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53 Cards in this Set

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Communion - Chr sacrament commemorate JC's last supper w/disciples
Cath - transsubstantiation, Ortho - emphasize Holy Spirit
Earliest account - Paul's letter to corinthians
Not written in John
Passover - holy day, festival commemorate Hebrew escape from Egyptian enslavement: 15th day of Nisan
10th plague passed over Jewish homes b/c blood of spring lamb
Lev 23 - 7 days unleavened bread
Seder tell story of Exodus
Exodus - family/home based, Deut - pilgrimage festival
work of Jewish exegesis
Last Supper
JC's last meal w/disciples
Farewell discourse - send paraclete to testify aout JC
Blood, bread - Isaiah 53
Jewish ritual feast - beginning of Passover on 14th day of NIsan
Read Haggadah, 4 cups wine, matza, special food
symbolic and real food, ritualized gestures and speech
Outlines in Mishnah - regard self if personally gone forth from Egypt, prefigure future redemption
Vicarious experience
Hidden 1/2 piece of matzo
Lamb of God
JC title - sacrifice atone for sins of man, link in 1 Corinthians w/ blood on door post
"Like lamb to slaughter" Isaiah 53
Exodus is type, crucifixion is fulfillment (Melito)
Melito of Sardis
Later half of 2nd c
Millennialism, Quartodeciman
"On Pascha" - JC replace sacrificial lamb
Part of Eucharist - commemorate Last Supper
Symbolic meal w/bread and wine
On Pascha
Melito of Sardis
JC is paschal sacrifice, accuse Jews of deicide (kill god)
Debate if Chr Paschal haggadah
Easter controversy
quartodecimanism - OT practices, 14th day Nissan
1st council Nicaea - hold on Sunday
bitter herbs - exodus 12:8
reminder of servant to slavery
unleavened read
leaven = pride
lesson in humility
lumpy paste fruit and nuts - mortar used to bond bricks
R. Gamaliel
1st person to lead Sanhedrin as Nasi
Worked strengthen and reintegrate Jerusalem
Quoted in Mishnah - PO require mention passover sacrifice, unlev bread, bitter herbs
Paschal Lamb
Torah mandated sacrifice eat on eve of Passover
Also JC
Role Deut 26:5 in Seder
Go and Learn
"A wandering Aramean was my father" - tell story of Exodus
ritualize speech, claim personal connection w/ ancient Israelites
Tannatic Period
70-200 CE
Write Mishnah - include Nasi, Rabban
Emphasize oral law transmitted to Moses at Mt. Sinai
Aramic word - Tannaite tradition not incorporated in Mishnah "outside"
Used in Talmud, source of Jewish law
Jew: "berachot"
3 types: bless enjoyment, recite when perform commandment (mitzvah), recite in praise
recite over 1st cup of wine, Passover day, meal, guest
Rabbi Ishmael
Rabbinic sage - views in Mishnah
Believed in greatness of cc as cov w/God
Eucharistic Words of Jesus
"This is my body...this is my blood"
Recorded in Synoptic Gospels
John: last super was day before seder on 13th - see JC as Passover sacrifice
Hymns of Praise in Seder
Hallel - recitation of hymns from books of Psalms
In Mishnah: 4 cups wine, appetizers, instruction, meal, hymns of praise
Last Supper
Debate if Passover Seder
Chr Art - Da Vinci, myth of Holy Grail
Chr version of Seder
Seder Questions
Written in Exodus/Deut, educate next generation of children
Importance Exodus 12, 23, 34; Lev 23; Deut 16
Different instructions celebrate Passover and Feast unlev bread
Exo 12: Passover on 14th, followed by 7day Unlev festival, eaten by families
Exo 23 and 34: 3 pilgrimage festivals, no mention Passover
Lev 23: Passover 14th day of 1st month, then 7 day festival
Deut 16: passover and festival the same 7 day festival, pesah on 1st day then 6 days eat matzah, central location
