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34 Cards in this Set

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Hematopoesis pre parturition
Yolk sac first trimester
liver throughout
spleen second trimester
Hemato. post parturition
Bone marrow
(tibia drops off at 20
femur at 25)
vertebral column-sternum-ribs
Stages of Hemato(3)
Mesoblastic Phase
3-9 weeks gestation
blood islands from mesoderm of yolk sac
primitive blood vessel formation
primitive erythroblasts
Hepatic phase
4th week till birth
migration of erythroblasts to liver
definitive erythropoesis
spleen, lymph nodes, thymus
Myeloid phase
4-5 month
medullary (myeloid) hematopoeisis of early skeletal development
Newborn facts
higher RBC count and hemoglobin
lungs go from 45 to 95 O2 sat
this decreases blood dev.
through puberty marrow red
other marrow goes yellow
can revert back
extramedullary hemato. may occur when marrow is exceeded---except thymus
Bone marrow
highly cellular LCT with hemato and vascular compartments
hemato- cords of blood cells with stroma of retics and pacmans
they move into sinusoids to traverse endothelial lining to gain entry into peripheral circulation
vascular compartment is nutrient artery, arterioles, sinusoids, central longitudinal vein
Pleuripotent stem cell
goes to unipotent stem cell (Colony forming units---CFU)-------
specific blood cell line
stimualtes stem cell differentiation. (proerythroblasts)
produced in kidney
produced in response to changes in tissue O2 tension, blood flow, hemoglobin conc. o2 saturation
renal insufficiency is often asociated with decreased this
eleveated seen in renal carcinomas, hepatic carcinomas
called polycthemia
RBC formation 3-7 days
mostly erythroblasts and myeloblasts
make up 25-30 erythro
surround macrophage (erythroblastic island)
thought to recieve iron from macrophage
erythroblastic island
erythroblasts surrounding macrophage
Pronormoblast (proerythroblast)
unipotent cell derived from pluripotent
nucleus- reddish blue, chromatin more defined
large nucleolu
basophilic rRNA royal blue cytoplasm
basophilic normoblast (basophilic erythroblast)
nucleus dark sploches
cytoplasm more red
no cytoplasmic granules
polychromatophilic normoblast (erythroblast)
checkerboard pattern of chromatin
cytoplasm red blue
last erythroblastic stage capable of mitosis
little holes in euchromatin pencil
orthochromatic normoblast (erythroblast)
nucleus pyknotic, eccentrically placed
cytoplasm red purple due to hemoglobin
nucleus gone
cytoplasm red purple
may contain granulofilamentous material
residual RNA mito
released in general circulation
biconcave disc
six to 8 microns
micro- less that 6
macro- more than 10
eosinophilic cytoplasm due to hemoglobin
little, if any,residual stuff
lifespan 100-120 days
WBC 2-3 weeks
develop as nest of cells
adjacent to trabeculae and sinuses
not as distinct as RBC island
looks the same as pronormoblast
nucleus- round light reddish purple fine chromatin
blue cytoplasm, granular
nucleus large round reddish blue
cytoplasm blue with azurophilic granules
neutrophilic myelocyte
nucleus- round, oval or slightly indented on one side
first apperance of neutrophilic secondary granules adjacent to nucleus
last myeloblastic stage capable of mitosis
Neutrophilic metamyelocyte
indented kidney bean nucleus
larger sun
cytoplasm numerous neutrophilic granules outnumber azurophilic
rarely seen in circulation of normal
may be seen in myelocytic hyperplasia
Neutrophilic band
nucleus- very indented horseshoe very dense
cytoplasm numerous evenly distributed neutrophilic granules
can be found in general circulation
neutrophil (segmented polymorphonuclear leukocyte PMN)
nucleus seperated into 2-4 lobes linked by thin strands
cytoplasm numerous evenly distributed neutrophilic granules
azurophilic granules there but hard to see
Maturation of lymphocytees monocytes
lymphoblasts are found in clusters throughout bone marrow
monocytes found in bone marrow monoblast---promonocyte----monocyte
mature moncytes enter cirucliaton for 12-24 hours then the enter CT. here the are macrophages or histiocytes.
platelets from here
Diff from megakaryoblasts
Single large nucleus with multiple nucleoli
Lots of DNA replication without division polyploid irregular. 30 times as much DNA
adjacent to enothelium and sinusoids
cytoplasmic processes extend through the sinus wall to release platelets. Normally in Bone Marrow
Normal blood analysis
plasma-fibrin clot coagulants
Hematocrit (cell volume) men v. women
RBC men- 4.2-5.9 million/uL
women- 4.2-5.4 million
.5-2.7 reticulocytes
complete blood count
percents of (5)
neutrophil-50-70 (4,400)
basophil-(.5) (5)
eosinophil 1-4% (200)
lymphocyte 20-40 (2500)
monocyte 2-8 (300
Differential count
refers to percentages of white cells
uses romanovsky (wrights stain)
counting done with hemocytometer
average of 250,000 platelets
Shift to the left
large number of immature cells sugesting unusual demand for granulocytes (infection)
shift to the right
pernicious anemia (old cells
hypersegmented neutrophils
BvT cell
only with monoclonal antibodies that recognize T surface antigen usual ratio of circulating T cells is 60-88 and B cells 5-25