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202 Cards in this Set

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What are some of the causes for normocytic, normochromic anemia?
Chronic Disease
Renal Failure
Male pt. has anemia what is the most common cause and what shoud you do?
GI blood loss--
Do a colonoscoopy
In iron deficiency what is the levels of TIBC and ferritin?
Increased TIBC
Low Ferritin
In anemia of chronic disease what is the level of TIBC and ferritin?
TIBC will be low
Normal or Increased Ferritin
What is the most sensitive indicator of iron def?
50 y/oman with c/o weakness, exertional SOB, denies CP, BP 130/70, pulse is 100, pallor is present, soft systolic murmur is present, clear lungs, no edema, What is the next best step?
70 y/o male found to have Hb=10; MCV=70, retic index=2, iron is low, TIBC is high, what is the next best step?
colonoscopy---why? old man with iron deficiency anemia
Once CBC suggests microcytic anemia, what is the next best step?
Iron studies
If iron studies are normal, what is the next best step in a microcytic anemia?
Hb electrophoresis---why? to R/o thalasemmia
If iron studies, and Hb electrophoresis study are normal in an microcytic anemia patient; what do you suspect?
Alpha thalasemmia trait
A 20 y/o female comes with microcytic anemia, what is your next best thing to do?
Give iron supplements orally
You give a young female with microcytic anemia that was given iron supplement and on f/u the iron was normalized. What should you do now?
continue iron supplement to build up the storage
18y/o female was started on iron for iron defic. anemia, which test should be ordered after 2 weeks of starting therapy to see if the pt. is respoinding to it?
Retic count b/c it starts increasing and responding to it in one week.
You are dealing with a non-compliant pt. and you want to see if the pt. is taking iron...what will you check?
Retic ct.
A pt. is started on iron supplement with c/o ab pain, constipation...what should you do.
tell the pt. this is a common side effect
If a pt. is taking iron and develops severe abd. cramps, what can you do?
Switch to ferrous gluconate instead of sulfate b/c it has low elemental iron
Mother of a young child 1-2 years of age, with easy fatiguability, looks pale, investigation suggests iron def. anemia...what is the most important thing to know in the history? what will be the recommendation?
What is the dietary regimen of the baby
Decrease whole milk, increase whole foods, and give iron supplement
What decreases iron absorption?

What should you recommend?
Calcium and antacid
Take 2 hours before calcium or 4 hours after
What increases absorption of iron?
Vit C
In iron def. pt. can develop a craving for a specific food like clay, ice chips what is the disorder?
Where can you get target cell anemia?
Sickle cell
SC disease
Liver d/o
Central density surrounded by the pallor is suggestive of what?
Target cell
Basophillic Stippling is seen in what?
alcoholic abuse
Lead poisoning
Where can you see hair on end appearance in skull what do you suspect?
B-thalassemia major
What are some causes of sideroblastic anemia/
Lead poisoning, chronic alcohol abuse
What is treatment of Sideroblastic anemia?
When you see foot or wrist drop what should you think of ?
Lead poisoning
Lyme's disease
What is the treatment if the lead level is 25-70?
Succimer--DMSA oral
What is the treatment if the lead level is >70?
EDTA +BAL (Dimercaprol)
What should you also supplement while trying to chelate lead?
iron, calcium, mg, zn and multivitamin wiht iron, and take 2 -4 cups of mild.
Can you get changes in a child with a lead level less than 10?
How is BAL (dimercapreol) and EDTA administered?
How is DMSA (Succimer) administered?
Do you do chelation therapy for lead level of 10-24?
What is the battery of stuff you should order to monitor or give to a Lead poisioning pt?
Give: Calcium carbonate
Ferrous sulfate

