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88 Cards in this Set

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Da cheng qi tang
*yang ming fu: Pi Man zao shi, distention fullness dryness, shi
da huang
mang xiao
zhi shi
hou po
xiao cheng qi tang
da huang
zhi shi
hou pou
*pain doesnt increase w/pressure, tidal fever, constipation
xiao chai hu tang
Fx; harmonize + release shao yang
I: alt. fever/chills, dry throat, bitter or sour taste in mouth, ht. burn, dizzy, irritable, fullness chest/hypochonr, nausea/vom. thin white T. coat, wiry pulse
chai hu: harmonize s.yang, drain heat from GB/LV, spread LV qi
huang qin: assist chai hu, guided to LV by chai hu, cold
ban xia + sheng jian: warm/harmoniz MJ, transf. phlegm, descend qi,
ren shen - tonify sp qi
gan cao - nourish MJ
da zao - nourish MJ, regulate dispersing fx of other herbs w/gan cao
si ni san
fx: vents pathogenic inf, release constraint, spread LV qi, regulate SP
I: cold fingers/toes, body warm, red T. yellow coat, wiry pulse, mabye bd. pain or severe dida
*blockage/stag no shi cold or shi heat
chai hu, zhi shi, bai shao, zhi gan cao
chai hu shu gan san
fx: spread Lv qi, harmonize xue, alleviate pain
I: constraint/clump of LV qi w/hypochondriac pain, alt. fever/chills
chai hu, chuan xiong, xiang fu, chen pi, zhi ke, bai shao, zhi gan cao
ban xia xie xin tang
fx: harmonize ST, direct rebellion down, disperse clumping, elim. focal distention
I: epigast. focal dist. fullness/tighness, w/slight or no pain, dry heaves/frank vomiting, thin yellow greasy T coat, wiry rapid pulse
huang lian, gan jiang, huang qin, ban xia, ren shen, da zao, zhi gan cao
xi jiao di huang tang
fx: clear heat, relieve fire toxin, cool xue, nourish yin, dispel xue stasis, stop bleeding
I: fever, scarlet t. w/prickles, thin rapid pulse, cant swallow, rashes/bleeding issues
shui niu jiao, sheng di huang, bai shao, mu dan pi
si ni tang
fx: rescue devastated yang, warms MJ stops diarrhea
I: extremely cold extrem. constant desire to sleep, thin submerged/faint pulse
sheng fu zi, gan jiang, zhi gan cao
yue ju wan
fx: promote mvment of qi, release constraint
I: focal dist. stifl. sens. in chest/abd, fixed pian in hypochondria, bleching, vomiting, acid regurg, mild couhing w/copious sputum, reduced app/indigestion
cang zhu, chuan xiong, xiang fu, shen qu, shan zhi zi
shen qu: chi xiao dou, xing ren, qing hao, cang er cao
ban xia hou pou tang
fx: prom. mvment of qi, dissipate clumps, direct reb. qi down, transf. phelgm
I: plum pit qi, stifling chest/hypochond. moist greasy white t coat, wiry/slo or wiry/slippery pulse, possible cough/wheezing
ban xia, hou pou, fu ling, sheng jiang, zi su ye
si shen wan
fx: warms/tonify SP + KD's, binds intestines, stop diarrhea
I: diarrhea, cocks crow, cant digest whats eaten, sore low back, cold limbs, fatigue, lethargy, pale T thin white coat, submerged slow/forceful P, possible abd. pain
bu gu zhi, rou dou kou, wu zhu yu, wu wei zi, sheng jiang, da zao
*xu cold in SP/KD
gui zhi fu ling wan
fx: invig. blood, transf. blood stasis, reduce fixed abd. masses
I: mild/persistent uterine bleeding, abd. pain worse w/pressure, immoble masses in lower abd. abd. spasms
gui zhi, fu ling, shao yao, mu dan pi, tao ren
zhu ling tang
zhu ling, fu ling, ze xie, hua shi, e jiao
*promote urine, clear heat, nourish yin
D/H w/yin xu
wu pi san
sang bai pi, sheng jiang pi, fu ling pi, chen pi, da fu pi,
*generalized edema, strengthen SP/LU
*Bai He Gu Jin Tang
nourish LU yin, moisten lung, clear heat, transf. phlegm
*dry cough d/t yin xu of LU + KD
T: dry, red cracked, peeled
P: thin, rapid:
low grad tidal fever, dry sore throat, diff. breathing, dry unproductive cough/cough w/blood
^shu di, sheng di, mai men dong, bai he, chuan bei mu, dang gui, bai shao, gan cao, xuan shen, jie geng
*Ping Chuan Pills
tonfies lung + kidney qi (also KD yang), calms wheezing, relieves cough.
