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23 Cards in this Set

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1)invigorates blood, regulates menses
2)clears heat, soothes HT, calms spirit
3)cools blood, reduces swelling
dan shen (salvia root)
1)invigorates blood, unblocks menses
2)dispels blood stasis and alleviates pain
hong hua (safflower flower)
1)breaks up blood stasis
2) invigorates blood; treats abcesses
3)moistens intestines and unblocks bowels
tao ren (peach kernal)
1)invigorates blood, regualtes menses
2)promotes urination, reduces edema
3)clears heat, relieves toxicity
yi mu cao (Chinese motherwort)
1)invigorates blood, regulates menses
2)dispels stasis, reduces swelling
3)promotes urination, reduces edema
ze lan (bugleweed)
1)invigorates blood, expels blood stasis
2) tonifies LV/KD; strengthens sinews and bones
3)clears damp heat in the lower jiao
4)induces downward movement of blood
niu xi (achyranthes root)
1)promotes the movement of blood; tonifies blood
2)invigorates the channels and relaxes teh sinews
ji xue teng (chicken blood vine)
1)promotes blood movement and invigorates channels; reduce swelling
2)promotes urination, treats PUD
wang bu liu xing (vaccaria seeds)
which herb is incompatible with li liu?
dan shen
which herb DOES NOT have a pregnancy caution?
dan shen
Which herb should not be cooked for a long time?
hong hua
Which herb is compares to si wu tang?
dan shen
Which herb can increase the frequency and strength of uterine contractions?
yi mu cao
which herb can treat reckless movement of blood, with ST fire or LV yang rising?
niu xi
Which herb can be lethal in dosages over 20 grams for children under 5?
tao ren
Which herb is compares to si wu tang?
dan shen
Which herb can increase the frequency and strength of uterine contractions?
yi mu cao
which herb can treat reckless movement of blood, with ST fire or LV yang rising?
niu xi
Which herb can be lethal in dosages over 20 grams for children under 5?
tao ren
Which herb is compares to si wu tang?
dan shen
Which herb can increase the frequency and strength of uterine contractions?
yi mu cao
which herb can treat reckless movement of blood, with ST fire or LV yang rising?
niu xi
Which herb can be lethal in dosages over 20 grams for children under 5?
tao ren