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80 Cards in this Set

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mai men dong tang
fx: benefits St, generate fluids, directs rebellious qi downward
-cough,wheezing,S.o.B, diff to expect. sputum,, dry throat, mouth, palms/soles hot, dry red T, very little coat, xu/rapid P
(mai men dong, ren shen, da zao, gan cao, zhi ban xia)
yi guan jian - linking decoction
fx: enrich yin, spread LV qi
-hypochondriac + chest pain, epig. abd. distention, parched/dry mouth/throat, acid regurg. red + dry T, thin frail or xu/wiry P
(gou qi zi, dang gui, sha shen, mai men dong, sheng di huang, chuan lian zi)
da bu yin wan - great tonify yin pill
fx: enrich yin, cause fire to descend
-steaming bone, aft. tidal fev, night swt, spont emissions, irritiability, red T w/little coat, rapid/forceful P in rear position, poss. cough blood or constant hunger
(shu di huang, su jiu gui ban, chao huang bai, jiu chao zhi mu) = amts. of herbs 180 g 1st 2, 120g. 2nd 2)
zuo gui wan - restore left pill
fx: nourish yin, enrich KD's, fill essence, augments the marrow
-lightheaded, vertigo, tinnitis, weak/sore low b/knee, spont/noct. emissions, spont/night sweat, dry mouth/throat, thirst, red shiny T, thin rapid P
(shu di huang, shan zhu yu, gou qi zi, chao shan yao, lu jiao jiao, gui ban jiao, jiu chuan niu xi, tu si zi)
zuo gui yin - restore left decoction
fx: nourish yin, enrich KD's
-low back soreness, spont. emission, night sweat, dry mouth/throat, thirst w/ desire to drink, peeled shiny T, thin/rapid P
(shu di huang, shan zhu yu, gou qi zi, shan yao, fu ling, zhi gan cao)
zhi gan cao tang
fx: augments Qi, nourish xue, enrich yin, restore the pulse
-palp. w/anxiety, irritable, insomnica, emaciation, S.O.B, constipation, dry mouth/throat, pale shiny T, Irregular P, slow, thin faint forceless
(zhi gan cao, sheng di huang, gui zhi, sheng jiang, ren shen, da zao, mai men dong, e jiao, huo ma ren)
tian tai wu yao san
fx: promote mvment of Qi, spreads LV qi, scatters cold, alleviates pain
-lower abd. pain radiate to testes, swollen/distended testicles, pale T white coat, submerged/slow or wiry P
(wu yao, chao liang jiang, chao xiao hui xiang, mu xiang, qing pi, bing lang, chuan lian zi, ba dou)
liang fu wan
fx: warms MJ, dispels cold, promotes qi mvement, alleviates pain
-epigastric pain favorable to warmth, stifling sens. chest, hypochondriac pain, painful menses, white coat T
(gao liang jiang, xiang fu)
ban xia hou pu tang
fx: promote mvment of Qi, dissipate clumps, direct rebellious qi downward, transforms phlegm
-plum pit qi, stifling sens.
chest/hypochondria, moist/greasy white T. coat, wiry, slow or wiry/slippery pulse, poss. cough/vomit
(ban xia, hou pu, fu ling, sheng jiang, zi su ye)
yue ju wan - escape restraint pill
fx: promote mvment of qi, release constraint
-focal distention, stifling sens. in chest/abd, fixed pain in hypochondria, belching, vomiting, acid regurg, mild cough w/copious sputum, reduced appetite, indigestion
(cang zhu, chuan xiong, xiang fu, shen qu, shan zhi zi)
yang he tang - warm int. decoct
fx: warms the yang, tonifies xue, disperse cold, unblock areas of stagnation
-localized, painful swelling w/out head that blend into surround. tissue + dont effect color of skin (yin boils), aren't hot to touch, no thirst, pale T + submerged thin or submerged thin + forceless pulse
(rou gui, pao jiang, shu di, lu rong, ma huang, bai jie zi, gan cao
si ni tang
fx: rescues devastated yang, warms middle burner, stops diarrhea
-Extremely cold extremities, aversion to cold, sleeping w/knees drawn up/lethargy, constant desire to sleep, vomiting, diarrhea w/undigested food, abd. pain + cold, no thirst, pale T w/slippery white coat, submerged thin or submerged/faint P
(sheng fu zi, gan jiang, zhi gan cao)
wu zhu yu tang
(xu cold in LV/ST/KD)
fx: warms + tonifies the ST + LV, directs rebellious qi downward, stops vomiting (cold type)
-*vomit immed after eat, gnawing hunger, acid regurg w/or w/out epigast. pain
*dry heaves/spitting clear fluids w/H.A @ vertex
*vomit + diarrhea w/cold hands and feet + agitation so px wants to die.
