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145 Cards in this Set

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When was it recognized that the heart was critical to life?
In Ancient times
What was the significance of the mammoth painting?
the old wall painting shows its heart right in the middle to signify to people where to throw spears and arrows
Why were the ancient egyptians fascinated by the heart?
they thought it was the centre of emotions and intellect. When they mummified people they would take the heart out of the body and keep it in a jar in order to preserve it.
Did the ancient eqyptians think much of the brain?
no. they would liquify the brain by using a spike and suck it out through the nose. They didnt think it was important.
Who was galen?
A Roman Physician who would get to observe the heart in open chest cavitites because he took care of the gladiators.
What did Galen believe?
He believed that the heart actually made blood. Therefore, it delivered a vital spirit to the rest of the body.
What did Leonardo De Vinci have to do with the heart?
He drew several pictures of the heart, even though he hadnt figured out exactly what it did.
- pictures were so detailed they recently allowed for the development of a novel surgical procedure.
Who was Mr. Francis Wells?
- examined Leonardo Da Vinci's pictures and was able to develop a new techinique to repair heart valves. This techinique is usually performed by robots, while the surgeon controls the arm of the robot.
Who was william Harvey?
William Harvey was the first person that realized that the heart was a pump.
Where is our heart ?
our heart is in the centre of our chest cavity ( not as far left as everyone believes).
How big is our heart?
The heart is at about the size of the human fist.
How many litres of blood does it pump per minute?
The heart pumps approximately 5 - 6 litres of blood per minute through 100 000 km of blood vessels in our body.
How many times in our lifetime does it beat?
it beats approximately 2.6 billion times in our lifetimme.
Where does blood return from the heart from?
blood returns from the two vena cava. One is at the lower body and one is at the top near our head and arms.
Where does blood go after it enters the right ventricle?
the blood goes into the pulmonary artery.It is very important to remember that blood is carried away from the heart by arteries and to the heart by veins.
Which artery doesnt carry oxegenated blood?
the pulmonary artery
Where does the blood get oxygenated?
in the lungs
How does blood come back to the heart?
comes back by the pulmonary vein and into the left atrium.
where does the blood go after leaving the left ventricle?
the blood enters the aorta
What are the smallest arteries called?
they are known as capillaries
Why can the heart fail?
1. It can fail to pump enough blood. Some cells would be starved of oxygen.
2.impairment of the electrical signal. These signals act as the pacemaker and the heart will not pump if this signal ceases.
3. Reduced blood flow in the coronary arteries
What do the cornoary arteries do?
these arteries feed the blood its constant supply of oxygen.
What does the name coronary come from?
the name coronary comes from the latin word corona, which means crown. The coronary arteries surround the heart like a crown, delivering oxygenated blood.
Why are improper functioning heartvalves a major problem?
if valves dont work properly than the heart's pumping efficiency is decreased.
What does a downword crease on youe earlobe signify?
this is one indicator of greater susceptibility to heart disease. The gene that leads people to developing heart disease is also responsible fr this crease.
What does baldness signify?
baldness also signifies that you are more susceptible to heart disease.
Who is more likely to develop heart disease? females or males?
males are more likely to develop heart disease.
What is the number one killer of women?
heart disease is the number one killer in women. This is because doctors always assume that women have something else because they dont expect heart disease to be the cause of the problem as much as they do in men.
When are women most prtoected against heart attacks?
before menopause women are protected from heart attacks. This might lead one to think that it is estrogen that protects them.
When women are undergoing menopause and they are on estrogen supplements are they more likely to not have a heart attack than women who do not take anything?
the answer is no.
What is the largest risk factor in heart disease?
Smoking is the largest risk factor. It is a bigger risk factor for heart disease than it is for lung cancer
Why is smoking the largest risk factor for heart disease?
because carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke displaces oxygen from hemoglobin. Therefore, less oxygen in the blood could be a problem caused by it.
How does obesity effect the heart?
the more weight you have, the more blood vessels there are and the harder the heart has to work.
