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117 Cards in this Set

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Percentage of abortions that take place in the first 12 weeks
How many days after the last menstraul period may mifepristone (RU-486) be taken and still be effective?
49 days
For the first stage of labor to be considered complete, the cervical opening must dialate to
10 cm
In Colorado, 60% of STI's are in the population of what age what to what age?
15-24 year olds
What percentage of pregnancies are unplanned?
contains testes
kept at 93.6 degrees for normal sperm production
sperm producing tubules that end in the epididymus
seminiferous tubules
stores sperm and leads to the vas deferens
joins the ducts of the seminal vessicles inside the prostate gland
vas deferens
flank the urethra
Cowper's gland
tip of the penis
Pathway of sperm ____>____>_____>_____
seminiferous tubules > epididymus > vas deferens > urethra
produce secretions that nourish and transport sperm
seminal vessicles and prostate gland
produces clear, musuc like fluid called preejaculatory fluid
Cowper's gland
Ovaries produce what 2 hormones?
estrogen and progesterone
In both females and males, adrenal glands produce
Testes produce
Reproductive hormones are regulated by
Hormone pathway _____ > _____ > ______
hypothalmus > pituitary gland > overies, testes, and adrenal glands
All zygotes start as females, but a Y on the 23rd chromosome stimulates
the undifferentiated gonads to become testes > testosterone > male sex organs
Puberty is induced by
testosterone or estrogen and progesterone
What are the two cycles of menstration
ovarian and uterin
the two physiological responses to sex
vasocongestion (increased blood flow) and myotonia (increased muscle tension)
What are the 5 phases of sex in order
excitement, plateau, orgasmic, resolution, refractory-only for males
Inflamation of the vagina due to organisms is
vaginitis / yeast infection
When endometrial tissue grows on the outside of the uterus its
Inflamation/ infection of the prostate gland is
Painful, involuntary muscular contractions in the vagina that occur when sexual intercourse is attempted
What doesn't work for contraception
douching, plastic wrap, urinating, specific positions, pulling out
What are the 6 types of birth control methods?
abstinence, natural, barrier, hormonal, intrauterine contraceptives, and surgical
Hormonal methods of birth control methods alter a woman's hormones so that
ovulation is prevented and the cervix and uterus are changed to make them less friendly to sperm or to a fertilized egg
Serious side effects of hormonal bc are
stroke, blood clots, and death
Hormonal bc reduces your chance of getting what disease
certain cancers
The patch is applied how often
weekly with one patch free week
A vaginal ring is inserted how often
once a motnh
Shot-Depo Provera is injected where and when
buttocks every 3 months
Contraceptive implants are implanted where and for how long
upper arm for up to 3 years at a time
An emergency contraceptive must be taken within how many days of intercourse?
120 hours (5 days)
EC's work by doing what two things?
stopping ovulation and preventing implantation of a fertilized egg
Intrauterine Conraception or IUC is implanted into the urterus for long-term birth control. It works by
making the uterus unfriendly to sperm or a fertilized egg
The two surgical sterilizations are
tubual ligation and a vesectomy
Abortion is both artificially induced and spontaneous. Both are considered...
an expulsion of an embryo or a fetus from the uterus before it is sufficiently developed to survive
Abortion was illegal until
mid 1800's
In the 1900's abotion was
illegal in nearly all states
Courts began to invalidate anti-abortion laws in
the 1960's
Roe v Wade made new standards in
The new standards of Roe v Wade were
1st trimester - abortion left to judment of the woman
2nd trimester - the state may regulate
3rd trimester - a state may regulate and bar all abortions except those necessary to preserve the mother's life or health
States have passed laws to lower access to abortion through
manditory couseling and waiting periods
insurance prohibitions
parental consent for minors
lower use of gov funding, employees, and facillities
Laws banning partial-birth abortion were found unconstitutional in
In 2003 what happened with abortion that was declared unconstitutional the next year?
Bush signed a ban on partial-birth abortion with no exceptions in woman's health risks
In 2007, the Supreme Court did what in relations to abortion
banned a specific procedure
Colorado abortion laws are...
hasn't repealed Roe v Wade
parental consent law - not enforced
unenforced spousal notification law
no manditory waiting period
must be performed by a licensed physician
state funds in cases of death, rape, and incest
Late-term abortions are sought by...
low-income women
women nearing menopause
Public opinion about abortion is
supportive depending on the circumstance
The most common method of abortion is
suction curettage (vacuum aspiration) - only first trimester
Dilation and evacuation is a method of abortion in which
cervix is expanded and emptied - used after first trimester for partial-birth abortions
A medicinal abortion is a type of abortion in which the patient takes _____ and the lining and any fertilized egg is shed.
The six issues to consider before becoming a parent are
physicaly health and age (18-34)
support system
Twins a fraternal twin is ___ egg fertilized by ___ sperm an identical twin is ___ egg fertilized by ___ sperm.