In all cases T is not red - has white slippery coat, thin slow or thin/wiry P
(wu zhu yu, sheng jiang, ren shen, da zao)
da jian zhong tang
(acute/usu. shi cold/warm MJ)
fx: warms and tonifies MJ xu, directs rebellious qi downward, alleviates pain
-excruciating epigastric + abd. pain (cant touch px), strong sensation cold in epigast. vomiting to pt of not being able to eat, white slippery T coat, thin/tight or slow/wiry P - in severe cases hidden P
(chuan jiao, gan jiang, ren shen, yi tang) - add bai shao if abd. pain is severe
zhu ye shi gao tang
(late stage febrile: regulating)
fx: clears heat, generates fluids, augments qi, harmonize ST
-lingering fever accomp. by vomiting, irritability, thirst, parched mouth, lips, throat, choking cough, stifling sensation in chest, red T w/very little coating + xu/rapid P some px: restlessness/insomnia, s/s of heat in UJ, nausea/vomiting (ST yin xu)
(shi gao, dan zhu ye, ren shen, mai men dong, zhi ban xia, zhi gan cao, jing mi)
dang gui liu huang tang - 6 yellows
(combo xu + shi heat)
fx: enrich yin, clear heat, stabilize ext., stop sweating
-fever, night sweat, red face, dry mouth + parched lips, irritability, dry stool, drk scanty urine, red dry T, rapid P
(dang gui, sheng di huang, shu di huang, huang lian, huang qin, huang bai, huang qi)
qing gu san
fx: clear heat from xu, alleviates steaming bone disorder
-afternoon tidal fev or unremitting chronic low grade fever, steaming bones, (flesh not warm to touch at first, heat slow to come out), irritable, insomnia, emaciation, lethargy, red lips, drk red cheek, night sweat, thirst, red T w/little coat (cracked/peeled), thin, rapid pulse
(yin chai hu, zhi mu, hu huang lian, di gu pi, zhi bie jia, qing hao, qin jiao, gan cao)
qing ying tang
(btwn bai hu t +xi jiao di h. tang)
fx: clears the nutritive level, relieve fire toxin, drain heat, nourish yin
-high fever (worse @ night), severe irritability + restless, scarlet dry T, thin rapid pulse, some px are thirsty, some delirious, some have faint/indistinct purpura/erythemia
(shui niu jiao, xuan shen, sheng di huang, mai men dong, jin yin hua, lian qiao, huang lian, dan zhu ye, dan shen)
qing wen bai du yin - overcome epidemics
(strongest of warm/toxin formu.)
