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71 Cards in this Set

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Depression herbals
st john, SAMe
memory improvement herbals
blood circulation herbals
anxiety herbals
kava, passion flower
sleeplessness herbals
valerian, hops
part of st jon
stem, leaves, flower
st john wort name
Hypericum perforatum
rubbing petals of st john
becomes red, active hypericin
where is hypericin?
in dots on leaves
who used st johns in past?
dioscurides, pliny, hippocrates
other uses of st johns
wound-healing, diuretic, sedative, analgesic, painkiller, anthelmintic
standardizaiton of st jon
flavonoids (12%) (flavonols, flavones, biflavonoids)
hypericin 0.3%
hyperforin 3%
What extract of st johns wort is used in trials?
LI 160 in methanol
What was wrong with st jon wort vs imipramine study?
too low dose of imipramine
what is common problem of study with st john wort?
including severe depression
what is rec dose of st jon wort?
900mg/day (div TID?)
DI of st john
digoxin, amitriptyline, nortriptyline, SSRI, phenprocoumon, indinavir, cyclosporin, ethinylestradiol+desogestrel
MOA of DI st jon
increase PGP, induce 3a4
what compound determines extent of DI with st john wort?
hyperforin (still works fine)
What is external SJW used for?
wound healing, increases epithelization
insomnia, vivid dreams, anxiety, agitation, GI upset, fatigue, dry mouth
photosens if OD
SE vs synthetics for SJW
10x less with SJW
when to d/c SJW before surgery?
72 hrs
what is SAMe?
s-adenosynl L methionine, transfers methyl group and causes >100 biochem rxns, decreased linked to depression, needs to be enteric coated
uses for SAMe
depression, arthritis/joint conditions, fibromyalgia, liver diseases, sz, migraine
agency for healthcare research and quality review concluded on SAMe
3 wks tx sign. improvement in depressions vs placebo
when do benefits of SAMe appear?
2-4 wks
dosage SAMe
400-1600 mg/day in div doses
levodopa decreases effectiveness, serotonergic drugs increases risk of serotonin syndrome
generally well tol, SE more with higher doses, hypomania in pts with bipolar d/o, hyperhomocysteinemia

constip, N/V/D, nervous sweat, insomnia
pregnancy/lactation, bipolar, elevated homocysteine
part of gingko
key compounds of gingko
terpene lactones: ginkgolides, biolobalide
flavonoids: quercetin glycosides, kaempferol, isohamnetin
gonkgolic acids (allergies)
how much ginkgolic acids allowed?
<5 ppm (extracts should be free)
historical use of gingko
HTN, anti-asthma, antitussive, bladder inflammation, impotence (men)
past part of gingko used
fruits and nuts
Present use of gingko
delay of age related dementia, inhibits platelet activating factor
stardardized extract of gingko
EGb 761:
24% flavonoids, 6% terpenoides, 5-10% organic acids (acetic acids, shikimic acid, 4-hydroxybenzoic acid)
Problem with new studies on gingko
can't use severe dementia pts
how long for gingko to be effective?
what test used for gingko?
benefit of gingko vs snthetic
sign. lower SE (1.69% vs 5.42%)
MOA of gingko
releases vasodilators (NO), decreases blood viscosity, increases microcirculation
herbal used for intermittent claudicaiton
herbal used for tinnitus
ginkgo's effect on PAF
balances overproduction that comes from poor food selection, stress
other positive efffects of gingko
increase NT release, antioxidant, prevent free rads
dosage of ginkgo
120-240mg div into 2-3 doses
DI with ginkgo
Asa, coumadin, vioxx, desyrl (trazadone)
SE of gingko
bleeding (esp eye), stop 72 hrs before surgery
what is vinpocetine
synthetic derivative of vincamine, which is found in periwinkle (vinca minor), but is manipulated in lab!
DI with vinpocetine
blood thinners
use of vinpocetine
studying (alertness)
use of hyperzine A
MOA of hyperzine A
Inhibits acetylcholinesterase
huperzine A vs synthetics
huperzine lasts 3h longer
Dose of huperzine a
AD: 50-200 mcg BID
memory improvement: 100 mcg BID
isomer to use of huperzine A
Herbal only studied in china and saftey being studied now
huperzine A
DI with huperzine A
MAOI: HTN crisis
other AcEI
AE of huperzine A
cholinergic: SLUDGE, sz, hrt rthym changes
CI of huperzine A
bradycardia, MI, PD, asthma
(may worsen bladder conditions, BPH, bronchitis, emphysema,ulcers), pregnancy & lactation
science name of kava kava
Piper methysticum
parts of kava use
ingredients of kava
kavalactones: kavain, yangonin, mthysticin
how is kava supplied?
capsule, dried root powder/extract, tab
use for kava
anxiety, stress, insomnia, restlessness
as effective as BZD?
MOA of kava
binds BZD receptor, GABA
long use of kava may cause
skin discoloration or allergy
Concern of kava
liver tox