-chronic asthmatic conditions w/out accum. of phlegm. cough/S.O.B worse on exertion
(ge jie, cordyceps) - treats branch + root
^dang shen, xing ren, wu zhi mao tao, gan cao, man hu tui zi, sang bai pi, chen pi, bai qian, ge jie, dong chong xia cao, meng shi
Ding Chuan Wan
ext. W/H w/pre-exisiting phlegm heat: acute asthma attack: transf. phlegm heat
(weaker dispersing)
^bai guo, sang bai pi, jie geng, su zi, xing ren, huang qin, ban xia, gan cao, bai bu, zi wan
*Du Huo Ji Sheng Wan
*Lower Jiao: slightly tonifying: mostly dispel W/C/D
tonify xue, strength sinew/bone, dispel W/C/D, invig. blood, tonify KD qi, nourish LV xue, alleviate pain
*xu of qi/xue affecting low back/knees: warm formula
^tai zi shen, shu di, du huo, sang ji sheng, fange feng, xi xin, du zhong, niu xi, rou gui, chuan xiong, dang gui
*Juan Bi Wan
*Upper Jiao: W/C/D
dispel wind/elim damp, invig xue, warm channels, relieve pain
*rheumatism/osteoarth/burisitswrse w/C/Damp// joint pain
^sang zhi, hai feng teng, dang gui, qiang huo, du huo, qin jiao, chuan xiong, mu xiang, gui zhi, ru xiang, zhi gan cao
*Kang Gu Zeng Sheng Wan
Elderly px: *MOST tonifying for tx of Bi
tonify qi/yang, benefit KD, nour. LV, benef tendon/bone, invig blood, relieve pain
vertebral calcification/degeneration w/aging or injury: spondylitis/ rheumatoid arth: dull achy pain/numbness: cervical/thoracic/lumbar pain d/t stag of qi + blood also more advanced calcif/degen
^shu di, rou cong rong, lu xian cao, chang qun teng, lu lu tong, lu xian cao, yin yang huo, shan yao, mao gu, lao huan cao
Yao Tong Pian
*most nourishing of Bi formulas "lower back pain" d/t KD yang xu (chronic), dull ache, less serious
^dang gui, du zhong, xu duan, gou ji, bai zhu, bu gu zhi, niu xi
other edition: + tu bie chong/ru xiang: more blood moving
Xuan Bi Wan
*dispel Damp/clear heat/dredges + opens ch, relieve pain:
D/H Bi syndrome: red hot swollen joints /// also wei syndrome: weak/flacid/heavy lower limbs
^yi yi ren, han fang ji, ku xing ren, lian qiao, niu xi, huang bai, cang zhu, zhi zi, jiang ban xia, mu tong
guan jie yan wan
dispel wind/elim damp, open ch/collat, warms ch/collat, relieves pain
*Wind damp/Bi syndrom, weak ache low back, painful joints swelling
Hot or Cold syndrome: (sl. warm formula)
^hai tong pi, cang zhu, yi yi ren, han fang ji, qin jiao, gui zhi, niu xi, du huo, gan jiang
Chili Plaster
HOT, warms ch. to stop pain: W/C/D type c/i: pregnancy
good for numbness d/t stag
^La Jiao, hong hui xiang, zhang nao, lu lu long, dong zing you, chuan wu, she xiang
White Flower Oil
sl. warm: feels cool
Move qi/xue, open ch/coll. stop pain
put on ying xiang for W/C nasal or mosquito bites/itching
^zhang nao, mei pian, an ye you, dong qing you, bo he you, lavender oil
Yu Nan Bai Yao Plaster
stop bleeding, dispel blood stasis, disperse swelling, relieve pain: internal: swelling/bruising, bleeding d/t acute trauma: postpartum blood stasis: XUE PHASE
^Tian San Qi
Zhen Gu Shui
"rectify bone liquid"
invig xue, break stasis, move qi, stop bleeding, disperse swelling, strength tendon/bone, open ch/coll, relieve pain
heal bone fracture, inflam + swelling, bruising, torn inflamed ligaments
*choice for bone fracture
^sheng tian qi, wu ma xun cheng, ji gu xiang, bai zhi, qian jin ba, da li wang, bo he nao, zhang nao