fx: clears heat, resoles toxicity, cools xue, drains fire
-intense fever, strong thirst, dry heaves, severe + stabbing H.A., extreme irritability, rashes, nosebleed, drk scorched lips, delirious speech, drk red T. rapid sumberged thin or rapid/floating/large P
(shi gao, sheng di huang, huang lian, shui niu jiao, zhi zi, jie geng, huang qin, zhi mu, chi shao yao, xuan shen, lian qiao, dan zhu ye, gan cao, mu dan pi)
bai tou weng tang
fx: clear heat, relieve toxicity, cools blood, alleviate dysenteric disorders (stops bleeding)
-*abdominal pain, tenesmus, burning around anus, diarrhea w/*more xue than pus, thirst, red T w/ yellow coat, wiry/rapid P
(bai tou weng, huang lian, huang bai, qin pi)
shao yao tang
(heat/damp in LI - diarrhea)
fx: regulates + harmonizes qi/xue, clear heat, dry damp, resolve toxicity
-*abd. pain, tenesmus, diff w/defecation, *diarrhea containing xue + pus (=), burning around anus, drk scanty urine, greasy sl. yellow T. coat, rapid pulse, fever, possible thirst
(huang lian, huang qin, dan huang, bai shao, dang gui, rou gui, mu xiang, bing lang, zhi gan cao)
xie xin tang
(d/H accum. in digestion/yang ming)
fx: drains fire, resolves toxicity, dries dampness
-fever, irritability/restlessness, flushedf ace, red eyes, drk urine, constipation, *greasy yellow T coat, epigastric focal distention, jaundice, diarrhea, dysenteric disorders, vomit xue, nosebleed, red swollen eyes/ears, ulcerations of T/mouth
(da huang, huang lian, huang qin)
xie huang san
fx: drains smoldering fire from SP
-mouth ulcers, bad breath, thirst, freq. huner, dry mouth/lips, red T + rapid P (tongue thrusting in children)
(shi gao, zhi zi, fang feng *high dose, huo xiang ye, gan cao)
qing wei san - clear ST powder
(poor diet, shi heat)
fx: drains ST fire, cools xue, nourish the yin
-*toothache (esp w/pain extending to head), facial swelling, fever, bad breath, dry mouth, red T w/little coat, slippery/large/rapid/P bleeding/sores of gums, swollen painful T, lips or jaw, painful areas favorable to cold, worse w/heat
(huang lian, sheng ma, mu dan pi, sheng di huang, dang gui)
dao chi san - guide out red
(irrit/dream disturb sleep)
fx: clear heat in HT, promote urination
-*irritability with heat sensation in chest, thirst for cold drink, red face, *poss. mouth sores, red T, rapid P, drk scanty rough painful urine, or blood in urine
(mu tong, sheng di huang, dan zhu ye, gan cao shao)
xie bai san - drain the white
fx: drains heat from LU/calms wheezing
-coughing (clear high pitch), wheezing, fever w/skin hot to touch, all worse in late afternoon, dry mouth, little or diff, to expect. sputum, thin rapid pulse, red T yellow coat
(chao sang bai pi, di gu pi, zhi gan cao, jing mi)
xi jiao di huang tang
(blood heat pattern, severe shi)
fx: clear heat, relieve fire toxin, cools blood, nourish yin, dispel blood stasis, stop bleeding
-*fever, various types *bleeding, (vomit, nose, stool, urine, rashes), black and tarry stools, abd. distention/fullness, thirst w/*inability to swallow, *scarlet T w/prickles, thin rapid pulse, delirium
(shui niu jiao, sheng di huang, chi shao yao, mu dan pi)
sheng jiang xie xin tang
fx: harmonize ST, reduce focal distention, disperse clumping, expel water
(sheng jiang, gan jiang, zhi ban xia, huang qin, huang lian, ren shen, da zao, zhi gan cao)
gan cao xie xin tang
fx: open qi dynamic to facilitate ascent of clear + descent of turbid, stronger tonify MJ/treat qi stag
(zhi gan cao, ban xia, gan jiang, huang qin, huang lian, ren shen, da zao)
ban xia xie xin tang - drain epigastrium
(Pi pattern, cold/heat stag)
fx: harmonize the ST, direct rebellious qi downward, disperse clumping, eliminate focal distention