Monitor: CBC
Refer to public health dept.
What is the most common cause of Vit B12 def?
Pernicious anemia
Why do antacids, H2 blockers, and PPI's cause VitB12 defic?
B/c it removes the acidic nature needed for Intrinsic Factor to bind to Vit B12
What should you do if in early deficiency the VitB12 is normal and you suspect that it's still VitB12 what is the next step to order?
Methylmalonic Acid level or
Homocysteine level
What can you look at to see if a pt. has folic acid defic?
homocysteine level is ELEVATed
How do you find out what the cause of VitB12 defic?
Schilling test
What is the exception to doing a Schilling test to determine VitB12 cause?
If the question refers to some autoimmune deficiency
What test would you order if you see autoimmune disorder and VitB12 def?
intrinsic factor antibody to r/o pernicious anemia
What is the treatment of Vit B12 def. d/t Diphyllobothrium latum?
What is the definitive dx of Diphyllobothrium LATUM?
Egg in stool had lid like opening
Alcohol abuser with h/o sz. d/o taking phenytoin with weakness, hct of 25, mcv 110, retic index 0.5?
Folic acid defic
What are the drugs that cause folic acid deficiency?
MTX, Phenytoin, Bactrim, Sulfasalazine
In Hemolytic anemia what will be for the REtic Index? the LDH? the Indirect BR? and Haptoglobin
Retic Index is HIGH
Indirect BR is HIGH

Haptoglobin is LOW
What do you think when you see anemia and icterus?
hemolytic anemia
What do you think when you see a child, with icterus and splenomegaly?
Hereditary Spherocytosis
In Hereditary spherocytosis what will the retic level be? the MCHC?
Retic level is HIGH
MCHC is high
Are Hereditary spherocytes small or big? Do they have central pallor?
Microcytic, and no they lose the central pallor
If you spherocytes in the peripheral smear, what are the two things you think of ?
Hereditary spherocytosis or
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Why do you do Coomb's test?
To differentiate Heridary Spherocytosis and AI Hemolytic Anemia
What does it mean if there is Coomb's Test is positive?
Coombs + = Autoimmune Hemolytic anemia
What does it mean if there is Coomb's Test is negative?
coombs neg= hereditary spherocytosis
How do you confirm Hereditary Spherocytosis?
Osmotic Fragility test
If you diagnose a pt with Hereditary Spherocytosis what is the next best step?
start folic acid
What is teh definitive treatment for Hered. Spherocytosis?
60 y/o pt. with Lymphoma came with weakness, exertional SOB, on exam pallor is present, Hb is low, retic is high, LDH is high, Spherocytes are present, Coomb + for IgG...what is most likely diagnosis?
Warm Ab induced Hemolytic anemia
What are some of the causes of cold antibody Hemolytic anemia?
Infectious mono
Pt. 30y/o with sx of anemia and pt. on methydopa for HTN, recently developed UTI, and started on Ampicillin, on examination pallor is present, Hb is low, retic is high, LDH is increased, and spherocytes present, Coombs +IgG and indirect Coombs + only when drug is added; most likely cause of anemia....is it preg, methyl-dopa, or PCN
What do you think of when you see fragmented RBC in the peripheral smear?
Microangiopathic Hemolytic anemia
What are other ways to call fragmented RBC?
schistocytes, helmet cells
What causes microangiopathic hemolytic anemia?
TTP, HUS, DIC, Prosthetic heart valve, HELLP
What is the difference btwn TTP and HUS?
TTP have neuro problems that wax and wane.