*Huo Xiang Zheng Qi Wan
ext. W/C attak/int Damp stag
dispel epf, clear summer heat, dispel damp, descend rebellious ST qi, harmonize MJ, regulate qi: relieve diarrhea
*nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, food poisoning:
sl neutral: for D/H or D/C: damp predominate
^huo xiang, bai zhu, hou po, jie geng, chen pi, gan cao, ban xia, da fu pi, bai zhi, zi su ye, fu ling, da zao, gan jiang
*Xiao Jian Zhong Wan
modified gui zhi tang: good warming ability: nourishing, - yin + yang phase: chronic conditions
*spasmodic abdominal pain, dry mouth/throat
^yi tang, gui zhi, shao yao, zhi gan cao, sheng jiang, da zao
*Shen Ling Bai Zhu Pian
*diarrhea/vomiting/sp qi xu
augment qi, strengthen SP, leach out damp, stop diarrhea
*Sp qi xu leading to int. gen. damp
^ren shen, bai zhu, fu ling, zhi gan cao, shan yao, yi yi ren, bai ian dou, lian zi, sha ren, jie geng
Tao Ren Wan: Peach kernel teapills
moisten/move/clear heat: constipation: esp dry s/s w/xue stagnation (elderly px)
^tao ren, hu ma ren, da huang, qiang huo, dang gui wei
*similar to ma zi ren wan but stronger blood moving ability
Fargelin: Hua Zhi Ling Wan
clear heat, dispel D/H, disperse swelling/masses, cools blood, invig blood, stop bleeding, stop pain
*Hemorrhoids/bleeding: astringes
^hai ge ke, shi liu pi, tian qi, huang lian, hu po, zhu dan zhi
Liu Jun Zi Wan
*tonify SP qi, trans. phlegm, harmonize ST, stops counterflow ST qi, move damp, stop vomiting
*Generate qi d/t SP/LU xu
^dang shen, bai zhu, fu ling, ban xia, chen pi, gan cao
Xiang Sha Liu Jun Wan
tonify SP qi, transf. phlegm, warm MJ, harmonize ST, stop rebellious ST qi, move damp
^fu ling, bai zhu, ban xia, dang shen, sha ren, chen pi, gan cao, mu xiang, da zao, sheng jiang
*xu morning sickenss/ DESCEND ST qi
Curing Pills
*stag of food + DAMP: Acute
dispel food stasis, harmonize ST, treat rebellious ST qi, dispel damp, dispel epf, subdue yang, stop pain:
*cramp, belching, hiccoughs, nausea, epi/abd. bloating/ pain
^fu ling, yi yi ren, hou po, cang zhu, huo xiang, ge gen, bai zhi, mu xiang, shen qu, tian hua fen
Ping Wei San
dry damp, improve SP transporting fx, move qi, harmonize ST
-stag is root: shi pattern: Qi stag + damp
*distention/fullness epigastrium + damp s/s
^cang zhu, hou po, chen pi, zhi gan cao, sheng jiang, da zao
Bao He Wan
*dispel food stasis, harmonize ST, clear heat, dispel damp, tonify SP qi, promote digestion, stems counterflow ST qi
*acute/chronic food stag: indigestion/nausea/hangover/belching/bloating
^shan zha, ban xia, shen chu, fu ling, chen pi, lian qiao, mai ya
*like curing pills, less focus on damp: qi moving ability stronger
Fu Zi Li Zhong Wan
tonify Sp qi, dispel cold, warms MJ
xu SP qi/yang: chronic diarrhea/poor digestion/cold cramping in epigast, abd. pain: duodenal ulcer/ulcerative colitis, prolapse ST/intestine
^dang shen, gan cao, gan jiang, bai zhu, fu zi
Jin Gu Die Shang Wan: muscle/bone traumatic injury pill
invig xue, break stasis, tonify xue, stop bleeding, strengthen sinew/bone, open ch/coll, stop pain
*int/actue bruising/swelling sprain, bone fracture, dislocation, torn ligaments
^xu duan, tian qi, chi shao, ru xiang, mo yao, hong hua, xue jie, san leng, bai shao, su mu, gan cao, yan hu suo, dang gui, tu bie chong, mu dan pi, tian gua zi, tao ren, fang feng, mu tong, gu sui bu, zhi shi, liu ji nu, jie geng, jiang huang
