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15 Cards in this Set

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What's typically the best way to get on the Web...
find a hosting company to host your Web pages
What is a domain name...
a domain name is:

a unique name used to identify a site

(i.e. amazon.com or starbuzzcoffee.com)
How many Web servers can a hosting company create in your domain...
one or more

(note: servers are often named "www")
Name a common means of transferring your Web pages and content to a server...
the File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
Name a GUI file transfer application for the Mac and Windows...
Fetch for the Mac

WS_FTP for Windows
What is a URL...
a URL is a Uniform Resource Locator

and, can be used to identify any resource on the Web
What does a typical URL consist of...
a protocol (e.g. http)

a web site name (e.g. www.amazon.co.uk)

and an absolute path to the resource (e.g. gp/site-directory/ref=_ngw_/202-1884151-2769409)
What type of protocol is HTTP...
HTTP is a request and response protocol used to transfer Web pages between a Web server and your browser
What is the file protocol used for by a browser...
the file protocol is used by the browser to read pages from your computer

e.g. file:///c:/home/Ken/HFHTML/Starbuzz/index.html
What is the type of path you can define in your <a> element's href attribute to link to other links on your Web site...
the relative path
What is a default page, and how are they used...
examples of a default page include:

"index.html" and "default.htm"

if you specify a directory without a filename, the browser will automatically look for and serve a default page
What is the type of path you can define in your <a> element's href attribute to link to other Web sites...
absolute paths (or URLs)
What is a destination anchor, and how would you use one...
1) to set up a destination anchor:

create an anchor in the destination page

(e.g. <h3><a id="Coffee">Coffee</a></h3>)

2) to use the destination anchor:

create a link in the destination page using "#"

(e.g. href="http://buzz.headfirstlabs.com#Coffee")
Which attribute should you use with the <a> element to help accessibility...
use the title attribute to provide a description of the link
Which attribute should you use with the <a> element to force the link to open in a new browser window...
the target attribute (note, can give different results across different browsers)