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38 Cards in this Set

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Hai piao xiao
Name category and clue
Cuttle fish bone
Stabilize and bind
Hai piao xiao
Actions and Indications
1. Stops all kinds of bleeding.
2. Secures the essence nocturnal emission, premature ejaculation, or vaginal discharge.
3. Controls stomach acidity, pain distasteful belching and ulcers.
4. Resolves lumps and abscess for goiter, abscesses, suppurative infections.
Hai tong pi
Name category and clue
Erythrina bark
Dispel wind and damp
Hai tong pi
Actions and Indications
1. Dispel win damp for arthralgia, lumbago, pain and spasms of the hand and feet.
2. Treats itching skin and lesions and chronic eczema.
Hai zao
Name category and clue
Sargassum Seaweed
Herbs that cool and transform phlegm heat
Hai zao
Actions and Indications
1.Reduces phlegm and softens hardness for neck nodules, goiter, scrofula, bulging involving scrotum and testicles.
2. Promotes urination and reduces edema for leg qi and floating edema.
He huan pi
Name category and clue
Albizzia bark
Nourish the Heart and calm that spirit
He huan pi
Actions and Indications
1. Calms the spirit for insomnia and palpitations due to anger and anxiety.
2. Invigorates the blood to relieve pain and swelling for carbuncles furuncles and external trauma.
He shou wu
Name category and clue
Fleeceflower root
Tonifies the blood
He shou wu
Actions and Indications
1. Tonifies Liver and Kidney for early greying of hair, knee pain, neurasthenia, insomnia and palpitation.
2. Nourish the blood for anemia.
3. constipation
4. Detoxicant for boils abscess, scrofula, hypercholesteremia.
He ye
Name category and clue
Lotus Leaf
Clears heat and relieves toxicity
He ye
Actions and Indications
1. Treats summerheat.
2. Raises spleen yang for diarrhea due to sp def
3. Stops bleeding for for lower jiao to heat or stagnation and vomiting of blood.
He zi
Name category and clue
Terminalia fruit, Chebula fruit
Stabilize and Bind
He zi
Actions and Indications
1. Binds intestines to stop diarrhea and dysentery, and intestinal wind with blood in stool.
2. Contains Lung Qi for chronic cough, wheezing, hoarse voice.
Hei zhi ma
Name category and clue
Black Sesame seeds
Tonifies yin
Hei zhi ma
Actions and Indications
1. Nourishes Liver and Kidney yin for Blurred vision, tinnitus, dizziness, increases breast milk.
2. Nourishes blood, yin and extinguishes wind for HA, dizziness, numbness.
3. Constipation
Hong hua
Name category and clue
Safflower flower
Regulate blood, and invigorate blood
Hong hua
Actions and Indications
1. Invigorates the blood, dispels stasis and unblocks menstruation for amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, abdominal pain and tumor.
2. Analgesic for trauma
Hou po
Name category and clue
Magnolia bark
Aromatic to Transform Damp
Hou po
Actions and Indications
1. Promotes circulation of Qi and relieves food stagnation.
2. Eliminates dampness for vomiting, and diarrhea.
3. Directs Qi downward for cough and asthma with sputum.
Hu jiao
Name category and clue
Pepper corns
Warm interior and expel cold
Hu jiao
Actions and Indications
1. Warms spleen and stomach for vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Hu tao ren
Name category and clue
Tonifies yang
Hu tao ren
Actions and Indications
1. Tonifies kidney for lumbago, frequent urination, weakness of legs.
2. Tonifies and astringes the lung for chronic cough and asthma.
3. Constipation, stones in urinary tract.
4. External paste for dermatitis and eczema.
Hua shi
Name category and clue
Drain dampness
Hua shi
Actions and Indications
1. Drains damp acute enteritis or acute urinary tract infection, oliguria or watery diarrhea.
2. Eliminates summer damp heat, for damp skin lesions, eczema, prickly heat.
Huai hua mi
Name category and clue
Pagodatree flower
Huai hua mi
Actions and Indications
1. Cools the blood to stop bleeding for hemorroids, dysentery, bloody cough, nosebleed, uterine bleeding.
2. Cools the liver for hypertension, red eyes, HA, dizziness.
Huang Bai
Name category and clue
Phellodendron bark
Clear heat and dry dampness
Huang bai
Actions and Indications
1. Drains damp heat particularly from the lower burner, for diarrhea, jaundice, leukorrhea, dysentery, acute urinary tract infection.
2. Drains kidney fire due to yin deficiency for steaming bone, night sweats, tidal fever, nocturnal emission, and spermatorrhea.
3. Drains fire and relieves toxins for abscess, eczema, boils, furuncles.
Huang jing
Name category and clue
Siberian solomonseal rhizome
Tonifies Qi
Huang jing
Actions and Indications
1. Nourish the lung for dry cough due to chronic bronchitis or TB.
2. Tonifies Spleen and stomach for fatigue and poor appetite.
Huang lian
Name category and clue
Coptis root
Clears heat and drains damp
Huang lian
Actions and Indications
1. Clears heat and drains damp for stomach and intestines for diarrhea and dysentery.
2. Drains fire and relieves toxicity for high fever, irritability, disorientation, delirium, red tongue, rapid full pulse, painful red eyes, sore throat, boils carbuncles and abscess.
3. Clears heat and stops bleeding, for nose bleed, blood in urine and stool, vomiting blood.
4. Clears heat topically for red painful eyes, ulcerations of tongue and mouth, conjunctivitis.
Huang Qi
Name category and clue
Astragalus root
Tonifies Qi
Huang Qi
Actions and Indications
1. Tonifies Qi and Blood
2. tonifies Spleen Qi
3. Consolidates defensive Qi
4. Promotes urination and reduces edema
5. Promotes discharge of pus and generates pus.
Huang Qin
Name category and clue
Scutellaria root, Skullcap root
Clears heat and drains damp
Huang qin
Actions and Indications
1. Clears heat and damp diarrhea, jaundice, acute lin, Enteritis, dysentery.
2. Eliminates heat in the lung for cough with thick yellow sputum.
3. Anti toxin for pyogenic skin infection.
4. Hemostatic for hypertension.
5. Calms the fetus.