compromise Line
Slave revolt in VA1831
Killed about 60 whites
Caused widespread fear amongst southern slave-owners/whites
Nat Turner's Rebellion
John Noyes-1848-NY
Religious Commune
Jesus has already returned-they can be free of sin/perfect
Complex marriage
Oneida Community
path traveled from missouri to Oregon/South
Many died
Boss computer game from mid 90's
Oregon Trail
Pierre Soule-1854
Necessity of buying Cuba
Implied US should declare war if SP refused to sell
Wanted to make more slave land
Osten Manifesto
Response to Fugitive Slave Act
Set up in North
Protect blacks
Determined unconstitutional in '42
Personal Liberty Laws
Territories should be allowed to determine slave v. free based on what people there wanted
Associated w/ Kansas-Nebraska Act
Popular Sovereignty
John Brown-Kansas-'56
Killed 5 pro-slavery whites
Pottawatomie Massacre
SC Senator
Attacked Charles Sumner
Bleeding Kansas
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Preston Brooks
School teacher (CT)
Taught black girls
Prudence Crandall
"We must get rid of slavery, or get rid of freedom"
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Colby Grad-Union Army
US Rep for NY
Minister to Costa Rica
Richard Cutts Shannon
Baptist Leader-SC
Used bible to defend slavery
Richard Furman
Chief Justice
Dred Scott v. Sandford
Served in civil war
Blacks not citizens
Roger B. Taney
US had no right to regulate slavery in territoires
Blacks not citizens
Ruled law unconstitutional
Dred Scott v. Sanford
Gender equality
New England
Religious Group
Known for furniture
William Sherman-1864-GA
Led Union troops through South
To Savannah
Sherman's March
Cherokee-Confederate General
Elected Cherokee Chief
Stand Watie
Democratic Party (Illinois)
Nicknamed "Little Giant"
Died during Civil War
Popular Sovereignty
Stephen Douglas
Confederate General
Fought at Manasas
Killed @ night by friendly fire
Attended execution of John Brown
Stonewall Jackson
Ban alcohol use in US
Led by a bunch of cranky chicks
Slave Revolt-1839
Slaves on ship to Cuba
Slaves returned to Africa
Forbade talks of abolition in Congress
The Gag Rule
Abolitionist newspaper
William Lloyd Garrison
Started 18931-Boston
The Liberator
Abolitionist Group
Funded John Brown
Secret Six
Man was self reliant
organized religion/politics corrupted purity of man
Ralph Waldo Emerson
General of Union Army-18th Pres
Not a great strategist
called a bucher
Ulysses S. grant
Harriet Breecher Stowe (1852)
AKA Life Among the Lowly
Anti slavery
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Set up by H. Tubman
Slaves from south-->North/Can.
Network of abolitionist houses
Jeff Lamson's house was a part of this
Underground Railroad
Thoreau lived here-1845 (MA)
Wrote Civil Disobedience
His mom did his laundry for him while he was there
Walden Pond
David Wilmont-1846
Ban slavery in territory acquired form MX
Wilmont Proviso
Subsistence Farmers in south
did not own slaves
or owned very few
Jefferson liked these guys
Yeoman Farmers
Hero of MX-AM War
Slaveholder from KT
12th President
Died in office-Fillmore took over
"Old Rough and Ready"
Last Slave holder to hold office
Zachary Taylor