HUS does NOT have neuro problems
What is the treatment of TTP?
What will the PT and PTT levels be in TTP
PT and PTT will be normal
Pt. with anemia, thrombocytopenia, peripheral smear has schistocyte present with PT and PTT normal and change in mental status, most likely diagnosis?
Pt. with anemia, thrombocytopenia, peripheral smear has schistocyte present with increased BUN/Creat and recent h/o of diarrhea, most likely diagnosis?
Pt. with prosthetic valve and anemia with schistocyte present, most likely diagnosis?
Prostheic valve induced microangiopathic anemia
Pt. with DM admitted with pneumonia got intubated, running high fever,
Developed anemia with thrombocytopenia, schistocytes present and increased PT and PTT
In G6PD do the new cells or older cells get hemolyzed?
the older cells...and it's a self-limited disease
What will be seen on peripheral smear for G6PD?
bite cells aka Hinge bodies
American black male came with c/o weakness since he was started on dapsone, with increased LDH, increased BR, low Hb, and you suspect G6PD, but the level is normal; what do you do next?
Repeat G6PD level in a few weeks
Pt. is Sickle cell and continues to have recurrent crisis...what shoudl you do?
Give hydroxyurea
If a recurrent sickle cell pt. is being treated with hydroxyurea, why was that medication started?
Increase the HbF levels
Pt. has sickle cell and b-thal is this a good thing or not?
GOOD---b/c they will have more HbF
Pt. with pain in the bones, and chronic hemolysis, BR level is high, pt. has anemia and icterus, with pallor , what are you thinking?.
Sickle cell
If you have a sickle cell and osteomylitis what is the most likely organism?
If a pt. develops osteomyolitis after a punture wound what is most likely organism?
What does it imply if you have HbS < 40%?
think of Sickle cell trait
What is the only cure for Sickle cell?
HLA-matched sibling donor hematopoietic stem cell transplant for kids <16 y/o
What drug should be avoided for pain in sickle cell anemia?
What is the side effect of meperidine? What type of pt. should this drug be avoided in?
Sz pt. and Renal failure pt.
What prophylactic medication should be given to sickle cell pt. less than 5 y/o
If a sickle cell pt. is on PCN prophylaxis and is less than 5 y/o and has a temp <40 then what should you do?
send blood culture and start
Rocephin IV/IM and oveserve in the ER then do a follow-up
If a sickle cell pt. is not on PCN prophylaxis and appears toxic with temp >40 what shoudl you do?
Blood cultures, Rocephin IV and then Hospitalize the patient
What the the best prognostic factor of sickle cell?
HbF levels
Sickle cell pt. with aplastic crisis is most likely due to what?
Viral or Folic acid defic
Sickle cell pt. has hemolytic chronic hemolysis occassionally develop hemolytic crisis secondary to what?
splenic sequestration or
Pt. with sickle cell came with SOB, weakness, Hb=5, what next test should you order?
Retic count
What does a retic count tell you when sorting out a hemolytic crisis vs. sickle cell
Retic ct. is LOW in sickle

Retic ct. is HIGH in hemolytic crisis
Sickle cell patient came with weakness, Hb is 5, retic index is 0.5 with h/o of febrile illness with rash 1 week ago most likely cause?
Aplastic crisis d/t parvo infection
Sickle cell pt. with weakness, Hb=5 and spleen is palpable, retic index is 6%, most likely diagnosis? What is treatment?
Splenic Sequestration syndrome

Treatment is splenectomy
What is the treatment of a sickle cell pt. comes to you with a stroke?
Exchange transfusion
How do you prevent a sickle cell pt. from having a recurrent stroke?
Give Hydroxyurea
What is the treatment of priaprism?
Aspiration of of blood from the corpus cavernosum and subsequent irrigation with saline or adrenergic agonist
Sickle cell pt. came with cough, chest pain, worse with inspiration and lying down. Pt. has fever, infiltrate in the lung, and started on IVF and Abx. After 24 hours there is no improvement and pt. still had severe chest pain most likely diagnosis?
Acute chest pain syndrome
How do you treat acute chest pain syndrome?
exchange transfusion
Sickle cell pt. with fever, cough, and URI, what should you do?
A new born at 38 weeks was born and during delivery had bloody amniotic test, and pt. developed transient tachypnea, what test do you want to do?
APT test on neonatal stool
What does the APT test help distinguish when you see bloody amniotic fluid?
Maternal adult blood and neonatal GI blood