What does insulin do?
Insulin tells your cells to take up glucose from the blood
How can you know if you are diabetic?
you can know if you are diabetic by measurign your blood glucose levels
What are the two systems used to measure if you are diabetic or not?
1. milligrams per decilier ( mg/ dL) Which is commonly used in the USA
2.Millimoles per Litre ( mm/L) this is the international system commonly used in the USA and Canada
What is the number of conversion from mg/dl to mmol/l
What is the cutoff number that determines whether or not you have diabetes?
126 mg/ dl or 7 mmol/l. If your blood glucose is over 7 mm/ l after an overnight fast there is a good chance that you have diabetes.
What qualifies someone as having pre diabetes??
if your blood glucose level is between 5.5 and 7 mm/l
How do you get tested for pre diabetes?
they will do an oral glucose test on you
What is an oral glucose test?
an oral glucose test is when your blood glucose level is over 7 mm / L. They will give you a fixed amount of glucose to drink in a solution and then test your blood and hour later to check the levels. This better tests if your insulin levels are productive.
What number will the oral glucose test display if you have diabetes?
- 11 mm/ l = you have diabetes
- between 7.8 - 11 mmol/l means pre diabetes
Hemoglobin A1C
- gives you an idea of your blood glucose levels over the past two to three months
How does the hemoglobin A1C test work?
works by analyzing how much hemoglobin in red blood cells reacted breakdown products of glucose. This is the best way to figure out if the regimine a diabetic is on is actually working.
What can people with high blood glucose do to change?
they can change their diet and take medications to bring down their blood glucose level. They should decrease it to at least the optimal level.
When will you develop diabetes if you are a pre diabetic and what are your chances?
50% of people with this condition will develop diabetes within 5 to ten years unless they take measures to lower their blood glucose level.
What is cholesterol used for?
it is a biochemical essential to life. Our body can make it, therefore it isnt necessary to consume any. Specifically, it is used to synthesize a variety of sterodial hormones.
Antheroscierotic plaque
this is what cholesterol becomes when it ends up in our coronary arteries. It blocks the flow of blood oxygenating the heart.
What types of food contain cholesterol?
animal foods contain cholesterolas animals also require cholestoral for their own bodily functions
what do saturated fats do?
induce the production of more cholestorol!
What is a statin?
- 1/3 of all heart attacks and strokes can be prevented by the intake of statins which are drugs that reduce cholestorol
which body organ do statins prevent the production of cholestorol in?
they prevent the liver from making cholestorol. The liver is where most of our cholestorol is made.
What is the most popular statin?
Lipitor is the most popular statin.
What are the side effects of lipitor?
muscles aches and elevated liver enzymes can occur. Some statins can also be linked to impaired memory.
What is Homocysteine?
a chemical that is studied and is thought to be a risk factor.Higher levels of this compound are linked to a greater cause of heart disease.
How is homocysteine formed?
formed in the body by the amino acid methionine. Once formed it is metabolized by B vitamins. Therefore, requires B vitamins to break down homocysteine.
hwo can high levels of Homocysteine occur?
inadequate b vitamins, thus b vitamins are required to break down homosysteine
When do levels of homosysteine turn toxic?
when they become too high, studies have shown that high levels can be toxic to cells that line blood vessels
Did reducing homocysteine levels change heart disease rates?
no, reducing levels didnt change heart disease rates. Homocysteine is only a marker for heart disease. Thus whatever elevates the risk of heart disease is elevating homocysteine levels.
What is inflammation?
A condition that includes swelling, increase in temperature, pain
What is a C- reactive protein?