*strong moving ability
Tian Qi Wan
stop bleeding, dispel blood stasis, disperse swelling, stop pain
*int. for swelling, bruising, bleeding - acute trauma: also other bleeding disorders (ext/or int)
^Sheng Tian Qi
Bu Yang Huan Wu Wan: tonify yang, return 5
tonify qi, nourish blood, invig blood, dredge/open ch/coll
*wei syndromes or wind stroke d/t xu of qi and blood: hemiplegia,paralysis, facial paralysis, numbness, atrophy,
^huang qi, chi shao, dang gui, chuan xiong, tao ren, hong hua, di long
Tong Qiao Huo Xue Wan
invig blood, break stasis, open orifices, open ch/coll, resolve chest oppression -- more moving than tonifying
*blood stasis in UJ: h.a. dizzy, tinnitus, dark face/nose/eyes: chest pain/angine, tingling: preventative against stroke
^tao ren, hong hua, chi shao, chuan xiong, bai zhi, da zao, sheng jiang, shi chang pu
Xiao Huo Luo Dan
Warms interior, warm ch. invig collaterals, move qi/blood, dispel phlegm turbidity, stop pain (COLD/DAMP prob)
*W/C/phlegm obstruction: sharp/dull joint pain, stiff joint/umb: stag of qi/xue in channels: arthralgia/arthritis
^di long, dan nan xing, cao wu, chuan wu, mo yao, ru xiang
Shen Tong Zhu Yu Tang
JOINTS/LIMBS: stag of qi/xue: deep/chronic pain, muscle ache/numb/tingling, arthritis, rheumatisim/trauma
^tao ren, hong hua, dang gui, chuan niu xi, chuan xiong, gan cao, mo yao, wu ling zhi, di long, qin jiao, qiang huo, xiang fu
Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang Wan
Upper jiao: chest/costal pain, dizzy, irritable, depression, chronic stabbing h.a. restless sleep
*congestive HT disease, angina, arrhythmia, head trauma, epi constriction/reflux, ST ulcer, hypertension d/t blood stag
^tao ren, hong hua, dang gui, sheng di, niu xi, chi xhao, zhi ke, chuan xiong, jie geng, chai hu, gan cao
Shao Fu Zhu Yu Tang
lower abd. drive out stasis decoct
*accum cold causing blood stag : ovarian cyst, postpartum cramping, uterine fibroids, cramps, amenorrhea, irreg menses, infertility, hepatomegaly/splenomegaly
^dang gui, pu huang, chi shao, chao wu ling zhi, yan hu suo, chuan xiong, mo yao, gui zhi, chao xiao hui xiang, chao gan jiang
gui zhi Fu ling wan
Strongest breaking blood stag
- cyst, masses, uterus, LJ, irregular periods, endometriosis,
Stop bleeding, warm uterus, dissipate masses, invigorate blood
^ chi shao, Tao ren, mu dan pi, Fu ling, gui zhi
Tao hong si wu tang
Move xue more moderate + nourishing ability
Tonify xue, invigorate xue in liver and uterus, regulate menses
- blood stag w/ xue xu, cramps with drk red clots, shortened periods with heavy bleeding, uterine blood stag causing amenaorrhea, irregular menses, infertility / hepatomegaly/splenomegaly ESP with anemia
^ dang gui, shu di huang, bai shao, Tao ren, chuan xiong, hong hua
wen jing tang wan
Moving/ nourishing, WARMing
"warm menses decoction"
Warm uterus, dispel cold, tonify qi, nourish xue/yin, benefit yang, invigorate xue
- xu cold in uterus - infertility, amenorrhea, scanty + prolonged bleeding, irregular menses / dysmennorhea d/t xu, fatigue, dry hair. Weak cold limbs, dry lips/mouth
^ wu zhu yu, dang gui, jiu chao bai shao, ren Shen, ban xia, Mai men dong, shu di huang, Gui zhi, mu dan pi, gan cao, chuan xiong, sheng jiang
Er Xian tang wan
Kd yin and yang nourishing
