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37 Cards in this Set

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Baseline Variability
- Fluctuation in the baseline FHR of two cycles per minute or greater.
- Represents the interplay and balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the autonomic nervous system
What is the single most important characteristic of the FHR?
Baseline variability!!
Baseline variability continued...
- HR has to go up 2 bpm or more during that minute that it's being taken.
- Tells of baby has an intact CNSthat is well oxygenated
- Tells that fetus doesn't have acidosis. If variability, acidosis can be ruled out
- Can be determined from an electronic fetal monitor, not a fetascope or a hand held doppler
- baseline increases with SNS stimulation
- baseline decreases with PaSN stimulation
Classifications of Variability
* Absent: undetectable bpm
* Minimal: < 5 bpm
* Moderate: 6-25 bpm
* Marked: > 25 bpm
Amplitude range of absent variability
- not good b/c acidosis cannot be ruled out
- non-reassuring
Amplitude range of minimal variability
less than/equal to 5 bpm
Amplitude range of moderate variability
6-25 bpm
- this is what you want to see
Amplitude range of marked variability
greater than 25 bpm
- not really anything wrong with marked variability b/c it's never been linked to fetal decompensation
What are the greatest causes of decreased variability?
Hypoxia and acidosis
Causes of decreased variability
* Causes include but are not limited to:
- Hypoxemia & Acidosis
- Drugs
- Fetal Sleep cycles
- Congenital Anomalies
Definition of sinusoidal Baseline
- Characterized by a smooth, sine-wave-like pattern of regular frequency and amplitude
- This is not baseline variability
- If this is seen, need to think fetal anemia and fetal acidosis (metabolic)
Causes of sinusoidal baseline
fetal anemia and fetal metabolic acidosis
Events associated with sinusoidal baseline
- Rh isoimmunization
- severe fetal anemia
- Abruption
- Severe fetal acidosis
- Fetal/maternal hemorhage
- If seen, emergency c-section!
Definition of accelerations
* Abrupt increase (defined as onset of acceleration to peak in < 30 seconds) in FHR above the baseline
- Peak (acme) is >/= to 15 bpm above the baseline and lasts >/= to 15 seconds and < 2 min from onset to return to baseline
- If < 32 weeks: peak (acme) >/= to 10 beats/min above baseline with duration of ./= 10 seconds
- very encouraging to see in a fetus!
Definition of Prolonged acceleration
> 2 min and < 10 minutes
Are accelerations reassuring to see in a fetus?
- Sign of fetal well being
- May be associated with fetal movement
Definition of early decelerations
- gradual decrease (onset of deceleration to nadir (trough) >/= 30 seconds) and return to baseline FHR associated with a uterine contraction.
- Nadir of the deceleration occurs at the same time as the contraction peak
Early Deceleration - physiology
- Reflex vagal response to head compression
- No pathology
- Not associated with oxygenation or acid/base balance
- No concern about the fetus not receiving enough oxygenation
Is there a concern about the fetus receiving enough oxygenation during early deceleration?
When are early decelerations usually seen?
- Often seen during the active state of the first stage of labor.
- Around 4-8 cm
Definition of late decelerations
- Gradual decrease (onset of deceleration to nadir >/= 30 seconds) and return to baseline associated with a uterine contraction
- Nadir of deceleration occurs after the peak of the contraction
- nonreassuring
Late Deceleration - physiology
- Diminished uterine blood flow with UC
- Critical reduction of pO2 following peack of UC
- Hypoxic slowing of heart rate
- Uteroplacental insufficiency (UPI) aka diminished uterine blood flow
What state is the fetus in during late decelerations?
Definition of variable decelerations
- Abrupt decrease (onset of deceleration to beginning of nadir < 30 seconds) in FHR of >/= 15 bpm and lasting >/= 15 seconds and < 2 min from onset to return to baseline.
- abruppt and takes less than 30 seconds to get down to the nadir
- Look V or W shaped
Variable deceleration - physiology
* Umbilical cord compression
* Stimulation of baroreceptors
- response originates in carotid bodies and aortic arch
- Transmitted to the midbrain and then to parasympathetic NS
- Decrease in FHR
Variable deceleration - etiology
- Short umbilical cord
- Nuchal cord
- Body entanglement
- Prolapse cord
- Second stage of labor
- Decreased amniotic fluid
- Knot in cord
Definition of Prolonged Deceleration
- Decrease in FHR from baseline of >/= 15 bpm, lastine ./= 2 min, but < 10 min from onset to return to baseline.
- If FHR cannot be brought back up, there is need for an emergency C-section
Prolonged deceleration - etiology
- maternal hypotension
- cord prolapse
- rapid cervical change
- sudden fetal descent
- uterine hypertonus
Uterine hypertonus
- uterus doesn't go down
- too much pitocin can cause this.
- baby can't "catch" its breath
- a big legal issue
What is a reassuring EFM?
- Baseline rate of 110-160 bpm
- Accelerations
- Minimal or greater baseline variability
If the EFM shows accelerations with abnormal rate or presence of variable or late decelerations, what information is reassuring
- Minimal or greater baseline variability!
- must have this for there to be any kind of reassurance
Tx of Non-reassuring EFM: Late and variable decelerations with absent baseline variablity
- lateral position
- O2 10L face mask (ALWAYS!)
- 500 cc IVF bolus
- DC oxytocin
- Fetal scalp stimulation
- notify MD/DNM
Tx of Non-reassuring EFM: Prolonged decelerations
- ID the cause
- Notify MD/CNM
Tx of Non-reassuring EFM: Prolonged deceleration caused by maternal hypotension
- Assess BP q 2-3 minutes
- IVF bolus
- Lateral, recumbent position
- Oxygen 10L face mask
- Notify anesthesia
- Notify MD/CNM (delivery)
- Prep for delivery
Tx of Non-reassuring EFM: Prolonged deceleration - cord prolapse, sudden fetal descent, rapid cervical change
- cervical exam
- Notify anesthesia
- Notify MD/CNM (delivery)
- Prep for delivery
- Mask O2
Tx of Non-reassuring EFM: Prolonged deceleration caused by uterine hypertonus
- Assess uterine tone
- Decrease and/or DC oxytocin
-Terbutaline .25 mg IV to bedside
- Prepare for delivery
- Oxygen 10L face mask
What are actions you should always take when there is a non-reassuring EFM?
- Notify MD/CNM
- make a diagnosis
- Evaluate uterine activity (does oxytocin need to be DCed?)
- Reposition the mother
- Will O2 help?