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28 Cards in this Set

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-Very difficult to obtain from China
-Very little that is known about growing many of the herbs
-Group called “High Falls Gardens” is our only source of seeds in the US
Cultivation of Chinese Herbs
Controversy ?
-People say that a herb gets its energy from the place that it grows and how it grows. From the soil, amount of rain, amount of sun, altitude, province (eg. shichuan province is higher quality)
o Does Chinese herbs grown in US have different energies or properties than that herb grown in China?
Harvesting Herbs?
-Wild herbs-have different property than cultivated?
-The Chinese have developed cultivation and harvesting methods that yield large volumes of herbal material.
Selecting Herbs?
-A lot of people think that the Chinese export their best quality abroad and themselves use a lower quality (except ginseng)
Issue of western herbal substitutes?
-experimental, not much information
-took many years for the Chinese to figure out the Chinese system
Storing Chinese Herbs in?
3 important aspects
-store in dark
-store in cool place
-store in air tight containers
Storing Chinese Herbs in China?
these aspects are not observed
-the consumption is so high, quantity consumed is huge
-herbs are replenished everyday-in US the herbs may last a year or so
Roots storing?
-roots, bark and minerals will keep longer
leaves and flowers storing?
-leaves, flowers and very aromatic herbs do not keep very long
-Keep in dark cook airtight container (all)
Processing Chinese Herbs?
-Many Chinese medicinal herbs are processed before dispensing in a pharmacy
-Processing makes them more suitable for specific medicinal uses
Chinese Herbal Preparations Ancient?
1. Tang/Cha=soup/tea
2. Wan=big pill
3. San/Fen/Mo=powder
4. Ran Gao=ointment
5. ying gao-plaster
6. jiang/gao=syrup
7. jiu=medicinal wine
Chinese Herbal Preparations Modern?
1. Kuai=cube or cake
2. jiao=gel or glue
3. chong ji=crystals
4. pian=small pills
5, jiao nang=capsules
6. shu she ye=injectibles
7. you=oil
8. shui/ye=thin liquid
9. tablet=western tablets
-Most common method of taking herbs in China
-Easiest to digest and absorb
-Acts quickly
-Formula can easily be modified
-Doesn’t require any special equipment
-Strongest form of Chinese herbal medicine
-Takes time to prepare
-Can smell bad while cooking
-Can taste bad
-Expensive compaired to Chinese patents
big pill
-Produced by combining powdered herbal material with a viscous medium such as honey or wax
-Slower acting and said to affect deep levels of the body
-Wax is sometimes used to prevent stomach irritation because it makes the pill dissolve very slowly
-Rice, flower or gruel was sometimes used to make the pill dissolve more slowly
-Easily absorbed
-Easily stored
-Rate of adm is between tang + wan
Ruan Gao?
-Slightly thick liquid
-Used externally
Ying Goa?
-Thicker and harder liquid like external plaster
-Used for aches and pains
-Are made by decocting herbs in water and reducing it to a thick concentrate and adding sugar or honey
medicinal wine
-Prepared by seeping various medicinal substances in wine –usually rice wine, vodka in US
-The wine is considered to be nourishing, blood moving, and channel opening
cube or cake
-Made by pressing ground herbs into little cubes or blocks
-Dissolve in cup of hot water
gelatin cube
-Gelatin or glue made by cooking down animal skin, bones or horns
-Dissolve in hot water or add at the end of making a decoction
chong ji?
-made by a drying process that makes a crystal form of herbs
-granules come in one dose packets that are dissolved in a cup of hot water
small pills
-ground up herbs made into small pills
-coated with a colored sugar substance
-taken as several pill in one dose
-recently made coating without sugar
jiao nang?
-usually herbal contentrates
-only need 1 to 2 capsules per dose
-can make them yourself
shu she ye?
-Chinese herbs in sterile injectable form
-Method of delivery is illegal in most states-not Colorado
-Injected into the muscle
-Usually a single herb
-thicker liquid like an oil
-most commonly seen as a massage type of medium
thin liquid
-liniment or a concentrate herbal liquid
western tablets
-modern western made pills similar to vitamins
-usually contain powdered herbs