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44 Cards in this Set

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What was Martin Luther's main reason for writing the 95 Theses

People were paying for indulgences and reform practice of Catholic Church

How was the Protestant Reformation and the European Renaissance similar

They both question traditions

How did the Protestant Reformation affect the power of the Catholic Church

Ended religious unity in Europe

What were some of the long-term effects of the event invention of the Gutenberg printing press

People read more people could translate the Bible key and people can create their own opinions

What were the effects of the Renaissance in Europe

Improved art and humanism

Why did the Renaissance begin and flourish in Italy

Rome trading port investors and wealthy people

What type of government would Niccolo Machiavelli most likely support

Dictatorship basically leaders do whatever is needed to achieve goals

Which gunpowder Empire brought an Era of unity to India in the 1600s


Which diseases were exchanged between Europeans and natives

From America syphilis and smallpox from Europe

What product made by the Chinese became a new European industry


What five items are part of the Columbian Exchange

Human ideas diseases animals and plants

Which gunpowder Empire had and supported the most trade


Which gunpowder Empire had the highest population of Hindus


The leader of the Ottoman Empire considered a gunpowder Empire was called


Which gunpowder Empire was made up of shiites

Safavid= shiites ottoman=sunnis

Which king broke from the Catholic church in create a church of England in order to get his marriage annulled

Henry the 8th

What language did Martin Luther translate the Bible


Which animals played a crucial role in the Americas due to the Columbian Exchange

Cow pig and horses

What was the name of the document that detail the crimes against Martin Luther and what should become of him in his followers

Edict of worms

What was the diet of worms

A formal assembly headed by Charles V that made Luther take back his ideas also dictated punishment

What was the Edict of worms

Commanded subject to crush and capture and take properties

Who developed the idea of predestination

John Calvin

The theory that the sun is the center of the universe


The theory that the Earth is the center of the universe


What was Voltaire known for

Writing about battling inequality and Injustice

Who was given credit for discovering gravity and explaining how it works


Voltaire's Enlightenment ideas were used to set guidelines in Russia by what Russian ruler

Catherine the Great

The major philosopher of Enlightenment felt that both reason and civilization destroyed the best in human beings and Society was not improving. His theory we are attracted to all kinds of political leaders especially those who want to set up democracies


What is the scientific method and who was given credit for developing it

The scientific method is proving or disproving a hypothesis and developer was Francis Bacon

The best man Focus his efforts on the laws of planetary motion and discovered that the planets move an elliptical patterns


This important political thinker in French class or disapprove of the absolute monarchy. He suggested that all government should provide the separation of powers among the executive legislative and judicial parts


Which Enlightenment thinker attacks the concept of divine rights of Kings but supported a strong monarchy

Thomas Hobbes

This man improved the telescope is known as the father of modern physics and he was branded a heretic by the Roman Catholic Church


What country in the Americas waited the longest to free their slaves


What amendment ended slavery in the United States in 1865

The 13th Amendment

What was the life expectancy of a Brazilian sugar Plantation slave during the late 18th century


Which religious group began to petition the British government to outlaw slavery in 1767


Which European country was the leading slave trading Nation with over four million people transported to the Western Hemisphere


What country has the highest percentage of slaves transported to in


What Renaissance scientist was forced to recant his theories


How did the monarchs of the 17th century Justified their attempts to gain absolute power

They claimed it was their divine right

Why did Henry the eighth of England support the Protestant Reformation

He would become more powerful / not having to fight for power, could create his own church, gained land which he sold to people and gain money

What led to an increase in the Atlantic slave trade in the 17 hundreds

Technological advances

What African region were most of the slaves taken to and transported from

Western Africa