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21 Cards in this Set

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Cranial Bones
- Frontal bone
- Parietal bone
- Occipital bone
- Temporal bone
Facial Bones
- Sphenoid bone
- Nasal bone (Nose bridge)
- Zygomatic bone (Cheek bones)
- Maxilla (Between the upper lip/nose)
- Mandible (Jaw)
- Mastoid Process (Right behind the ear)
Facial Muscles
- Orbicularis Oculi (Around the eyes)
- Orbicularis Oris (Between upper lip/nose)
- Zygomaticus (By zygomatic)
- Masseter (By mastoid process)
- Buccinator (Between mouth/mastoid process)
- Sternocleidomastoid (Coming down from behind the ear to suprasternal notch)
- Trapezius
Meshed immoveable joints where adjacent cranial bones unite
Coronal Suture
Suture crowns the head from ear to ear at the union of the frontal and parietal bones
Sagittal Suture
Suture that separates the head lengthwise b/w the 2 parietal bones
Lambdoid Suture
Suture that separates parietal bones crosswise from occipital bone
Parotid glands
Largest salivary glands that are located in the cheeks over the mandible (not normally palpable)
- Anterior to/below the ear
Submandibular glands
Salivary glands are beneath the mandible at the angle of the jaw
Sublingual glands
Salivary glands that lie in the floor of the mouth
Neck is divided into 2 triangles by the Sternomastoid muscle:
1. Anterior triangle: Lies in front, between the sternomastoid and the midline of the body
- Base of triangle = Up along lower border of mandible
- Apex of triangle = down at the suprasternal notch

2. Posterior Triangle: Lies behind the sternomastoid with the trapezius muscle on the other side
- Base of triangle = Along clavicle below
- Apex of triangle = Towards the ear
Lymph Glands
Glands that drain lymph fluid from the tissue, filter it and engulf pathogens before it enters into the circulation
Lymph Nodes (Names correspond with adjacent structures)
- Pre-auricular (In front of ear)
- Posterior auricular (Superior to mastoid process, right behind ear)
- Occipital (at base of the skull)
- Submental (Midline - behind tip of the mandible)
- Submandibular (Halfway between angle and the tip of the mandible)
- Tonsillar (Under angle of the mandible)
- Superficial cervical (Overlying sternomastoid muscle)
- Deep cervical (Deep under sternomastoid muscle)
- Posterior Cervical (In posterior triangle along edge of trapezius muscle)
- Supraclavicular (Just above and behind clavicle, at sternomastoid muscle)
Thyroid Gland
- Highly vascular endocrine gland
- Straddles the trachea in the middle of the neck (2 lobes that each curve posteriorly curve between trachea/sternomastoid)
- Stimulated by pituitary gland (TSH)
- Synthesizes and secretes hormones that stimulate the rate of cellular metabolism (T4 & T3)
Isthmus of Thyroid
Where the 2 lobes of the thyroid gland connect in the middle over the 2nd or 3rd tracheal rings
Cricoid Cartilage or Upper Tracheal Ring
Located just above the Isthmus
Thyroid Cartilage
- Located above the cricoid cartilage
- Has a small palpable notch in its upper edge ("Adam's Apple" in males)
Hyoid Bone
- Highest part of the throat
- Palpable high in the neck at the level of the floor of the mouth
When the thyroid gland becomes over active and secretes excess amounts of thyroid hormone
Subjective Data: Health History
1. Headaches/Migraines:
- Onset, Gradual, over hours or days?, Location, Character, etc

2. Head Injury: PQRSTU or OLDCARTS

3. Dizziness:
- What exactly does person mean by dizziness?
- Onset, associated factors?
- Vertigo? (Objective - Room is spinning, Subjective - Person is spinning)

4. Neck pain or limitation of movement:
- Onset? location? associated symptoms? stress? coping methods? Limited ROM?

5. Lumps or Swelling:
- Infections? Tenderness? Dysphagia? Smoke? Drink alcohol? Thyroid issues?

6. History of head/neck surgery:
- Why? When? How does person feel about results?
Examination: Head, Face & Neck
- Inspect if person is awake, alert, oriented with memory intact (able to recall adequate info)