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193 Cards in this Set

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an RC should be the size of:
a lymphocyte nucleus
what two other cells should be present near RBC's?
platelets and WBC's
anisocytosis =
disorder of RBC SIZE
RC size is measured by:

high RDW ~~
lots of variation

microcystosis is measured by:
microcystosis occurs in:

1. iron deficiencies

2. thal's

3. lead poisoning

4. sideroblastic anemias
macrocystosis occurs in:

1. elevated reticulocyte counts

2. B12/folate deficiency

3. normal SE of AZT's/chemotherapy
hypochromasia =
RC's have too little Hb

- area of central pallor >1/3

(more pale = LESS Hb)
hypochromasia is measured by:
**polychromasia features:**

1. bluish tinge

2. RC's are LARGER
polychromasia occurs in:
hemolytic anemias
poikilocytosis =
variation in RC SHAPE
target cells occur in:

1. LIVER disease

2. thal's

3. HbC

4. splenectomy (minor)
spherocytes occur in:

1. hereditary spherocytosis

2. autoimmune hemolysis
main spherocyte feature:
1. LOSS of central pallor (more Hb/SA)
spherocytes + bluish tinge =
hemolytic anemia
schistocytes are:
RC fragments with sharp edges
**schistocytes are a hallmark of:**

of which TTP is one
sickle cells - there might only be:
one on the slide
echinocytes features:
small, regular projections - like a flower
***when you see echinocytes, think:***
RENAL disease
echinocytes are aka:
burr cells
acanthocyte features:
pointy, irregular projections
when you see acanthocytes, think:
LIVER disease

(burst quickly => horrible anemia)
acanthocytes are aka:
spur cells
teardrop cells occur in __________________ processes

- diseases of *marrow infiltration*
teardrop cells are seen in:

1. myelofibrosis

2. tumor mets to marrow

3. granulomatous diseases
Howell-Jolly bodies are:
purple dots inside RC's

= nuclear fragments
Howell-Jolly bodies are the result of:
splenectomy or low-functioning spleen

- spleen isn't geting rid of nuclear fragments
roeleaux =
RC's in stack of coins
rolo occurs as a result of:
increased levels of Ig, as seen in:

multiple myeloma, inflammatory conditions,
Waldenstrom's macroglobin,
severe hypoalbuminemia
agglutination =
clumps of RC, due to coating with IgM
basophilic =

- eosinophilic = red
RC's in iron deficiency anemias:

1. small

2. hypochromic

3. ~~ inc. # of platelets

4. s/ts target cells are present
RC's in B-thal major:

1. target cells

2. HJ bodies

3. nucleated RC's

4. basophilic stippling

5. teardrops
***RC's in megaloblastic anemia:***

1. macrocytic

2. hypersegmented PMN's
megaloblastic anemia is the result of:
B12/folate deficiency
in Autoimmune hemolytic anemia, RC's are:

1. polychromic

2. microspherocytes
CBC includes:
Hb, Hct, RBC count, MCV

- as well as MCH, MCHC, and RDW
Hct =
% of RBC's/blood
equation for Hct =
anemia = less ______________ than normal for age and gender
Hb / Hct
anemia is a ________________, not a disease
manifestation of disease
acute hemorrhage => anemai, via hypovolemia, which includes:

1. hypotension

2. orthostatic changes

3. syncope

4. shock
shock =
loss of blood to heart, brain, kidneys
also associated with anemia: hypoxia, or:
difficulty in O2 reaching the tissues
analogy: RBC's are:
trucks delivering O2 to tissue
body responses to anemia:

1. HR goes up => inc. SV

2. reflex vasoconstriction (to offset hypovolemia)

3. kidneys retain salt and water

4. inc. in erythrocyte 2,3-DPG (=> right shift => inc. O2 to tissues)

5. inc. erythropoietin synth.
erythropoietin =
hormone produced by renal mesangial cells in response to low tissue O2,

that goes to the marrow and tells it to inc. RC production
b/c kidneys retain salt/water in response to anemia, beware of:
fluid overload with transfusions
anemias are classified by:
1. erythropoietic response