Warm kd yang, tonify jing, drain kd fire, tonify xue
- kd xu during menopause, hot flash, hbp, facial flushing, sweating, anxiety, irritable, fatigue, insomnia, palpation (hyperthyroidism, hypertension, pituitary disfx)
^xian mao, yin yang huo, bai Ji tian, huang bai, zhi mu, dang gui
Nu ke ba zhen wan
8 treasure pills
Si wu tang + si jun zi tang
Nourish blood + tonify qi
- pale complex/ dry skin/ nails, dizziness, anemia, ht palp, optic atrophy, slow wound healing
^ shu di huang, dang gui, bai shao, bai zhu, dang Shen, Fu ling, chuan xiong, gan cao
Wu chi bai feng wan
Great xue nourishing ability
Similar to wen jing tang
- nourish xue, tonify qi, invigorate xue, warm uterus, regulate menses
- chronic blood xu affecting menses, also postpartum fatigue, infertility following illness/injury,
Black rooster... White feathers
^ wu Ji, shu di huang, sheng di huang, ren Shen, dang gui, bai shao, Xiang Fu, Shan Yao, Lu jiao jiao, huang qi, feng mi (honey)
Yu dai wan
Heal vaginal discharge pill
Clear heat, resolve toxin, elim damp, stop vag. Discharge (yellow)' relieve itching, nourish yin/xue, stop bleeding g
D/H in uterus/KD, regulate dai
chronic vaginitis, cervicitis, salpingitis, oophritis, vaginal irritation
^ chun pi, bai shao, shu di huang, dang gui, Gao liang jiang, huang bai, chuan xiong
Si Miao wan
Intent of Xuan bi tang
Joint swelling/ heat or redness, ESP useful for knees
- heat bi patterns with pain swelling stiffness, Wei px with numbness/weak legs d/t D/H
^huang bai, yi yi ren, fang zhu, niu xi
Wan dai tang
SP/LV/KD cold damp
Profuse discharge d/t SP qi/yang xu /// nourish SP to transform damp
^ ren Shen, Shan Yao, bai zhu, Che Qian zi, cang zhu, Chen pi, jing jie, chai Hu, bai shao, gan cao
* #1 "end discharge decoction"
Du Zhong pian
Pick for sleep problems
Tonify KD, settles LV, subdue yang, clear heat
- dizzy, vertigo, h.a, eye pressure, stiff neck, red face, insomnia, restlessness /// reduce xue cholesterol/ h.b.p, mild hypertension
^ dang gui, jue Ming zi, ci shi, niu xi, gou teng, xia ku cao, huai hua, dan Shen, di long
Luo bu ma
Settle LV, extinguish wind, clear heat, elim damp, transf phlegm, subdue yang, benefit HT
- hypertension w/high blood fats, vertigo, h.a., flushed face, irritable, eye pressure, retention of fluids, preventative against stroke
^ luo bu ma, xia ku cao, gou teng, ze xie, niu xi, Shan zha, zhen zhu mu, ju hua
* can transform phlegm
Tian ma gou teng yin
Heavy tranquilizing herbs
Subdue LV yang, extinguish wind, clears heat, invigorate blood, tonify Kd, nourish LV
- dizzy, mild h.a. Or blurry vision d/t rising yang with xu of qi and blood
- xu bi syndrome, xu Wei syndrome, mild hypertension, facial paralysis, twitching limbs
^ shi jue Ming, sang Ji sheng, gou teng, ye jiao teng, Fu ling, chuan niu xi, yi mu cao, tian ma, zhi zi, huang Qin, du Zhong
* less nourishing than du Zhong pian, and can clear heat to milder extent
Gan Mai da zao wan
Tonify Ht qi, yin, xue, soothe LV + calm Shen
Shen prob d/t xu of qi, yin, xue causing depression, shi worrying, restless sleep, unprovoked crying, insomnia, anxiety, vivid uncomfortable dreaming
^ ye jiao teng, Fu xiao Mai, da zao, Fu ling, bai he, gan cao, he huan pi
Chai Hu shu gan wan
Strong move LV qi
Dredges the LV, soothe LV, invigorate xue, tonify SP, stop pain