-*epig. focal distention, fullness, tightness, w/very slight or no pain, dry heaves, frank vomiting, borborygmus w/diarrhea, reduced appetite, thin yellow + greasy T coat, wiry/rapid pulse
(huang lian, gan jiang, huang qin, ban xia, ren shen, da zao, zhi gan cao)
tong xie yao fang (or bai zhu shao yao san)
fx: spread LV qi, tonify SP
-recurrent prob. of borborygmus *abd. pain, diarrhea, w/pain (starts w/urge + subsides after) thin white T coat, wiry thin pulse, often related to emotional problems
(chao bai zhu, chao bai shao, chao chen pi, fang feng)
xiao yao san
(combo shi/xu-depression)
fx: spreads LV qi, strengthens SP, nourish xue
-hypochondriac pain, H.A, vertigo, bitter taste, dry mouth/throat, fatigue, reduced appetite, pale red T., wiry, xu, pulse. alt. fever/chills, irreg. menses, distended breasts
(chai hu, dang gui, bai shao, bai zhu, fu ling, zhi gan cao, wei sheng jiang, bo he)
chai hu shu gan san
(distending hypochond. pain d/t qi stag - related to emotions)
fx: spread LV qi, harmonize blood, alleviate pain
-constraint + clumping of LV qi, *hypochondriac pain, + alt. fever/chills, premenstrual syndrome or dysmenorrhea, thin white T coat, body drk red/sides purple
(chai hu, chuan xiong, xiang fu, chen pi, zhi ke, bai shao, zhi gan cao)
si ni san
fx: vents pathogenic influences, release constraint, spreads LV qi, regulates SP
-cold fingers/toes, body is warm, smtimes w/irritability and full chest/epigast, red T yellow coat, wiry pulse, maybe abd. pain/+ or severe diarrhea
(chai hu, zhi shi, bai shao, zhi gan cao)
*no shi cold or shi heat
xiao chai hu tang
fx: harmonize + releases shao yang stage disorders
-alt. chills/fever, dry throat, bitter or sour taste, HT urn, dizziness, irritable, sensation of fullness in chest/hypochondr, often difficult to take breaths), thin white T coat, wiry pulse, possible nausea/vomiting
(chai hu, huang qin, ban xia, sheng jiang, ren shen, gan cao, da zao)
ji chuan jian - benefit the river
(kd yang xu/ warmest of purging)
fx: warms KD's, nourishes blood, augments essence, moistens intestines, unblocks bowels
-constipation (chronic), clear/copious urine, low back pain, cold sensation in back
(rou cong rong, dang gui, niu xi, ze xie, zhi ke, sheng ma)
ma zi ren wan
fx: moistens intestines, drains heat, promotes mvment of qi, unblocks bowels
-constipation w/hard stool diff. to expel, freq urination (clear/copious), dry yellow T coat, submerged rapid or floating/choppy P (PI YUE pattern - dry heat damage ST, impede MJ)
(huo ma ren, xing ren, bai shao, zhi shi, hou po, da huang) -- contains xiao cheng qi tang
tiao wei cheng qi tang
fx: mildly purges clumped heat
-mild constipation d/t yang ming stage heat (no focal distention + abd. fullness) irritability, w/slippery rapid pulse, nosebleed, swollen gums/throat, petechiae d/t heat in ST + intestines
(da huang, mang xiao, gan cao)
xiao cheng qi tang
fx: moderately purges clumped heat
-mild yang ming fu, tidal fever, constipation, focal distention, abd. fullness, pain doesn't increase w/pressure, dirty + dry T, yellow coat, slippery rapid P
(da huang, zhi shi, hou pu)
da cheng qi tang
fx: vigorously purge heat accumulation
-severe constipation, focal distention/abd. fullness, abd. pain increase w/pressure, tense/firm abd. dry yellow or dry black T coat w/prickles + submerged shi pulse. in severe cases - tidal fever, delirious speech, profuse sweat, palms/soles -
*Pi Man Zao Shi
(da huang, mang xiao, zhi shi, hou pu)
ma huang tang
Fx. release ext cold, arrest wheezing
I: fever/chills, chills predom. no sweat, h.a. body ache, wheezing, thin w. coat, floating tight P
ma huang - rel. wei phase thru sweat, gui zhi - rel. ying ph. warm ch. xing ren - descend lung 1i, stop wheezing, zhi gan cao - harmonize diaphoretic action of M.H.
