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37 Cards in this Set

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Right ventricle
Low pressure circuit/ high volume
(no resistance to flow)
Left Ventricle
High pressure circuit
(5x more resistance to flow)
Right ventricle
we only need to send blood to one place--the lungs! (don't need resistance to blood flow)
carries blood away from heart
carries blood back to heart
Why is the left Systemic Circuit a high pressure circuit?
Necessity of partitioning CO to various organs under rest vs. exercise obligates systemic circuit to use resistance vessels (small arteries)to partition blood flow on a beat to beat basis.
Blood flows through heart by..
pressure gradient!
Surface area and velocity...
are inversely related
Arteries constrict..
where we don't want blood to go
Pulmonary pumps @
1/5 the pressure head of the systemic system
Endothelial lining
gets damaged with pressure above 90 mmHg
2 things that change pressure in circuit
volume and blood compliance
its ability to give (not get stiff)
How do we know what blood pressure is low enough for ourselves?
whatever level you can function @ normally is how low you go
Low blood pressure
The lower the better (can't die from pressure too low)
Lower the pressure head = more energy efficient
Windkessel vessels
change pulsatile patterns to continual patterns down circuits
Resistors (small arteries)
repartition blood flow to various organ structures
arranged parallel
don't think for themselves
increase more than 32-33 mmHg..
too much fluid & blood will leave and cause swelling
small veins
vast amount of exchange in capillary beds
we absorb things--hormones, waste products, heat
low pressure circuit out
high pressure in
Small veins (capacitors)
have lots of elastic tissue
store blood here
Vena cavae
We have two
drain blood back to right side of heart
decrease surface area
increase velocity
Blood moves from
high pressure to low pressure
Aorta 100mmHg
Vena cavae 2-3 mmHg
Need conduction tissue to
signal contractile tissue when to contract
Conduction tissue
paces contractions
EKG maps 3 waves of conduction activity:
P wave
QRS complex
T wave
P wave
atrial depolarization
QRS complex
ventricular depolarization
T wave
ventricular repolarization
(resets ion channels back to resting levels)
Potassium channels open
N gates open, potassium leaves
We drive down membrane potential
EKG tracing does not correlate to
mechanical activity (pumping/contraction)
membrane potential map of the electrical activity of all cardiac tissues
P-R interval
impulse is delayed at the AV node.
S-T segment
complete ventricular depolarization
Components of the EKG
P wave, P-R segment, QRS complex, S-T segment, T wave
SA node
is the pacemaker
it paces the heart to contract
Under resting conditions..
external control predominates (vagal tone)
Intrinsic control of contractile tissue
1. SA node
2. AV node
3. AV bundle
4. Bundle branches
5. Purkinje fibers