CRP is an inflammatory markerand high levels of this indicate higher risk of heart disease
what does CRP tell us?
that inflammation is going on somewhere in the body. Anti inflammatory drugs arent worth taking to reduce crp proteins because of side effects
What is the easiest solution to inflammation?
alteration of the diet is the easiest solution to this. Diets can be classified as pro inflammatory or anti inflammatory
what decides if a diet is pro or anti inflammatory?
the type of fat in a diet
what type of fats are anti inflammatories?
omega three fats that are found in fish oils, canola and flax
what type of fats give rise to prostaglandins that retard inflammation?
omega three fats
what types of fats give rise to prostaglandins that enhance inflammation?
omega six fats
what type of diet do most americans have?
pro - inflammatory diets
what should the ratio be to have a diet that isnt pro inflammatory?
the ratio shoudl be about 1:1
What is the ratio of an american diet?
the american diet on average is about 9:1 weighing towards omega six
which type of fat will improve one's cholesterol levels?
omega 3 fats
What do bacterial and viral infections create?
Why do bacterial and viral infections create inflamation?
the immune system will rush to the area and release chemicals to kill the invaders. Inflammation is basically where the war against pathogens is occuring
what does poor dental health lead to?
poor dental health leads to a higher risk of heart disease
why does poor dental health lead to hear disease?
when your gums get infected and bleed easily there is an easy way for bacteria to get into the bloodstream which can lead to inflammation and elevate heart disease risk
what does hypertension mean?
hypertension means elevated blood pressure
- high blood pressure is usually related to stress but this isnt always the case
is high blood pressure always stress related?
what two numbers does measuring blood pressure result in?
systolic and diastolic
which is always on the bottom systolic or diasolic?
diastolic is always on the bottom
what are the units of measurment used for systolic and diastolic?
mm hg ( millimeters of mercury)
What is the cutoff blood pressure?
130 - 135 / 85 - 90
What is White Coat Hypertension?
when people tend to stress about their blood pressure being taken and their stress level goes up
what are the two types of hypertension?
1. mental stress hypertension
2. essential hypertension - unknown cause
what can a bad marriage do to blood pressure?
a bad marriage can raise blood pressue by 6 mm Hg
What are some ways to reduce blood pressure?
Excersise done for 30 minutes , 5 times a week can help reduce blood pressure
What is the DASH diet?
The dietary approach to stop hypertension
- this is a diet high in whole grains, fruits , vegtables, low - fat dairy and restricted in fat
What is the DASH diet low in?
low in animal fat and red meat and high in whole grains, fruits and vegtables
What type of fruit is particularly important to the DASH diet?
bananas, because they are high in potassium and therefor help to reduce blood pressure
What does salt do to the body?
salt increases your blood pressure. It doesnt need to be eliminated it just needs to be reduced.
what are diuretics?
- best safety profile for lowering bloo pressure
- make you urinate more
How do diuretics work?
by removing water from your blood you lower the amount of total liquid thus lower the pressure in your circulatory system
What do some diuretics make you loose besides water?
- some make you loose potassium which requires individuals to take potassium supplements along with them
What are ACE Inhibitors?
Angiotension Converting Enzyme Inhibitor
What is Vasotec
Vasotec is an ACE inhibitor
What do ACE inhibitors do?
they block the formation of angiotension II which increases blood pressure
what do ACE inhibitors lower?
ACE inhibitors can lower white blood cell count, leading to increased susceptibility to infection
What do BETA blockers do?
they interfere with the activity of the adrenaline
what does adrenelin do to blood pressure?
adrenelin increases blood pressure
How do beta blockers help to reduce high blood pressure?
by throttling back the force and the speed of the heart. Therefore, Beta blockers prevent the heart from being stimulated by adrenelin.
what do calcium channel blockers do?
cause the arteries to relax and to dilate
what is calcium important for?
calcium causes arteries to relax and to dilate, it is also important for nerve function
What is Valsertan?
Valsertan is an angiotension II receptor antagonist, therefore it blocks the receptor that angiotensin II would normally bind to.
What is angina?
