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83 Cards in this Set

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What does hybris mean?
Arrogance caused by excessive pride.
What does ate mean?
A temporary state of madness.
What does arate mean?
What does Kleos mean?
What does nemesis mean?
A person or thing that prevents a person from achieving their goal.
What is the golden mean?
Combined best traits.
Who gave Heracles immortality?
Why was Heracles given immortality?
1. Little divine help
2. He had some of the best traits - self controlled, humble, compassionate, courageous, strong, intelligent, and creative.
3. His humanity endeared him to the gods - people could relate because he made mistakes
Who was Alcmene?
The wife of Amphitryon; mother of Heracles; loved by Zeus
What did Zeus do for Alcmene?
He disguised himself as her husband to sleep with her and made the moon shine for 3 days to have more time with her while Amphitryon was avenging the deaths of his 3 brothers.
Who was Perseus in the Heracles myth?
The great grandfather of Heracles.
Who was King Electron?
The king of Mycenae; father of Almene; accidentally killed by Amphitryon
Who was Eileithyia?
The goddess of childbirth; daughter of Zeus and hera; Delayed Almene's birth by crossing legs/fingers and praying; turned Glanthis into a weasel for tricking her into standing up
Who was the Queen of Lydia?
Hercules served her as a slave (nemesis)
Who was Galanthis?
The female servant who helped Almene give birth to Heracles.
Who was Eurystheus?
Heracles performed the 12 labors for this king.
Who was Hera?
The goddess of marriage; wife of Zeus
Who was Iolaus?
Heracles's nephew who aided him defeat the hydra and who he gave Megara to.
Who was Athena in the Heracles myth?
She summoned Hephaestus to help with the birds.
Who was Sthenelus?
Son of Electryon who banished Amphitryon from Mycenae and Tiryns and took over both for killing his father.
Who was Teiresias?
The famous prophet who counseled the parents of Heracles.
Who was Eurytus?
He trained the young Heracles to use the bow and arrows and he won Megara in an archery competition.
Who was Queen Omphale?
Hercules served her as a slave.
Who was Autocycus?
He taught Heracles wrestling.
Who was Castor?
He taught Heracles to use the sword.
What was Labor one?
To kill the Nemean Lion.
What was special about the Nemean Lion?
It had impenetrable skin.
Who was the Nemean Lion the offspring of?
How did Heracles complete the Labor of the Nemean Lion?
He stunned the lion with a club and then strangled it.
What did Heracles do with the the Nemean Lion after he had killed it?
He skinned it with its own claws and wore it as a cloak.
What was labor two?
To kill the Hydra of Lerna.
What was special about the Hydra of Lerna?
It had 8 mortal heads and 1 immortal head. Every time one head was cut off two would reappear.
Who was the Hydra the offspring of?
How did Heracles complete the labor of the Hydra of Lerna?
Commanded his nephew Iolaus to make a burning torch that would seal each severed head.
What happened after the labor was completed?
The king did not accept it because he had help from Iolaus.
What was the third labor?
The Cerynitian Hind
To capture the Tiryns alive
What was the Tiryns?
The sacred golden horned doe of Artemis
How did Heracles complete the labor of the Cerynitian Hind?
He followed the doe for a year before either capturing it when it slept, trapping it, or shot it at a river before taking it to Tiryns and setting it free.
What was the fourth labor?
To bring back the Erymnathian Boar alive.
Where was the Erymnathian Boar?
Mt. Erymathus in Arcadia.
What happened with the Centaurs?
The smell of wine drove the centaurs to attack Pholus, the centaur that was entertaining Hercules. He shot his arrows at the centaurs but one accidentally poisoned Cheiron, his mentor. His immortality was removed to be free of eternal pain by Zeus.
How did Heracles complete the task of the Erymnathian Boar?
He chased it through the snow before it collapsed from exhaustion from its short legs.
What was the fifth labor?
To clean the Augeian Stables in one day without help.