HbA vs HbF
What should you think of when you see an old male, with pancytopenia and splenomegaly?
Hairy cell leukemia
What shoud you suspect if you see hypgranular neutrophil nuetrophils(2 lobes) and weakness with pancytopenia?
Myelodysplastic syndrome
What will the bone marrow aspiration be in Hairy cell leukemia?
What will the bone marrow aspiration be in Myelodysplastic?
If you see defic. CD55 and CD59 what disease shoudl you think of?
What should you think of if you see pt. c/o dark urine only when they wake up in the morning?
Paroxysmal Nocturnal HB
What should you think of if you see pancytopenia and hemolytic anemia.?
What is the screening test for PNH?
Sucrose lysis test or Ham test
How do you confirm for PNH?
Flow cytometry--shows deficient CD59
What is the treatment for PNH?
Prednisone and Androgen (Danazol or Danocrine)
Wharare complications to know with PNH?
AML, aplastic anemia, or myelodysplasia
What is the most common cause of death in PNH?
if a pt. gets a splenectomy for ITP for how long should you give PCN prophylaxis and until what age?
for 3-5 years or until 18 y/o
Pt. in the hospital was started on heparin, next day platelet count went from 150,000 to 110,00, what ws the ost likely diagnosis/...what shoudl you do?
heparin induced
Do nothing, it is a self-limited disease
Pt. was in the hospital for Acute coronary syndrome, and recieved the cocktail, and pt. goes home and returns after 1 week, and c/o swelling of the right lower extermity. Suggest DVT with low platelets is likely...what is the cause?
HIT type II---b/c they become hypercoaguable problem
How do you diagnose HIT type II?
14C seroonin release assay
What treatment should be done if HIT II is detected?
Stop all forms of heparin
What is the difference btwn unfractionated heparin and LMW Heparin as far as action?
Unfractionated--inactivates thrombin and Factor Xa

LMWH--INActivates Xa
20 y.o male came with c/o bleeding significantly after a dental extration; platelet count is normal, PT normal, PTT is increased, bleeding time is increased, what is most likely diagnosis
vWD...bleeding time is high
What is the most common inherited bleeding d/o?
vWF disease
What is the intial treatment for vWF disease? What if that doesn't work?
For severe problem--Factor VIII concentrate
A double lumen dialysis pt. found oozing of blood from the exit site, PTT is normal, platelets are normal, bleeding time is elevated; what is most likely diagnosis? What is the treatment?
abnormal platelet function d/t uremia

Treatment: Desmopressin
Pt. with hemolytic anemia needs a blood transfusion, mathing blood is not available? What to do?
Transfuse O negative blood
Pt. with anemia getting blood transfusion, develps fever, chills, tachycardia, hypotension, chest pain, flank pain what is most likely diagnosis? /what shoudl be done?
ABO incompatibility
Stop the transfusion and start IV Hydration to prevent ATN
4 hours after a blood transfusion, pt. develops fever, chills, what is the most likely diagnoisis?
Leukoagglutinin reaction this is not secondary hemolysis. This usually occurs in previously transfused pts. and developed antigen sensitization
What is the treatment of Leukoagglutin reaction?
Acetominophen and diphenhydramine
8 days after transfusion, pt. came with mild fever and findings of hemolysis, what is the most likely diagnosis? What is the treatment?
Delayed hemolytic transfused reaction d/t minor incompatitibility
Treatment is none, it is self-limiting
Pt. with h/o of blood transfusion, needs to be transfused again, what to do?
Use leukocyte depletion filter
Blood transfusion causes hives or bronchospasm what is it caused by? and what shoudl you do?
cause by plasma proteins

Treat with washed RBC
Anaphylaxis after blood transfusion; what to do?
transfuse with A negative blood
Pt. with lymphoma needs blood transfusion, what to do?
Transfuse with Gamma radiated blood
After blood transfusion, pt. develops SOB, bilateral crackles, CXR shows diffuse infiltrate, Pt. got intubated, after 24 hours, he feels better, and gets extubated, most likely diagnosis?
Donor anti-HLA antibody causing agglutination

Transfusion related lung injury (TRALI)
18 y/o black male, pt. is Asx with really low WBC.
repeat CBC in 3-4 weeks; if WBC are still low called benign neutropenia with no risk of infection
18 y/o black male, pt. is Asx with really low WBC; and then WBC increases in a few weeks, what shoudl you do?
repeat CBC in 3-4 weeks
Cyclic Neutropenia
Pt. comes with bleeding and platelets are normal, PTT is prolonged, PT is normal, bleeding time normal, what is next step? On repeat test after that step, the PTT became normal
Mixing study with normal plasma
Pt. comes with bleeding and platelets are normal, PTT is prolonged, PT is normal, bleeding time normal, and then after mixing study the PTT became normal...what does that mean? What if pt. is Ashkenzi Jew? What if pt is not a JEW? w/hat is teh best treatment?
Factor defic, but which one?

