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14 Cards in this Set

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Pernicious anemia
RBC: macrocytic, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis with teardrop forms and pear shaped cells as well as oval macrocytes. nucleated reds

Whites: neutrophils with 5 or more lobes (hypersegmented)

Platelets - thrombocytopenia common
hypochromic microcytic anemia
red cells: smaller, increased pallor, some anisocytosis and poikilocytosis. Target cells frequently.

WBC - na

Platelets - can be thrombocytsois?
sickle cell anemia
RBC: normocrhomic, normocytic, anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, elongated cells, drepanocytes. Ovalocytes, target cells, howell-jolly boddies. Polychromasia and nucleated RBC may be seen.

WBC - neutrophillic leukocytosis with left shift common

Platelets - normal or moderately increased
thalassemia major
RBC - thal minor is just microcytic like iron deficiency. Thal major - severe hemolytic anemia. anisocytosis, poikilocytosis, microcytosis with some macrocytic cells. tear drop cells. hypochromia. Howell Jolly bodies, target cells, normoblasts, polychromatophillia.

WBC - normal
Platelets - low
RBC - schistocytes, helmet cells (if TPP esp). Microspherocytes may be present. Polychromasia.

WBC - luekocytosis depending on cause

Plateletes - thrombocytopenia depending on cause
RBC: spherocytosis, poychromasia, nucleated RBC

Whites - varries

Platelet - normal typically
Leukemoid reaction
RBC - normoblasts may be seen

WBC - leukocytosis, immature band cells and metamyolcytes.

platelets - normal or up
Myelofibrosis (myeloid metaplasia)
extramedullary hematopoiesis in spleen, liver, lymph nodes

RBC - tear drop shaped erythrocytes, with ovalocytes also common, nucleated reds

WBC - variable count with left shift

Platelet count - varies, with abnormal forms being seen
RBC - normochromic anemia or normal

WBC - atypical and typical blasts - large cells, round/oval nucleus, one or more nucleoli, bluish cytoplasm.

platelets - thrombocytopenia
RBC - normochromic, normocytic

WBC - leukocytosis with majority mature lymphocyte - uniform mirror images. cells may rupture leaving smudge or basket cells

platelets - normal or low
Infectious mononucleosis
WBC - lymphocytosis with atypical lymphocytes. Extreme variability in lymphocytes. Cytoplasm with vacuoles and zurophillic cytoplasm. dense chromatin

RBC - normal

platelet - normal
RBC - normochromic normocytic anemia

WBC - granulocytosis with more mature elements predominating. Myeloblasts are less than 5% of the differential. Basohils and eosinophils increased

RBC - polychromasia, basophilic stippling, normoblasts

Platelets - thrombocytosis with abnormal forms
Multiple Myeloma
RBC - normochromic, normocytic anemia. rouleauxx formation from serum protein. leukoerythroblastic picture possible.

WBC - low count, occasionally see plasma cells
platelets - low, those found often megathrombocytes

WBC - normal or increased

RBC - unaffected