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14 Cards in this Set

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What is heart failure?
Inability of the heart to pump enough nutrients to tissues
What happens to the heart during heart failure?
Decrease in contractility and an increase in pre-load, after-load and heart rate
2 basic ways of treating heart failure?
-decrease workload
-increase contractility
What agents are used to increase contractility
Positive inotropic agents
How do positive inotropic agents work?
- Increase influx of Ca
- B adrenoreceptor agonist
Problem with positive inotropic agents?
- Don't improve survival
- can cause arrhythmias
What agents used to decrease workload?
- B blockers
- Diuretics
- Vasodilators
ACE inhibitor is and works how?
- vasodilator
- prevents actions of angiotensin II
What are the actions of angiontensin II?
vasoconstriction, increase aldosterone release which increases Na+ retention --> increasing water retention (thus blood vol)
Ca entry blockers is and works how?
- Vasodilator, decreases contractions and slows AV conduction
What are diuretics used for?
Treating odema associated with heart failure
How do diuretics work?
Increase Na+ excretion thus increase urine vol
Adverse effect of diuretics?
Hypokalemia which can lad to hypoglycemia
Example of a diuretic
Fruzemide (loop diuretic - most effective most side effects)