2. MCV and Hb [ ]
erythropoietic response =
reticulocyte count
erythropoietic response/reticulocyte count is a measure of:
marrow function
erythropoietic response is either:
hypo- or hyperproliferative
(hypoproliferation indicates:
marrow isn't working right or lacks the nutrients to make new RC's)
reticulocytes are:
young RC's immediately released from marrow

- the end-result of erythropoiesis
**reticulocytes are poluchromatophilic, meaning they are:**
reticulocyte index =
reticulocyte count x Hct/ideal Hct x 0.5
absolute reticulocyte count =
retic. % x RBC count
a retic index of <2% or ARC of <75,000 indicates a problem with:
RC production

- i.e. a hypoproliferative abnormality
a retic index of >2% or ARC > 100,000 indicates good marrow function, and therefore suggests that the cause of anemia is:
blood loss or RC destruction (hemolysis)
MCV of <80 =
microcytic anemia

~~ Hb synth problem
MCV of >100 =
macrocytic anemia

- megaloblastic
macrocytic anemia is divided into:


megaloblastic macrocytic anemia is a result of:
impairment of DNA synthesis

- cells can't divide properly
treatment of anemia:

1. UC

2. transfusions not always the right call
**there is NO standardized:
"must-transfuse" number

- there are ceilings though
3 indications to transfuse:
1. CV compromise (shock, angina, CHF)

2. hypoproliferative anemia with no/prolonged recovery

3. OR/surgery
nutrients => bone marrow =>
new RBC's => circulation
megaloblastic anemias are characterized by defects in:
DNA synthesis
features of RC's in megaloblastic anemias:

1. immature nucleus

2. inc. MCV

3. hypersegmented PMN's
megaloblastic anemia is most often caused by:
B12 / folate deficiencies
non-heme presentations of megaloblastic anemias =
1. beefy, red tongue

2. neuro/psych problems (ONLY in B12 deficiency)
B12 features:

1. aka cobalamine

2. comes only from animal prot's
B12 absorption pathway: binds to:
salivary R prot in acidic conditions

- parietal cells secrete IF

- pancreatic enzymes degrade R => B12 binds IF
B12-IF is absorbed only in:
***the distal ileum***
B12 is transferred to tissues by:
transcobalamine II
causes of B12 deficiency:

1. vegan diet

2. pernicious anemia (loss of parietal cells = no acid)

3. gastric bypass (can't make IF)

4. Crohn's disease (dec. absorption)

5. metformin (dec. absorption)

6. tape worms/organisms (compete for B12)
diagnosis of B12 deficiency:

1. low serum B12 (bad test - want to confirm with other two)

2. inc. homocysteine

3. inc. methylmalonic acid
B12 deficiency takes ______ to develop

- storage is great
treatment of B12 deficiency generally requires:
life-long IM injections of B12
treating a B12-deficient pt with folate alone =>
neuro/psych problems

- steals B12 away from myelin pathway

- neuro/psych problems might never go away, due to how long it takes for myelin to develop
folic acid is absorbed through:
every part of the SI
normal amounts of folic acid:
100 mcg for adults, 400 for preg, more for conditions with active cell turnover
what do you do with excess folic acid?
pee it out
deficiencies in folic acid are seen only after:
a couple of months - storage isn't great
iron uptake depends mostly on:
iron stores

- low stores = decreased absorption
analogy: liver =
iron savings,

RBC's = iron checking
transferrin =
iron transporter
total iron binding capacity

= 300 mcg Fe/dL

= amount that transferrin can carry
what happens to TIBC when you're iron-deficient?
it increases
transferrin saturation =
fraction of available iron-binding sites

- decreases when you're iron-deficient
iron is predominantly stored in which protein?
ferritin levels _____________________ when you're iron-deficient
decrease a lot
**iron leaves the body only when:**
cells are lost
the liver sends iron to the:
marrow to make RBC's
iron loss is most commonly seen in:

1. blood loss

2. preg/lact

3. blood loss
transfusions: one unit of blood transfusions =>
inc. in Hb by 1 g/dL

(in adult of normal size)
in the case of iron deficiency, iron stores will be used *before*
Hb's iron

- iron stores, then transport iron, then Hb iron
clinical presentation of iron deficiency:

1. s/ts asymp, s/ts anemic

2. glossitis

3. sore on corners of mouth (angular chelitis)

4. koilonychia (spoon)

5. Pica

6. thrombocytosis

7. hair loss

8. RLS
first sign of iron deficiency =
inc. in RDW, followed by dec. in MCV

- Hb and Hct fall last
**best measure of iron deficiency in otherwise healthy pt. =

(<15 = Iron-def)
anemia can occur in chronic diseases b/c cytokines inc:
what does hepcidin do?

