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13 Cards in this Set

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Changing Fractions to Decimals

Divide the numerator by the denominator.

Ex. 3/4 = 0.75

Changing Decimals to Fractions

Depending on the decimal place, the whole number version of the fraction, should be placed over whatever place the decimal is in.

Changing Decimals to Fractions


Ex. 0.9 = 9/10 (0.9, the 9 is in the tenths place)

0.02 = 2/100 = 1/50 (0.02, the 2 is in the hundreds place...then simplify)

0.25 = 25/100 = 1/4

3.055 = 3 55/1000 = 3 11/200

Ratios and Proportions

Ratios can be written as:

A fraction = 5/12

A colon = 5:12

In words = 5 to 12

Proportion can be written as:

5/12 = 25/60 Note: The numerator is listed

5:12::25:60 first, then the denominator.

Ratios and Proportions

Change the decimal to a ratio

0.025 > 25/1000 > 1/40 = 1:40
Ratios and ProportionsChange the fraction to a ratio
5/6 = 5:6

Ratios and Proportions

Solve the proportion

Find the value of x

7:10 :: 14:x Study the example

7/10 = 14/x (see study guide for

7/10 x 2 = 14/x detailed solution)

7/10 = 14/20

x = 20

Ratios and Proportions

Solve the proportion

Find the value of x

x:63 :: 24:72 Study the example

x/63 = 24/72 (see study guide for

24 x 63 = 1512 detailed solution)

1512/72 = 21

21/63 = 24/72

x = 21

Ratios and Proportions

Solve the proportion

Find the value of x

240:60 :: x:12 Study the example

240/60 = x/12 (see study guide for

240 x 12 = 2880 detailed solution)

2880/60 = 48

240/60 = 48/12

x = 48


Change the decimal to a percent

Move the decimal point to the right two places.


0.13 = 13%

0.002 = 0.2%

0.576 = 57.6%


Change the percent to a decimal

Move the decimal point to the left two places (away from the percent sign (%).


85.4% = 0.854

75% = 0.75

57.6% = 0.576


Change the fraction to a percent

5/6 divide = .833 > 83.3%
Percent Formula
Part/Whole = %/100