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14 Cards in this Set

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Why do we test drugs? (3 marks)


What are the stages of a drugs trial? (4 marks)

Tested using computer models and human cells grown in the laboratory.
Tested on animals.
Clinical trials. They are tested on healthy volunteers to check they are safe.
Tested on people with the illness to ensure they are safe and that they work.

What is a placebo? (2 marks)

A treatment that appears to be the drug but contains no drug.
It is used as a control to compare and to check the drug is having an effect.

What is a double-blind trial? (1 mark)

Whether neither the doctor nor the patient know whether they have the real drug or placebo

What was thalidomide and what does it now mean for drug testing? (5 marks)

Drug developed as a SLEEPING pill
But given to woman to reduce MORNING SICKNESS
Caused severe limb deformities in babies
Now used to treat leprosy but never given to pregnant woman
All drugs are now tested on PREGNANT animals

What is a drug? (2 marks)

A chemical that alters the body’s chemistry
Some are addictive

What are recreational drugs? (1mark)

Drugs taken for pleasure

What are medicinal drugs? (1mark)

Drugs taken to treat illness

What are statins? (1mark)

Drug that reduces cholesterol levels

What adverse effects are caused by these recreational drugs and what is their legal status? (4marks)

Cannabis - Mental Health Problems and could be a “gateway drug” - Not Legal
Alcohol - Damages liver - Legal
Nicotine – Addictive – Legal

What affects do cannabis ecstasy and heroin have on the body? (1 mark)

They affect the heart and circulatory system

What are the main effects of cannabis on young people? (4 marks)

Can cause heart / circulatory / breathing problems
Causes cancer
It may cause mental illness / depression
It may be addictive
Can suffer withdrawal symptoms without it
May lead to use of hard drugs
Social / financial problems
Could affect relationships / stealing

Why do some athletes take banned substances? (4 marks)

Build up muscle quickly (steroids)
Train and compete through pain (strong painkillers)
Slow their heart rate in nervous situations (beta blockers)
Increase heart rate (stimulants)

Why is it ethically wrong to take performance enhancing drugs? (2 marks)

Unfair on those who do not take them
Can be very harmful to those taking them