- LV qi stag - costal fullness, poor circulation, cold hands/feet, nausea, gastritis, premenstrual syndrome, hepatomegaly, mastitis, chronic hepatitis, fibrocystic breast and gallstone
*IBS, abdominal issues
^ chai Hu, jiu chao bai shao, chu zhi Xiang Fu, chao zhi ke, chuan xiong, gan cao, Chen pi
Xiao Yao wan
Soothe LV, dispel LV stasis, harmonize LV and tonify SP, move qi, invigorate blood, tonify SP qi, tonify blood, regulate menses
- LV qi stag + xue xu, irregular menses, irritability, depression
^ chai Hu, dang gui, bai zhu, bai shao, Fu ling, sheng jiang, gan cao, Bo he
Jia Wei xiao Yao wan
Can clr heat
Soothe LV, dispel LV stasis, harmonize LV and SP, invigorate xue, tonify SP, blood, regulate menses
- premenstrual sx, LV/SP disharmony, aggravations by heat
^ jiu chao bai shao, Fu ling, bai zhu, mu dan pi, zhi zi, chai Hu, dang gui, sheng jiang, gan cao, Bo he
Long dan xie gan wan
Drain LV + GB heat, dispel damp, soothe LV, tonify xue, benefit mvment of urine
- UJ: h.a., red eye, earache, irritability, dizziness
- MJ: LV/GB inflam. Costal distention/pain, jaundice
- LJ: scanty urine, diff. Urine, acute prostatitis, chronic pelvic inflam. Disease --- oral or genital herpes simplex, zoster, hypertension/ hyperthyroidism
^shu di huang, ze xie, chai Hu, long dan cao, gan cao, dang gui, che Qian zi, mu tong, zhi zi, huang qin
Yi guan jian wan
Nourish LV yin/xue, dredges the LV
- stag LV qi w/ yin + xue xu, acid regurg, belching, dry mouth/throat, esophageal reflux, hiatal hernia, ulcer, menstrual prob, chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, hypertns, diabetes
^ sheng di huang, gou qi zi, bei sha Shen, Mai men dong, dang gui, chuan lian zi
Tong xie Yao fang wan
LV overact on SP
Soothe LV, tonify SP, stop diarrhea
- borborygmus, abd. distention + pain, diarrhea w/pain, chronic gastroenteritis, dysentery, IBS, colitis
^ chao bai shao, chao bai zhu, chao Chen pi, fang feng
Da chai Hu wan
Soothe LV, cool LV/GB heat, harmonize resolve half ext half int, stems counterflow ST qi, transf. phlegm, tonify qi, stop vomiting
- combine Shao yang/yang Ming stage //acute cholesistitis/ pancreatitis, acute gastroenteritis, hepatitis, fever stage of malaria
^ sheng jiang, chai Hu, ban xia, huang Qin, zhi shi, bai shao, da zao, da huang
Xiao chai Hu tang wan
Dredge LV qi, soothe LV, cool LV heat, harmonize half int half ext, transf. Phlegm, tonify SP qi
- stag. congested LV qi, blood sugar imbalance, hepatitis, cholecystitis, menstrual disorders, lymphatic congestion, shao yang stage/
^chai Hu, ban xia, dang Shen, huang Qin, da zao, gan cao, sheng jiang
An mien pian
Clear heat, settle HT, calms Shen
-vivid uncomfortable dreaming, palp. anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, mental fatigue
^ suan zao ren, yuan zhi, zhi zi, Fu ling, Fu Shen, Shen qu, gan cao
^ suan zao ren,
Bai zi yang xin wan
Nourish HT yin/xue, calm Shen, cools xue heat
- insomnia, restless, night sweat, anxiety, vivid uncomfortable dreaming, poor concentration, cloudy mind, xu palpitations
^ bai zi ren, gou qi zi, Xuan Shen, shu di huang, Mai men dong, dang gui, Fu ling, shi Chang pu, gan cao
* phlegm clearing
Gui pi wan
Strong xue/qi nourishing
Tonify SP + HT qi, nourish HTxue, secures qi, contains blood, calms Shen