ma shing shi gan tang
fx: facilitate flow Lu qi, clear heat, calm wheezing
I: fever w/or w/out sweat, thirst, wheeze, cough, nasal flaring, yellow T coat, slippery rapid pulse
ma huang, shi gao, xing ren, zhi gan cao
gui zhi tang
fx: rel. pathogenic infl. from muscle layer, regulate ying/wei
I: fev/chills unrelieved by sweat, h.a. aversion to wind, stiff neck, nasal congest, dry heave, thing white moist T, floating pulse (moderate/frail)
gui zhi - warm merid/release wind cold from muscle layer, bai shao yao, sour/benefit yin, contain weak/ying qi Sheng jiang - stop nausea/vomiting, rel. ext., Da Zao, help nourish ying/xue, zhi can gao, tonify MJ, harmonize
yin qiao san
Fx: disperse W/H, clear heat, relieve toxicity
I: fever, sl. or no chills, h.a. thirst, cough, *sore throat, red tipped T and thin white or thin yellow coat, floating rapid P
jin yin hua, lian qiao, niu bang zi, jie geng, dan dou chi, bo he, jing jie, dan zhu ye, xian lu gen, gan cao
chuan xiong cha tiao san
Fx. disperse wind/ alleviate pain, stop H.A
I: h.a. in any part of head w/chills/fever, dizzy, nasal congestion, thin w. T coat, floating puse
chuan xiong, qiang huo, bai zhi jing jie, fang feng, xi xin, bo he, gan cao, green tea
suan zao ren tang
Fx: nourish xue, calm shen, clear heat, elim. irritability
I: insomnia, irritability, palp, night sweat, dizzy vertigo, dry thr. + mouth, dry red T, wirey or thin, rapid P
*nourish LV xue: suan zao ren, chuan xiong, fu ling, zhi mu, zhi gan cao
gan mai da zao tang
Fx. Nourish HT, calm shen, harmonize MJ
I: zang zao disorder (mainly d/t yin xu) - can't control oneself, emotional, red T sparse coat, thin rapid P
fu xiao mai, da zao, gan cao
li zhong wan
Fx: warm MJ, strengthen SP/ST
I: diarrhea w/watery stool (cold type), nausea/*vomiting, no thirst, lost appetite, abd. pain, pale T white coat, submerged thin P
gan jiang, ren shen, bai zhu, zhi gan cao
xiao jian zhong tang
Fx.: warm/tonify MJ, moderate spasmodic abd. pain
I: intermittant, spasmodic, chronic abd. pain, better w/warmth, reduced appetite, pale T thin white c. thin wiry moderate pulse
yi tang, gui hi, shao yao, zhi gan cao, sheng jiang, da zao
like gui zhi tang + yi tang, double dose shao yao
bai hu tang
Fx: clear qi level heat, drain ST fire, generate fluids, alleviate thirst
I: four bigs, flooding forceful slippery pulse, h.a. toothache, bleeding gums/nose
***shi gao - clear heat drain fire, zhi mu - clear heat moisten yin + dryness, zhi gan cao - protect ST/fluids, nourish MJ, jing mi - slow down fx of other herbs, clear more heat
huang lian jie du tang
heat toxin in 3 burners
FX: drain fire, relieve toxicity
I: high fever, irritability, dry mouth/throat, inchoerent speech, insomnia, dark urine, red T yellow coat, rapid forceful pulse
huang lian, huang qin, huang bai, zhi zi
long dan xie gan tang
FX: drain fire from shi in LV/GB, drains D/H from LJ
I: pain in hypochond. h.a., dizzy, red/sore eyes, hearing loss, swelling ears, bitter taste, painful urination
long dan cao, huang qin, zhi zi, chai hu, mu tong, che qian zi, ze xie, sheng di huang, dang gui
zuo jin wan
fx: clears LV heat, direct rebellious qi down, stop vomiting
I: hypoch. pain, indeterm. gnawing hunger, *acid regurg
shi LV fire attack ST
huang lian, wu zhu yu
yu nu jian
FX: drain heat from ST, nourish yin
I: toothache (chronic), loose teeth, bleeding gums, frontal h.a., irritable, fever, thirst w/desire drink cold, dry red T w/yellow coat, floating slipp, xu, large pulse
ST heat with kd yin xu
shi gao, shu di huang, zhi mu, mai men dong, niu xi
ge gen huang lian huang qin tang
Fx: release ext and int., clear heat, (B.M. problems)
I: fever sweat, thirst, dysenteric dis., foul smelling stool, burning sens, possible wheezing, red T yellow coat, rapid pulse
*shi driven into int., D/H dida
ge gen, huang lian, huang qin, gan cao
sang xing tang