Jew = Factor IX,

Not a jew, order Factor 8 or Factor 9 assay

Treat with FFP
Pt. comes with bleeding and platelets are normal, PTT is prolonged, PT is normal, bleeding time normal, but after mixing study the PTT did not become normal, then what is the problem?
Antibody is present
Order factor 8 or Factor 9 antibody level
Pt. came after dental extraction came with severe bleeding and platelets are normal; bleeding time is normal; PT and PTT is normal, what is the most likely cause?
Factor XIII (13) defic.
How do you confirm a pt. has Factor 13 defic?
clot solubility test in 5M urea
Pt. with Vit K defic what are 2 causes you should think of?
1. Dietary defic
2. You took a broad spectrum antibiotic
Post op pt. not eating and getting broad spectrum Abx, is bleeding easily, found to have increased PT and PTT, what should you do?
Supplement Vit K
90 y/o male came with c/o multiple ecchymosis over dorsal surface of the hand, platelets are normal, bleeding time normal, PT PTT are both normal, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Benign Senile purpura
What type of bleeding is seen in Hemophila?
Deep; look for bleeding in the joints
20 y/o male with pain and swelling of RLE, with no signif. PMH, all the routine work is normal, what is the most likely cuase? What is the next thing to order?
If there is a young active pt. who develops a DVT, what should you think is the cause?
Factor V Leiden
young pt. taking OCP with pain and swelling of RLE, in the lab the platelets are normal, PT, and PTT ARE normal, what is the next test to order? What is the next thing you would like to do before confirmation?
Doppler U/S
Start IV heparin then send them for the U/S
What is the most common finding of EKG in PE?
EKG will show tachycardia
If you suspect a PE, what should you do before V/Q scan or CT?
Start Heparin
If you do a V/Q scan is indeterminate for a PE, then what should you do?
Doppler of both legs
What is the gold standard to diagnose PE?
pulmonary angiogram
What is the treatment for PE?
IV heparin followed by coumadin for 6 months
What is the level to keep the INR when pt. is being treated for PE?
INR btwn 2 and 3
What must you check before you start Heparin/
Check PT/PTT
Check stool for occult blood
When cna you start warfarin when a pt. is on heparin?
When INR is 1.5
If a pt. is on warfarin and INR <5 what shoudl you do?
Devrease the dose and skip one dose
If the INR if 5-9 and on warfarin, what shoudl you do?
Sikp one or two doses and take oral LOW dose Vit K
If INR is >9 and pt. on warfarin, what should you do?
Hold warfarin, take ORAL
HIGH dose vit K, restart warfarin once level is trherapeutic at low dose.
If you have bleeding with increased INR?
Hold warfarin
Vit K I.V.
If a pt. with SLE comes with hypercoaguable state, what must you consider?
Anti-phospholipid ab
What lab lmust you order if you see a pt. with DVT and SLE?
What value will be elevated in a pt. with anti-phospholipid antibody?
elevated PTT
What is the most common finding for EKG with PE?
sinus tachy
What must check before you order heparin?
Baseline PT/PTT
What do you do for treatment of chroniv venous insuff?
1. Leg elevation
2. graduated compression stocking
What should yo think of HA, dizziness, increased cell, and itching after a warm bath, and splenomegaly?
Think of Polycythemia Vera
What do you do to confirm polycythemia vera? How do you treat?
Confirm with red cell mass increased

Treat with Phlebotomy to keep Hct < 45%
COPD pt with Hct > 60% and WBC and platelets are normal. EPO is increased, oxygen sat 98%, what is the most likely cause of the polycythemia...a)COPD, b.)Polycythemia Vera; c)Hemochromatosis, d) RCC
Its not COPD, b/c the pt. is not Hypoxic.

it's not polycythemia vera, b/c all 3 cell lines will be high and EPO will be low.