- insomnia, restless sleep, shi dreaming, palp, anxiety, + xue xu disorders
^ dang gui, bai zhu, long yan rou, yuan zhi, Fu ling, dang Shen, suan zao ren, huang qi, mu Xiang, gan cao, da zao
Tian wang bu xin dan
Cools HT xue, nourish HT xue and yin, settles HT, calms Shen
-HT fire, insomnia/ restlessness sx, tongue/mouth ulcers, nocturnal emission, constipation, hyperthyroidism, menopause, chronic myocarditis, chronic rheumatic HT fever ::: xu heat signs
^ sheng di huang, dang gui, wu Wei zi, suan zao ren, bai zi ren, tian men dong, Mai men dong, Xuan Shen, dan Shen, dang Shen, Fu Ling, jie geng, yuan zhi
Suan zao ren tang wan
Nourish HT xue, clear xu heat, protects HT, invigorate xue, calm Shen
- night sweat, all insomnia/restless sx, cloudy mind, xu presentations, AIDS, TB, menopausal sx
^ suan zao ren, Fu ling, chuan xiong, zhi mu, gan cao
Kai kit wan
Resolve swelling pill
Tonify qi, invig blood,clear heat, resolve toxins, frees/benefit movement of urine, stop pain
-chronic/xu swollen prostate, phlegm heat stag in LJ // DH attack prostate/urine problems
Drk urine, burning, dribbling, retention, downward inguinal sensation
^ wang bu Liu xing, bai jiang cao, chi shao, huang qi, mu dan pi, mu tong, mu Xiang, yan Hu suo, gan cao
Zhen wu tang wan
"true warrior decoction"
Warm yang, elim damp, free/benefit movement of urine, invig blood + fluids
- xu of SP + Kd yang causing water retention, watery dida, urinary diff, heavy limb, swollen joint, heavy abd sensation w/pain, edema, congestive HT failure, chronic nephritis, liver cirrhosis, ascites, hypothyroidism, arthritis1, meniere's
^Fu ling, bai zhu, Fu zi, Sheng jiang, bai shao
Ba zheng San wan
Clear heat, dispel damp, benefit movement of urine, stop pain
- UTI, drk, turbid, bloody urine, pain, frequency (acute/chronic bladder infection + early stage KD infection/stone)
^ Jin Qian cao, mu tong, che Qian zi, qu Mai, bian xu, zhi zi, gan cao, huang bai, da huang
*orig. contains hua shi + deng xin cao minus huang bai/Jin Qian cao. This one more effective clearing damp heat
Wu ling san
Elim damp, dispel wind, frees moment of water, benefits KD, warms/tonifies the SP, relieves thirst, benefit mvment of water + disperse swelling
-edema, ascites, watery dida, wind damp bi, - heaviness, vomiting fluids, h.a., s.o.b, diff urination
*Effective diuretic for both limbs and abd. cavity
^ ze xie, Fu liing, zhu ling, bai zhi, gui zhi
Margarite acne pills
beauty purposes -- for acne use huang lian jie du wan 1st
Softens masses, clear heat, cool xue, resolve toxin, tonify xue + yin
- blood heat w/ stasis causing acne, skin rash, allergic hives...boils, hardened furuncles, rosacea, eczema, cysts, benign masses/ lymphomas beneath skin
^hai dai, Jin yin hua, sheng di huang, zhen zhu, shui niu jiao, ren gong niu huang
Xiao feng san
Disperse wind, elim damp, clear heat, cool blood, relieve itching
- itching d/t wind damp giving rise to wind toxins. Red raised wheals, weepy skin lesions, open sores w/bleeding, weeping eczema, psoriasis, pruritus, dermatitis, hives, diaper rash, some fungal infections
^fang feng, ku Shen, shi gao, sheng di huang, jing jie, chan tui, niu bang zi, hei zhi ma, zhi mu, dang gui, cang zhu, mu tong, gan cao
Da bu yin wan
Nourish KD yin, clear heat, subdue xu fire, stop sweating
"great tonify yin pill"