Fx: clears + disperses warm dryness (sl nourishing)
I: moderate fever, h.a. thirst dry hacking cough, scant thick sticky sputum, thin dry white C. floating/rapid pulse
sang ye, xing ren, zhi zi, dan dou chi, zhe bei mu, sha shen, li pi
si jun zi tang
fx: tonify qi, strengthen SP
I: pallid complex, low soft voice, reduced app, loose stool, weak limbs, T body pale, thin/frail P
ren shen, bai zhu, fu ling, zhi gan cao
shen ling bai zhu san
Fx: augment qi, strengthen SP, leach out damp, stop diarrhea
I: loose stool/diarrhea, reduce app, weight loss, palid wan complex, pale T white coat, thin moderate or xu pulse, possible vomiting, possible LU problems
ren shen, bai zhu, fu ling, zhi gan cao - all tonify SP qi
shan yao + yi yi ren - strengthen SP, drain damp
bai bian dou + lian zi: strengthen SP, stop diarrhea
sha ren: transform/drain damp
jie geng: move lung qi, guide herbs to UJ (prevent too much draining out)
si wu tang
**Fx: tonify xue, regulate the LV
I: dizzy, blurry vision, generalized muscle tension, irregular menses w/little flow, lower abd. pian, pale T, thin wiry or thin choppy pulse
blood xu + stagnation
**chuan xiong - chief mover, tonify + move blood with dang gui
**bai shao - tonify yin/blood, preserves yin/sour + shu di huang tonify xue/kd essence
gui pi tang
Fx: augment qi, tonify xue, strengthen SP, nourish HT
I: forgetfulness, palpitations, insomnia, chronic bleeding syndromes, anxiety, pale T thin white coat, thin frail pulse
ren shen, huang qi, bai zhu, gan cao, fu ling, suan zao ren, long yan rou, dang gui, zhi yuan zhi, mu xiang, sheng jiang, da zao
dang gui bu xue tang
Fx: tonify qi, generate blood
I: hot sens. in muscles, red face, irritable, thirst w/ pref. for warm bev, flooding large xu ppulse, fever/h.a. d/t loss of blood
huang qi - tonify qi consolidate ext.
dang gui: nourish xue harmonize ying
yu ping feng san
Fx: augment qi, restabilize ext., stop sweating
I: aversion to draft, spont. sweat, recurrent colds, pale T white coat, floating xu soft pulse
huang qi, bai zhu, fang feng
sheng mai san
Fx: augment qi, generate fluids, preserve yin, stop shi sweating
I: chronic cough, scanty sputum diff. to expect. s.o.b, spont. sweat, dry mouth/tongue, red T w/ dry thin coat, xu/rapid or xu/thin
ren shen, mai men dong, wu wei zi
liu wei di huang wan
Fx: enrich yin, nourish KD essence
I: sore, weak low back, light headed, vertigo, tinnitis, night sweat, spont/noct. emissions red T w/little coat, rapid thin pulse (five palm heat, sore throat, kiao ke)
shu di huang- tonify xue, kd yin/essence
shan zhu yu + shan yao: nourish LV blood/bind essence + tonify SP/+kd essence
fu ling - disperse damp, +turbidy w/ze xie + mu dan pi: clear lv fire d/t yin xu
ze xie: clear kd fire, turbid water of kd
qi ju di huang wan
gou qi zi + ju hua
fx: enrich yin, nourish KD/eyes
*dry eyes w/dimin. visual acuity, photophbia, tearing when exposed to drafs, painful eyes, kd/lv xin xu w/LV xu predominant
zhi bai di huang wan
zhi mu + huang bai - clear xu heat + nourish yin
I: steaming bone/night sweat, dry mouth/tongue, large pulse in rear positiion, urinary diff. w/low back pain from D/H in LJ
jin kui shen qi wan
fx: warm/tonify KD yang
I: low back pain, weak lower extrem, cold in lower 1/2 body, tenseness in lower abd. pale swollen T w/thin white moist coat, empty frail pulse, suberged faint @ prox. position
Fu Zi
Rou Gui (or gui zhi)
shao yao gan cao tang
fx: nourish blood, augment yin, moderate painful spasms, alleviate pain
I: irritable, sl. chills, spasms of calf muscles, no coat on T, abd. pain better w/pressure, thin/wiry P
shao yao, zhi gan cao
jin ling zi san
Fx: spread lv qi, drain heat, regulate qi, alleviate pain
I: intermitt epigastric/hypochondriac pain, hernial pain/mensrual pain, red T w/yellow coat, wiry/rapid p
chuan lian zi, yan hu suo
bu yang huan wu tang
fx: tonify qi, invigorate xue, unblock ch.