Not Hemochromatosis b/c iron levels aren't going up.

The answer is Renal cell CA
pt. with Hct >60%; what physical exam finding will suggest polycythemia vera?
Athletic pt.on testosterone with Hct >60%, what is the most likely cause of polycythemia?
androgen stimulated polycythemia
Polycythemia pt. should be told they are at increased risk of what/
polycythemia pt. came with pain and redness of hands and feet, what is the most likely diagnosis? What is the treatment?
Treat with Aspirin and phlebotomy
pt. with Hb 8 and MCV of 70; platelet count of 800,000, most likely diagnosis?
Reactive thrombocytosis secondary to iron def. anemia
8 y.o boy c/o of abdominal pain for 2 day with multiple raidsed red lesions on lower extremity and buttock; which don't blanch with pressure. he has recent h/o of URI, in the lab Hb--normal, platelet--normal, U/A--5-6 RBC, what is most likely diagnosis.
Henoch-Schonlein Purpura
Is there any treatment for Henoch Purpura?
5 y/o boy with recurrent epitaxis and gum bleeding. he is lethargic and irritable. He has heptosplenomegaly. Hb is low, platelets are low. He has bone pain and recurrent infection.
What will bone marrow have in ALL patients?
hypercellular with blast cells
How do you differentiate btwn ALL and AML
Auer rods--AML
Which has the worst prognosis with Philadelphia ?
What can you treat all acute AML?
Cytarabine and Daunorubicin
What helps differentiate AML and CML?
AML--will have blast cells and LAP is high
What do you find on physical exam of CML?
sternal tenderness
and splenomegaly
Does CML with or without Philadelphia chromosome have a better prog?
CML with Philadelphia chromosome
15 y/o boy came with swelling in the neck w/ no fever, cough, or SOB, and pt. has cervical LAD, most likely diagnosis? What is the next step?
Hodgkins lymphoma
Do a LN Bx
What do you see on microscopy for hodgkins vs. NHL?
Reed-Sternberg cells (large binucleate cells)
What is the most common Hodgkins type?
Nodular Sclerosing type
What do you think of when you starry sky appearance?
What drug can cause reactive lymphadenopathy?
70 y/o male came with c/o of LBP; he has anemia, increased BUN/Cr and increased Ca, what is the next best step? What are you trying to R/o
Protein electrophoresis
To r/o Multiple myeloma
How do you diagnose MM?
What should you suspect if you have a disparity btwn the dipstick and 24 urine protein?
Multiple myeloma
dipstick looks for albumin
24 urine--will show Bence jone proteins
What is the next best test to do once you see a monoclonal spike?
Bone marrow biopsy
65 y/o with DM, RF, anemia, found to have monoclonal IgG spike with 2g/dl, what is the next best step?
Bone marrow
65 y/o with DM, RF, anemia, found to have monoclonal IgG spike with 2g/dl, bone marrow was performed and it was normal, what is the most likely diagnosis?
Monoclonal gammapathy of Unknown significance (MGUS)
65 y/o male came with c/o dizziness, visual disturbance, and found to have anemia, protein electrophoresis shows monoclonal immunoglobulin M-spike and no renal failure, renal fxn is normal...bone Xray is normal, most likely diagnosis? What is the treatment?
Waldrenstorm's macroglobinemia---(Immunoglobulin M-spike)--d/t increased viscosisty.

Treat with immed. Plasmaphoresis
What is the side effects of Adriamycin?
What is the side effects of Busulphan
Pulmonary fibrosis
What is the side effects of Cyclophosphamide
Hemmhagic cystitis
What is the side effects of MTX?
liver toxicity
What is the side effects of Vincristine?
Peripheral neuropathy
What sholuld be given to a pt recieving cyclphosphamide in order to prevent hmmg cystitis?
What drug should be given to a pt. recieving chemo to prevent emesis?
Ondansetron and Granisetron