1. dec. iron absorption from gut

2. dec. export from the liver

3. dec. transferrin and TIBC
sum effect of hpcidin =
**decreased serum iron**
in AoCD's, ferritin can be:
normal or elevated
treatment of iron deficiencies:

1. UC

2. oral iron supplements
SE's of oral iron supplements =

1. black stool

2. GI issues
3 random things that block iron absorption:
1. tea

2. egg yolks

3. whole grains
RDW measures:
variation in size of cells

Wide RDW ~~ wide cells and small cells
Hb = a:

- 2 alpha chains, 2 B chains

- each chain's globin includes iron
right shift =
dec affinity for O2

=> inc. off=loading into tissue
what causes a right-ward shift?

1. inc. T

2. inc. 2,3-DPG

3. inc. [H+]
a2y2 =
a2d2 =
HbA2 (minor)
a2B2 =
thalassemia =
globin chain imbalance (i.e. NOT a2B2)
clinical presentations of thalassemias are characterized as:
minor (very mild symptom's, if any)


and major (pts are transfusion-dependent)
B-thalassemias tend to appear in:
Med Deli folk
B-zero =
*absent* B-globin chain synth
***B+ thalassemia ~~***(
*decreased* B-globin synthesis
thalassemia major = deficiency in B-globin => relative excess of a-globin =>
instability => ineffective erythropoiesis, destruction of brand-new RC's

=> MORE bad RC's made

=> splenomegaly

=> sequestration

=> worsening anemia

=> marrow expansion to meet demand for O2

=> skeletal deformaties (including frontal bossing and fractures)
in thalassemia major, there is a danger of iron overload due to:
transfusions or yper-absorption of iron from gut
thal-major is also called:




(severe anemia between 2 and 12 mths of life)
B+/Bzero or B+/B+ = thal-intermedia: infants are:
fine at birth, since HbF and HbA predominate
treatment of B-thals:

1. transfuse regularly

2. chelate to prevent iron overload

3. pot. stem cell transfer
Hb is a:

- 2 alpha chains, 2 B chains

- each chain's globin includes iron
right shift ~~
dec. affinity for O2 = inc. off-loading into tissue
alpha thal's ~~ which 2 people groups?
1. SE Asians

2. Africans
what is the typical genotype of Africans with alpha-thal?
a - / a -
what is the typical genotype of Asians with alpha-thal?
a a / - -
aa/a- genotype features:

1. typically silent with minimal microcytosis

2. anemia is NOT present

3. electrophoresis is normal
thal-intermedia features:

(aa/-- or a-/a-)

1. mildly anemic (Hb = 10-11)

2. MCV ~ 70 (microcytic)

3. electrophor. is normal
a-/-- genotype features


1. low MCV

2. high RDW

3. wide variation in presentation
a-/-- thalassemia is also called:
HbH disease
what is HbH?
B4 tetramers
in HbH disease, HbH ppts out, forming:
Heinz bodies => bite cells => hemolytic anemia

- splenomegaly also occurs
what is the condition that --/-- genotype causes?
hydrops fetalis

- NO alpha chains

- only y4 chains

=> intrauterine death, stillbirth
what's another name for y4 Hb?
Hb Barts
hydrops fetalis CAN be:
treated, in utero, by exchange transfusions
HbS is the result of:
6th AA in the BETA globin chain going from Glutamate to Valine (hydrophobic)

=> sickle cells
sickle cells polymerize in microvasculature during:
hypoxia, acidosis