A symptom of heart disease involving the painful constriction of the chest. This is an indication that something is wrong.
what type of blood is the aorta filled with?
oxygenated blood. As the aorta comes out it subdivides and one of these subdivisions is a group of coronary arteries.
when do problems occur in the aorta?
problems occur when one of these coronary arteries is blocked, thus slowing down oxygen supply to the heart
Why is an angina painful?
because there is a low supply of oxygen feeding into the heart
what is the waterpipe analogy?
the buildup of materials in the arteries
what do normal arteries look like?
normal are not blocked whatsoever
what is early cardiovascular disease?
the preliminary buildup of plaque
atheromas are plaques that are significant in size
What is formed when a plaque bursts open?
A blood clot is formed
What happens when a blood clot is formed?
plugs up the arteries completely, which causes all tissue being fed by a blocked artery to die
How does the body perceive an open plaque?
the body perceives a burst plaque as a cut, therefore the blood platelets form at the site to make a clot
What usually induces an angina?
excerise usually induces an angina.
What is a vasospastic angina?
an angina during rest. The arteries go into spasm, which can chok off the flow of the blood.
vasospastic angina
an example of an angina during rest. The arteries go into spasm and can choke off flow of blood.
What is a stress test?
a test that is conducted when someone has an angina. They are put on a treadmill, and the activity of their heart is monitered by electrodes.
What are radioisotopes?
they are injected into the blood and then tracked throughout the circulatory system.
what is used to treat common symptoms of angina?
nitroglycerin. It is the same nitroglycerin that is used in dynamite.
how does nitroglycerin work?
nitroglycerin dilates blood vessels it can be taken orally as a tablet under the tongue or sublingually ( spray under the tongue)
does nitroglycerin treat the actual condition?
no, it simply relieves the symptoms by dilating the arteries.
what are the ways nitroglycerin can be applied?
sublingually, as a tablet under the tongue, it can be rubbed on the skin or applied as a patch. There are nitroglycerin pills as well which are time released.
what are some side effects of nitroglycerin?
headaches, all blood vessels are dilated including the ones in the head
what else can be used to treat nitroglycerin symptoms besdies nitroglycerin?
beta blockers, if you reduce the contraction of the heart it wont need as much oxygen
where is adrenelin produced?
produced by the cortex which is the outer layer of the adrenal gland
what are some side effects of adrenelin?
responsible for weird or vivid dreams as well as headaches and the fight or flight syndrome
what do calcium antagonists do?
relax the muscles that constrict the arteries. It is common to use these with the conjunction of beta blockers to treat angina.
What is arginine
the amino acid which may reduce the incidence of angina
what does arginine promote?
promotes the formation of nitric oxide
what does nitric oxide do?
nitric oxide widens blood vessles
how does viagra work?
viagra works by widening blood vessels all over the body
when does congestive heart disease occur?
congestive heart disease happens when angina and high blood pressure isnt addressed. It is a condition when the heart has become very inefficient.
what part of the heart does conjestive heart failure affect?
the left ventricle
in congestive heart failure what happens to the blood?
the blood doesnt return properly,and the serum starts to leak out into surrounding tissues.
What are some causes of cognitive heart disease?
- coronary artery disease
-high blood pressure
-heart valve problems
-abnormal heart rythems
-thyroid problems
William Withering
discovered that the foxglove plant might be able to help cure dropsy.
the active ingrediant in the foxglove plant
- mix of compounds referred to as cardio glycosides
plant that contains digitalis and is used to treat dropsy which is when the serum leaks out of the heart ( minus the cells) and goes into the surrounding tissues
cardiac glycosides
compounds digitalis is made up of
how is congestive heart failure treated?
by several methods -
- diuretics play a role in reducing fluid buildup
beta blockers - improve pumping friction
ace inhibitors - relax constricting bloo vessels
cardiac arrythmia
when the heart begins to beat irregularly, can be helped by a pacemaker which is placed underneath the skin.
Heart Attack ( myocardial infarction)
the most severe heart problem as it comes very suddenly and kills people almost instantly
what indicates a heart attack?
pain in the arm or the chest. Sometimes pain in the back as well.
what causes a heart attack?
the blockage of a coronary artery, generally where there is already plaque.
what effects whether or not a heart attack is mild or severe?
where the blockage is has an effect on its severity.