I: sequelae of wind-stroke
*qi nourishing, xue stag after stroke
huang qi, dang gui, chuan xiong, chi shao, tao ren, hong hua, di long
shi xiao san
fx: invigor. blood, dispel xue stasis, disperse accum.
I: irreg. menstruation, dysmenorr, retention lochia, post partum abd. pain
*painful menses
wu ling zi, pu huang
xue fu zhu yu tang
fx: invig. xue, dispel xue stasis, spread qi of LV, unblock ch.
I: pain in chest/hypochond. stubborn h.a.,
*stasis/heat in UJ (long term)
chuan xiong, tao ren, hong hua, dang gui, chi sao, niu xi, sheng di huang, chai hu, jie geng, zhi ke
cang er zi san
Fx; disperse wind/ alleviate pain, unblock nose
I: copious, purulent foul smelling nasal disch, dizzy, frontal h.a., normal or yellow T coat, float rapid P
cang er zi, xing yi hua, bai zhi, bo he
ping wei san
Fx: dries damp, improves SP transporting fx, promote mvment of qi, harmonize ST
I: distention/fullness epigast, heavy limbs, loose stool, dida, easy fatigue, swollen T w/thick white greasy coat, moderate/slippery P
cang zhu, hou po, chen pi, zhi ganc cao, sheng jiang, da zao
wu ling san
fx: promote urination, drains damp, strengthen SP, warms yang, promote t + t fx of qi
I: edema, urinary diff, strong thirst/vomit immed, after drinking, poss. vomit/diarrhea
(ext. evil move to UB ch. water retention)
ze xie, fu ling, zhu ling, bai zhu, gui zhi
er miao san
fx: clear heat, dry dampness
I: for variety of urinary complaints: scanty yellow/ greasy yellow T coat
Huang bai, cang zhu
ling gui zhu gan tang
SX: fullness of chest/hypochondria, palpitations, S.O.B, cough of clear watery sputum, dizzy/vertigo, pale T swollen white or slipp/greasy coat, slippery and wiry or soggy
Fu ling, gui zhi, bai zhu, zhi gan cao
FX: warms/transf phlegm + congest. fluids, strengthen SP, resolve damp
er chen tang
fx: dry damp, transf. phlegm, regulate qi, harmonize MJ
I: cough up copious white sputum/easy to expect. nausea/vomit,
ban xia, ju hong, fu ling, zhi gan cao, sheng jiang, wu mei
wen dan tang
fx: regulate qi, transf. phlegm, clears GB, harmonize ST
I: nausea/vomit, dream disturb. sleep, focal dist. of chest, bitter taste in mouth, indeterm gnawing hunger,greay yellow T coat, rapid pulse (slip or wiry)
zhi ban xia, zhu ru, zhi shi, chen pi, fu ling, zhi gan cao, sheng jiang
*phlegm heat in GB disturb ST + spirit disorders (cool formula now)
ban xia bai zhu tian ma tang
fx: strengthen SP, dispel damp, transf. phlegm, extinguish wind
I: dizzy/vertigy, h.a., nausea/vomit, white greasy T coat wiry slipp pulse
ban xia, tian ma, bai zhu, fu ling, ju hong, sheng jiang, da zao, gan cao