Why was Heracles assigned to clean the Augeian stables?
It was meant to be distasteful and humiliating.
What did Heracles ask for in return for cleaning the stables?
TO be paid in cattle
How did Heracles complete the task of cleaning the Augeian stables?
He flooded them with river channels.
What happened after her completed the labor of the Augeian Stables?
He was refused to be paid in cattle and the labor wasn't considered one of ten because he wanted paid and did it using brain instead of brawn.
What was the sixth labor?
To remove the Stymphalian Birds from the Stymphalian Lake and woods.
What was special about the Stymphalian birds?
They shot their feathers like arrows.
What was the seventh labor?
To bring back the Cretan bull alive.
Who was the Cretan bull related to?
It was the father of the Minotaur.
How did Heracles complete the task of the Cretan bull?
He caught it and tied it by the feet, brought it to the messenger of the king, and set it free, where it went to Marathon.
What was the eighth labor?
To subdue and capture the mares of Diomedes.
What was special about the mares of Diomedes?
King Diomedes taught the mares to eat humans.
How did Heracles complete the labor of the mares of Diomedes?
He subdued them by feeding them pieces of Diomedes.
What was the ninth labor?
To retrieve the belt of the Amazon queen.
Who was the Amazon queen?
Why did Eurysthesus send Heracles on the labor of the belt of Hippolyte?
His daughter desired the belt.
What happened when Heracles' ship arrived at the harbor of Themiscrya?
Hippolyte agreed to give him her belt.
Why was Hera infuriated with Hippolyte giving away her belt?
She didn't like the idea of an easy labor.
What did Hera do because of Hippolyte?
What did this do?
What was Heracles's reaction?
She disguised herself as an Amazon, approached the amazons, and told them that strange seamen were abducting their queen. This caused the amazons to charge the ship. Heracles thought this was an ambush planned by Hippolyte, killed her, and took her belt.
What was the tenth labor?
To bring back the cattle of King Geryon of Erytheia.
Where was the King Geryon of Erytheia?
The western coast of what is now spain.
Who was Geryon?
A triple-headed giant who had the body of three men that joined at the waist and separated into three again below the hips. He possessed a herd of red cattle.
Who guarded Geryon's cattle?
Geryon's cowhand, Eurytion, and a two-headed watchdog named Orthus.
Ortheus was the offspring of whom?
How did Heracles complete the labor of the cattle of Geryon?
He killed Ortheus and Eurytion with his club, and took the cattle.
What happened when Geryon discovered Heracles was taking his cattle?
He went to recover his cattle but was shot and killed by the Hydra-poisoned arrows of Heracles.
What was the eleventh labor?
To retrieve the golden apples of hesperides.
How did Heracles complete the labor of the Golden Apples of Hesperides?
He tricked Atlas to get the apples and held the heavens. When Atlas returned, he tricked Atlas back into holding the heavens and left.
What was the twelfth labor?
The delivery of Cerberus.
How did Heracles complete the labor of the delivery of Cerberus?
Hades said he could have Cerberus if he didn't use weapons.
Who guided him in and out of the underworld?
Who was Megara?
Heracles's first wife.
Who did Heracles give Megara to?
His nephew, Iolaus.
Who was Syleus?
A criminal who worked travelers to death.
How did Heracles kill Syleus?
He killed him with a hoe.
Who was Deianeira?
Heracles's second wife,
Who was Achelous?
The river god Hercules wrestled for Deianeira with.
Who was Lichas?
He was the servant boy who delivered the poisoned **** that Heracles killed.
Who was Philotetes?
Heracles's friend who agreed to light his funeral pyre (fire)
Who was Hebe?
The immortal daughter of Hera given to Hercules to marry - his 3rd wife.
How did Heracles fit into the heroic pattern? Two reasons.
1. Quest - he was given the 12 labors by king Eurystheus to complete.
2. Romantic elements - he had three wives (Megara, Deianeira, and Hebe).