-yin xu fire flaring upwards: hot flash, night sweat, low grade tidal fever, five palm, low back pain, cough up blood / menopause, hyperthyroidism, TB, diabetes, AIDS
^ sheng di huang, gui ban, zhi mu, huang bai
Zuo gui wan
"left return pills"
Nourish KD yin, benefit KD, nourish + increase jing strengthen tendon + bone
- KD xu, weak lumbar/lower legs, dizzy, ear ringing, palp, insomnia, fatigue, night sweat impotence, weakened eye sight, premature ejac, chronic nephritis, diabetes, menopause, hypertension
^ sheng di huang, Shan Yao, Fu ling, Shan zhu yu, gou qi zi, tu si zi, niu xi, gui ban jiao, Lu jiao
Er long zuo ci wan
Severe tinnitus d/t KD + LV yin xu --xu type deafness (ci shi)
Nourish KD yin, clear xu heat, settle the LV, subdue yang
dizzy, h.a, ringing, insomnia, hypertension, anxiety, chronic ear congestion
^ shu di huang, Shan Yao, Shan zhu yu, ze xie, mu dan pi, Fu ling, chai Hu, ci shi
Liu Wei di huang wan
Benefit KD, nourish LV yin, cool xu heat, contains jing
Yin xu - causing dryness + hea
Periodontal abscess, diabetes, chroic nephritis, menopause
^ shu di huang, Shan Yao, Shan zhu yu, mu dan pi, Fu ling, ze xie
Zhi bai di huang wan
Nourish KD yin, clear heat, subdue xu fire flourishing upward
- graves disease, menopause, chronic UTI, D/H in LJ
If severe sweating combine with da bu yin wan
^ shu di huang, Shan zhu yu, Shan Yao, ze xie, mu dan pi, Fu ling, huang bai, zhi mu
Qi ju di huang wan
Nourish KD yin, LV yin/xue, benefits the eyes
- dry eyes, blurry, pressure behind, glaucoma, photophobia, herpes simplex retinitis, neuritis
^ shu di huang, Shan zhu yu, Shan Yao, Fu ling, ze xie, mu dan pi, gou qi zi, ju hua
Ming mu di huang wan
Bright eyes rehmannia pills
Nourish LV + KD yin, LV blood, subdue yang, benefits eyes
- eye conditions d/t LV yin xu compounded by LV heat, rising yang or internal wind /// poor vision, red itchy eyes, photophobia, shi tearing, dryness, internal pressure, glaucoma, cataract, optic neuritis, retinitis sjogren's
* great 4 early formation cataracts, dry eye, internal pressure
^ shu di huang, Shan zhu yu, Shan Yao, shi jue Ming, mu dan pi, Fu ling, ze xie, gou qi zi, bai Ji li, bai shao, dang gui, ju hua
Wu zi yan zong wan
Tonify KD yang, blood, benefit + astringe jing
- KD qi, yang, jing xu ::: sexual dysfx, impotence, premature ejac, infertility, freq/dribbling urine, chronic prostatitis/nephritis
^ gou qi zi, tu si zi, Fu pen zi, che Qian zi, wu Wei zi
Jin gui Shen qi wan
Tonify KD yang, warm Mingmen fire, benefit KD qi
- low back pain/weak, cold lumbar + legs, urinary dysfx, impotence, infertility, polyuria d/t diabetes, pressure of fetus during pregnancy, toxemia during preg., nephritis, chronic prostatitis
^ shu di huang, Shan Yao, Shan zhu yu, mu dan pi, Fu ling, ze xie, rou gui, Fu zi
You gui wan
Right return pills
Tonify KD yang, warm Mingmen fire, nourish KD yin, blood, jing, strengthen tendon + bone
-impotence, infertility, cold limbs, edema, loose stool, poor digestion, HT disease, chronic nephritis, lupus, prostatitis, addisons disease
- prefered for lumbar weakness while Jin gui Shen qi wan is preferred for cold px with urinary disturbance, however used interchangeably
^ sheng di huang, dang gui, rou gui, Shan zhu yu, du Zhong, gou qi zi, Fu zi, Shan Yao, tu si zi, Lu jiao