4 sons
Command occurs 4 times - Exo 12, 13, Deut 6
post-Mishnaic invention
cup of elijah
medieval addition to Passover meal
elijah come before end times
Heb: "offering" - grain offering
mid afternoon: 2/3 periods of daily prayer
Mishnah Pesahim 10 - don't eat until nightfall on eve of Passover
Celebrate Easter on 14 Nisan, occured 2-4th c CE
Celebrate JC cruifixion, connection to paschal lamb - gospel of John
Chr feast on JC resurrection
Saxon goddess Eastre
1st month of Jewish calendar, non-biblical name
Passover on 14th
JC crucifyed on 15th (synpotic)
Synoptic Gospels
Mark 70, Matt 80-90, Luke 80-90 CE
John: JC crucified on 14 Nisan, not 15
Johannine chronology
No last supper, JC crucified on 14 Nisan - identify JC w/ paschal lamb
John 1.29 JC = "lamb of god"
All agree resurrection on 3rd say (Sunday)
1 corinthians 5:7
Paul: Apostle to Gentiles - 4 mission trips
JC = pascha, Passover applies to Chr but JC as sacrifice
Unlike lambs - not sin offerings, JC sacrifice salvation by cleanse sins
attribution of human characteristics to non-human things, esp to God
In bible, God speaks, has emotion, changes his mind
Contradiction - God immutable, ineffable, transcendent
Want relate to God - reconcile, other forms - logos, glory that interact w/ world
Greek afikoman
Mishnah: afiqoman - things not done after paschal meal
13th c: afiqoman is piece of matzah roken and hidden - symbolize lamb and redemption - messiah to come
Melito: aphikomenos - JC reference, both human and god
Deliverance salvation
bondage, redeemer, ransom, freedom
Past redemption from Egyptians (Lev 25) prefigure future redemption
Song in Seder, part of Maggid - tell Exodus story
History of Israelites, start from Exodus, end w/ build temple - ascribe each event to God, would have been enough w/each event
15 stanzas - 15 gifts of god, 3 types: freedom from bondage, miracles, unique and close rlnship w/God
Luke 22:14-20
Occur during Passover - unclear if true Passover meal
States last supper is paschal meal, not seder
Dvp Eucharist, link JC and paschal lamb
the Passion
Chr term - JC suffering
include trial, execution, arrest in Gethsemane GardenChr concept - show JC legit as "suffering servant" in Isaiah 53, also prophesied in Psalm 22
Mt. Horeb aka Mt. Sinai - god reveal self to Moses in burning bush (exodus 3), 10 commandments
Moses went to mtn 40 days and nights, came down w/ oral and written laws
Pontius Pilate
roman govenor of Judea 26-36 ce
tried give Judea imperial image w/army - resented by jews
Chr believe Pilate viewed JC innocent, but pressured by Jews to execute him
Greek: speech/reason
Medium thru which God created world
Chr: Logos = JC, not in Rabbinic Judaism
Rabbinic: "divine presence" - distinct from God, in tabernacle/temple
Personified in Proverbs 8 as a woman
Chr: JC, Rabbis: Torah
Complementary Intermediaries
Assist god in creation and running of world
Antagonistic Intermediaries
Superhuman, sub-divine creatures responsible for world's ills
Account for evil, misfortune, injustice in world created by merciful, benevolent,and just diety
Heb: glory/presence of god
used in Hebrew bible, esp Priestly source to refer to that which resides in Tabernacle and Temple
Chr = JC, Rabbis = shekhinah
"Messenger", later become celestial bureaucrat w/name and sp function
complementary intermediary
some identify w/Logos
Tabernacle - god's glory dwells in it
treat quality/ concept as real thing
ex: wisdom/Logos
Name of God
Deut - name dwells in Temple
Jew: shekhinah, Chr: JC
worship 1 god
Chr - God the father, God the Son, Holy Spirit