2, 2
1 egg that splits, 1
Causes of infertility (inability to conceive after a year) for males include
low sperm count (boxers v briefs for temp)
poor sperm motility
sperm abnormalities
blocked pathways
Causes of infertility (inability to conceive after a year) for females include
lack of ovulation
obstruction of fallopian tubes due to PID or endometriosis
other anatomical abnormalities ie thyriod disease
Signs of pregnancy include
missed period
morning sickness
increase size/ tenderness of breasts
slight bleeding
sleepiness, fatigue, emotional upset
HCG pregnancy test
A cluster of cells is formed on the 4th day of fertilization called
a blastocyst
The blastocyst separates into 3 layers, the outermost shell becomes the
placenta, umbilical chord, and aniotic sac
Organ through which the fetus receives nourishment and empties waste via the mothers circulatory system is
the placenta
a membranous pouch enclosing and protecting the fetus is
amniotic sac also contains amniotic fluid
connects the placenta and fetus through which nutrients pass
umbillical chord
In the first trimester, what is developed
heart, brain, liver, lungs, and sex organs
Heartbeat can be heard in the __ trimester
Could live outside mom at
six months / 2nd trimester
In the third trimester, the fetus
gains most of its weight, develops fat layers, acquires immunity, respitory and digestive systems develop.
High-frequency sound waves to view the fetus is
an ultrasound
Amniotic fluid is removed and analyzed to detect birth defects is
Surgical removal of a tiny section of choirionic vili (hairs) to be analyzed for genetic defects
CVS chorionic villus sampling
Maternal blood test used to help identify fetuses with neural tube defects, down syndrome, etc is
a TMS triple marker screen
A complication of pregnancy in which implantation occurs in the fallopian tube is
Ectopic pregnancy
A complication of pregnancy in which blood pressure because elevated and could be life threatening is
A complication of pregnancy in which there are abnormalities in the first few weeks that causes an abortion is
A complication of pregnancy in which the baby weighs less than 5.5 lbs is
Low Birth Weight (LBW) in which a baby is 5 times more likely to die in the first month
Death of an infant less than a year old is called
Infant mortality caused by
genetic disorders
auto accidents
SIDS is caused when
infants sleep on their stomach
The first stage of birth consists of
strong frequent rhythmic contractions to help efface/ thin and dialate cervix until its 10cm
The second stage of birth (explusion) consists of
mom pushing
baby's head moves into birth canal
baby is born!
The thirs/ last stage of birth consists of
the uterus continues to contract iuntill the placenta is expelled
The assessment of the baby's heart rate, respiration, color, reflexes and muscle tone make up the baby's
Apgar score
When a baby is removed through a surgical incision, its called
a Cesarean section, also used if the mother or child's life is at risk
Postpartum is
the pain you feel untill about 3 months after childbirth, its a time of adjustment
The country with the highest STD rate is
Syphilis is a bacterial STI exchanged though
any opening in skin, mucous membranes through body fluid and can be treated by antibiotics
The three stages of syphilis are
primary - cancre, secondary - flu, late - damages organs, latent - no clinical signs
The hallmark symptom of gonorrhea is
pus, discharge and urethritis
The hallmark symptom os syphilis is
a cancre
Epididymitis can be caused by
Gonnorrhea is a bacterial STI spread through
mucous membranes, exchange of body fluid can be treated with antibiotics
There are two types of STDs...
bacterial and viral
The most prevalent bacterial STI in the US is
Tranffered through
all forms of sexial transmission can be treated by antibiotics
Detection is difficult because the only possible symptoms are
painful urination and discharge most people are asymptomatic
PID can be caused by
Gonnorhea and Chlamydia
The leading cause of infertility and ectopic pregnancy is
Viral STI's cannot be cured, but symptoms
can be treated
Herpes is a viral STI transfered through
skin-skin contact, even when dormant its still contageous
Cold sores and sores in the genitals are caused by
Genital warts/ HPV is the most prevalent viral STI in the US transfered through
skin-skin contact even without symptoms with over 100 different strains
"Precancerous" genital warts are called
cervical dysplasia
Genital warts symptoms are
many are asymptomatic, but may have warts, not necessarily painful
What about HIV kills you?
opportunistic infections because of the weak immune system
HIV is spread by
blood, semen, vaginal secretions, and breast milk
Risk of transmission of HIV can be increased by
lesions, blisters, and inflammation
The symptoms of HIV are
none just flu-like symptoms if sick from weak immune system
when HIV develops over about 10 years and is diagnosed due to infection or T cell counts
Inflammation and permanent damage of the liver is caused by what STI?
Hepatitis B
Hepatitis B can be transmitted by
Sexual intercourse or blood (raxors tatoos peircings etc haha) - more contageous than HIV
The symptoms of Hepatitis B are
flu-like, abdominal pain, jaundice, rash
Hepatitis B is always infectious, but
one can recover - also can be vaccinated by 3 shots
ABCDEV stands for
abstinence, be faithful, condoms, diagnosis, education, and vaccines