- depolymerize when blood returns to lungs

=> cycles of polym/depolym
cycles of sickle cell polym/depolym =>
cell dehydration

=> threshold for sickling steadily decreases => irreversibly sickled => *obstruction*
meanwhile, b/c sickle cells aren't as robust, they will:
ANOTHER problem with sickle cells:
abnormally sticky to endo cells
a de-oxygenated sickle cell is 50x less ______________ than deoxy HbA
3 genotypes of sickle cells:
1. SS

2. SC

3. Sickle-/B-thal
SC disease =
in SC disease, the Hb that's made is HbC, due to:
change from glutamate to lysine

~~ W. Africa
S-B-zero is ________________ from SS

S-B+ is milder
hematologic manifestation of SCA =
chronic hemolysis - anemia
if a SCA pt's Hb falls below baseline, you need to start worrying about the following complications:

1. parvovirus B19 inf (aplastic crisis)

2. splenic/hepatic sequestration

3. ACS
2 other hematologic manifestations of SCA:
1. thrombocytosis (=> inc. risk of venous clots)

2. pts. are functionally asplenic by adulthood
SCA crises:

1. hemolytic crisis (rare)

2. splenic sequestration crisis

3. aplastic crisis

4. vaso-occlusive crisis (most common)
splenic sequestration crisis is common in children; what happens?
profound anemia, hypovolemic shock (spleen takes nearly all circulation)

- need transfusion immediately
aplastic crisis ~~
parvovirus B19 inf => marrow suppression => dec. production of RC's => anemia
vaso-occlusive crisis is due to ____________ and results in ____________________________

pain in bones/joints
vaso-occlusive crises of SCA are triggered by:
exercise, cold, surgery, inf, dehydration, preg, stress, menstruation
treating crises:

1. UC

2. relieve pain

3. look out for aplastic crisis, ACS
SCD => inc risk of:
inf, especially to encapsulated bacteria
SCD also ~~ inc. risk of inf with ______________, if being chelated

(no seafood)
respiratory complications of SCD:

1. ACS

ACS = NEW sighting of:


infiltrate on CXR,


chest pain,


ACS is the most common:
cause of death of SCA pts
ACS is usually caused by:
atypical org's like chlamydia and mycoplasma

- or by fat embolism
treatment of ACS =

1. **transfusions to lower HbS [ ]**

2. antib's

3. O2
PHTN occurs in ______ of SCD adults

=> substantial morbidity, death w/in 2 years
treat for PHTN:
**there is NO GOOD TREATMENT.**
**median age of stroke in SCD =
5 yo**
is SCD stroke is acute, treat with:
exchange transfusion
is SCD stroke is chronic, treat with:
regular transfusion

- can actually prevent it using doppler and finding obstruction in the CoW
2 complications of blood transfusion:
1. iron overload

2. allo-immunity
iron is toxic; it causes:
organ damage (heart, liver, endocrine failure)
treat iron toxicity with:
allo-immunization =
immune response against antigens from same species
AfAm's have to avoid 3 particular blood groups:
C, E, Kell
other complications of SCA:

1. renal

2. leg ulcers

3. avascular necrosis

4. priapism (inf that won't go away)
death of tissue due to lack of blood supply

(usually in shoulders/hips)
**best treatment for SCD =
**what does hydroxyurea do?**
INC's HbF, thereby dec. [HbS]
other effects of hydroxyurea:

1. dec. crises

2. dec, episodes of ACS

SE of hydroxyurea:
bone marrow suppression
hydroxyiurea is contra-indicated in:

1. preg

2. poor/erratic compliance

3. allergy
ONLY cure for SCD =

but 1/3 mortality rate upfront
SC trait =
one SC gene and one normal B globin gene
features of SC trait:

1. normal heme parameters

2. only a problem is you become severely hypoxic

3. may have renal issues
renal issues in SC trait take the form of:

1. isosthenuria

2. microscopic hematuria
HbC disease features:

1. microcytic

2. target cells

3. splenomegaly

4. mild hemolysis
pregnant people with SCA are at a greater risk for:

1. pain crises


3. inf's
surgery is riskier for people with SCD; reduce risk by:
reducing [HbS] with *transfusion*